Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 578: Weird Translucent Stone

Chapter 578: Weird Translucent Stone

Well… The Core Formation Realm demon beasts should normally not be present around the outer part of the ancient city ruins in the first place… Not to mention, it looks like the demon beasts here are not worried about anything in the first place…

Shaking his head as he thought this to himself while observing the Foundation Establishment demon beasts that he could see from the top of the outer walls of the city.

The demon beasts were not really doing anything interesting, as almost all of them were lazing around in the few spots where the sun broke through the thick tree canopy covering the ancient city ruins from above.



Jumping down from the outer wall, Chu Yang felt a bit bad as he watched the pair of birds in the process of building their nest fly away. From the looks of it, he had ended up scaring them away.

At the same time, he had inevitably also ended up alerting some of the nearby Foundation Establishment Realm demon beasts that were hiding nearby.


Along with the rustling sound, a group of wolf demon beasts filled with killing intent moved over before surrounding him in a half circle. The outer walls of city located behind him; Chu Yang found himself completely surrounded by the group of Foundation Establishment Realm demon beasts.


Seeing that he had been surrounded without any way out, a large wolf moved to the front before growling towards him with a hungry expression in its eyes. Even from a glance, Chu Yang realized that the wolf demon beast had actually reached the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm!

However, the group of wolf demon beasts along with the Core Formation Realm leader were not acting cautious at all. Allowing Chu Yang to understand that none of them had managed to see through his cultivation base. Instead, they thought he was just some random human who had happened to wander into their territory!

Because of this, he had ended up looking like free dinner to them!


Giving out a signal to the others, the leader of the wolf pack at the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm carelessly jumped towards Chu Yang. Not viewing him as a threat and instead just being eager to get the first bite of the human that had foolishly wandered into its pack’s territory!

However, because of this, things did not end up going as the wolf pack leader had expected…


“Mountain Piercer!”

Before the leader of the wolves even managed to reach him, Chu Yang used the second move from the Divine Soul Spear Mantra, Mountain Piercer-


Catching the wolf demon beast completely off guard, as the spear flew through the air before piercing  through the stomach of the wolf demon beast with a terrifying momentum.


As the energy from the attack spread through its body, the wolf pack leader could only let out a howl filled with pain before falling onto the ground, dead!




Seeing their leader suddenly being killed with a single attack, the remaining wolf demon beasts howled loudly filled with panic at what had just transpired before fleeing in all directions without looking back.

Given that they had been able to survive until the Foundation Establishment Realm inside the ancient city ruins filled with demon beasts far stronger than themselves, the wolves understood when to escape and when was a good time to fight… With their leader being instantly killed, it meant that it was time for them to escape before they ended up with the same fate as their now former leader!


Watching the wolves disappear faster than they had appeared, Chu Yang could not help smiling a bit wryly.

Even with his speed, he doubted that he would be able to catch up to more than one or two of the escaping wolf demon beasts!

For this reason, Chu Yang decided to just ignore them as they ran away.

Demon beasts like the wolves were cowardly and Chu Yang doubted that they would try to attack him again after they had learnt about his strength!

“Hopefully I won’t encounter a pack of Core Formation Realm demon beasts…” Muttering this to himself as he realized that there was a possibility of encountering a pack of Core Formation Realm demon beast similar to the wolf demon beast he had just encountered, Chu Yang could not help shivering.

No matter how easily he had dealt with the group of Foundation Establishment Realm wolf demon beasts, Chu Yang understood that the only reason why he had been able to do it was because he was in the Core Formation Realm and had been able to catch their leader off guard. Killing it and as a result scaring the rest of the pack away.

A pack of Core Formation Realm demon beasts would not be that simple to deal with, as Chu Yang doubted that he would be able to kill the leader of such a pack easily.

At that point in time, he might be forced to deal with close to a dozen Core Formation Realm demon beasts attacking him at the same time! No matter how strong he was for his cultivation realm, he was still only at the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm!

I will have to avoid the core of the ancient city ruins for now… Maybe after getting a better understanding of the powerful Core Formation Realm demon beasts in there, I can go there to explore and find some suitable demon beasts to fight…

Thinking this to himself, Chu Yang felt something weird as he looked down on the body of Core Formation Realm wolf demon beast.

After having been pierced through by his spear, the wolf demon beast had a large gaping hole through its chest. However, this was not what caused Chu Yang to suddenly look down an inspect the body.

“Hm? What is this…?”

Instead, it was a small, weird stone inside its body that had become visible.

Digging the small almost translucent stone out of the wolf demon beast’s body, Chu Yang could not help frowning as he felt a weird energy suddenly seep into his body from the small translucent stone the moment, he picked it up with his hand.

Not only that, but the energy from the weird stone directly entered his dantian!

By the time Chu Yang realized a foreign energy was entering his dantian and let go of the weird stone, it was already too late, as the energy from the stone had already entered his dantian.



The weird translucent stone that was now completely empty soon landed on the ground, as it directly shattered into pieces before seemingly dissolving into the surroundings. Leaving nothing behind for Chu Yang to inspect.

“What in the world is this energy…” Muttering this to himself, Chu Yang quickly found a place to hide inside the ruins of a nearby house before sitting down in a lotus position.

Using his cultivation mantra to calm himself down, Chu Yang did not waste a single second as he felt the foreign energy that was now present inside his dantian.

To his surprise, the energy did not do anything and just floated around his dantian with seemingly no aim. Not to mention harming him, the energy did nothing at all other than floating around.

After a careful inspection, Chu Yang also discovered that the energy was far too weak to do any actual harm to his dantian. Allowing him to relax, though not too much, as he still had some sort of foreign energy floating around inside his dantian.

Even if he knew that it couldn’t harm him in his current state, who would know for certain if it decided to attack him during a battle?

If it really started to cause chaos inside his dantian while he was fighting, Chu Yang knew that the foreign energy might end up costing his life… Not to mention, given his current location and goals, he was one hundred percent certain he would end up fighting in the soon to be future!

For this reason, Chu Yang wanted to quickly get rid of the foreign energy that had entered his dantian.

Like this, close to half an hour passed, as Chu Yang tried forcibly pushing the foreign energy out of his body to no avail.

“Hah… This damnable energy blob… How persistent can it be!? Maybe I should try something different…” Muttering this to himself, Chu Yang stopped trying to push the energy out of his body as he tried to think of another way to deal with it that did not involve expelling it from his body.

Ah! Why don’t I try using my golden core to forcibly refine the energy…? If it really succeeds. Not only will I be able to get rid of this hidden danger, but I might also be able to increase the strength of my golden core!

As this thought appeared, Chu Yang didn’t waste any time, as he slowly began drawing the foreign energy towards the red golden core at the centre of his dantian…

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