Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 579: Chu Yang In Trouble~

Chapter 579: Chu Yang In Trouble~

Drawing the foreign energy inside his dantian towards his golden core, Chu Yang could not help frowning the moment he started the refining process.

Not only could he refine the foreign energy from the weird translucent stone inside his dantian without any difficulties, but it was almost as if he was meant to.

The foreign energy that had been refined had turned into an extremely pure form of qi that was quickly absorbed by his golden core. Strengthening it and allowing him to edge closer to the Second Stage of the Core Formation Realm.

Knowing that the foreign energy was not harmful to him in any way and instead helped him increase his strength after being refined, Chu Yang focused his full attention on refining the rest of the foreign energy inside his dantian before allowing his golden core to absorb it.


Absorbing the last bit of the foreign energy inside of his dantian after a simple refinement with the help of his golden core, Chu Yang opened his eyes before standing up to inspect how much his strength had increased after absorbing the refined foreign energy from the translucent stone.

“To think I actually managed to reach the Peak of the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm after absorbing the energy inside the weird stone… I wonder what in the world that translucent stone inside the wolf demon beast actually was… And more importantly if there are more of them inside the ancient city ruins?” Thinking this out loud, Chu Yang had a feeling that there were still some treasures hidden away inside the ruins. The weird translucent stone he had just found being one of them!

Having come to this conclusion, Chu Yang decided to spend some more time looking around the outer part of the ancient city ruins before heading towards the core part of the ancient city ruins where the stronger demon beasts were located.

Hopefully, he would be able to find more of the weird translucent stones while searching through the outer part of the ancient city ruins.

This way, he might also be able to breakthrough to the Second Stage, Third Stage, or maybe even the Fourth Stage of the Core Formation Realm in less than a single day if he managed to find enough of the weird translucent stones!

Understanding just what kind of opportunity he might have chanced upon; Chu Yang didn’t stay around inside the somewhat intact house ruins that he had been refining the energy from the translucent stone inside of.


Jumping outside, Chu Yang began searching his surroundings. Looking for not only any of the translucent stones that might be around, but also for any demon beasts. After all, the place he had first found a translucent stone was inside the body of a demon beast!


Like this, an unknown calamity descended on the weak Foundation Establishment Realm demon beast in the outer parts of the ancient city ruins, as a certain human with a spear in hand began killing any and all demon beast that entered his eyes…

Of course, something like this happening would not go unnoticed by the more powerful demon beast in the core of the ancient city ruins.


Even more so given that most of the Foundation Establishment Realm demon beasts in the outer part of the ancient city ruins were their offspring!

How could the powerful Core Formation Realm demon beast simply allow for someone to randomly go around slaughtering their offspring?



Roar? Roar Roar!

Given how many of their offspring he had already killed, the demon beasts that were normally against each other fighting for territory easily came together with the simple goal of discussing how to deal with Chu Yang!

Like this, the powerful demon beast at the centre of the ancient city ruins came together. Not taking more than a few minutes to decide that they would all work together to kill the impudent human who had been slaughtering their offspring. Not planning to give him any chance to escape or fight back!

“Hm? Why do I have a feeling that Chu Yang is about to get into a dangerous situation…”

At the same time the powerful demon beast in the centre of the ancient city ruins were planning to band together to deal with his disciples, Xuan Hao had just finished teaching Bai Ning, as he was making his way down the mountain to meet up with Elder Song.

“It’s probably nothing, I guess I’m just getting worried because he is out on his own. Not to mention he also encountered a young master according to the system…”

Shaking his head as he pushed the thought of Chu Yang being in a dangerous situation aside, Xuan Hao continued making his way down his mountain towards Elder Song.

For now, he wanted to inform Elder Song about the location of the spirit stone mine that he had been given by the system as quickly as possible so he could make arrangement and sent a group of elders over and get ready to mine out the spirit stones.

Having already secretly checked out the spirit stone mine in question on his way back to the Flying Sword Sect, Xuan Hao understood just how massive it was.

Gaining a brand-new spirit stone mine was no small thing to the current Flying Sword Sect.

Not to mention, the spirit stone mine in question was by far the largest inside the territory of the Flying Sword Sect, it would not only allow more spirit stones to be distributed but would also be of use in the construction of the future main sect in the Shattered Star Peaks.

The main reason why it would be such a big help, was because the spirit stone mine would be able to produce far more than 10 times the high-grade spirit stones yearly that the spirit stone mine on their border with the former Raging Flame Sect could!

Even if he was not sure how many it would be able to produce, he was certain that it would be far more than what the Flying Sword Sect was currently producing!


Landing on the ground beneath his mountain as he thought about this, Xuan Hao did not hurry towards the location of Elder Song. Instead taking his time as he observed a group of young disciples passing him while talking among themselves.

Now that I think about it, there should have been another batch of new disciples not too long ago… I should go and take a look and see if there is anyone talented among them after finishing things up with Elder Song… Hm… But it will be too late by then… Maybe I should hold a lecture for the new disciples tomorrow? This way, I will also be able to complete the sect quest of holding a lecture for the sect disciples…

Thinking this to himself as he continued moving towards the location of Elder Song, Xuan Hao decided to hold a lecture for the new disciples of the Flying Sword Sect the following day.

Not only would he be able to search for any talented disciples that might have entered the sect without his knowledge, but he would also be able to complete the sect quest at the same time. Having Bai Ning join the lecture could also be a good idea as he might be able to make a few friends during the lecture.

The main reason why he wanted Bai Ning to become friends with some of the new disciples, was due to the fact that the only friends other than his two older disciples and Zhi Ruo, was a bunch of middle-aged uncles and elderly blacksmiths…

Other than that, Xuan Hao was also a little annoyed by the fact that those elderly people constantly came to ask for Bai Ning whenever he was around!

Those old people were clearly not friends with Bai Ning but were instead a bunch of old people trying to steal away his disciple while he was not around! No matter what, he had to prevent something like that from happening and the best way to do this, was to have Bai Ning get a few friends who were of similar age to himself.

This way, he would also not have to worry about some old man trying to take in Bai Ning as his blacksmithing disciple whenever he went to visit one of his friends!

“Hm? Did something happen with Elder Song…?”

Reaching Elder Song’s home while thinking about all of this, Xuan Hao could not help frowning as he saw the state of Elder Song’s house. Not only was it completely messed up, but he quickly understood the reason for this messed up appearance being the aftermath of a cauldron exploding!

At least his alchemy knowledge came into use in something other than brewing potions. Although, it was not in a way Xuan Hao had expected.

After all, since when did Elder Song become an alchemist? Not to mention it looked like he might have blown up his own cauldron…

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