Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 599: Information Board...?

Chapter 599: Information Board…?

Entering the restaurant that he had seen the group of happy disciples enter in a disguise that made him look like an ordinary disciple, Chu Yang could not help feeling a bit surprised after entering the restaurant.

Not only were a large number of disciples sitting around enjoying themselves while eating and chatting together after a long day of hard work practicing their techniques together, but there were also quite a few elders present sitting in the quieter places of the restaurant enjoying a meal together.

“Ah… How come I have to work so hard these past few weeks? Elder Song is really ruthless, I didn’t even get to relax for more than a few days before getting a notice sending me to exterminate some rampaging demon beast in the territory of the Bright Flight Sect…”

“You are one to talk… I was on material transportation duty and have to constantly move back and forth between the Shattered Star Peaks and the sect. Even getting a day to relax is more than I could dream of for the past few days!”

“Hopefully things will get easier when we move officially move to the Shattered Star Peaks together with the Spring Flower Sect Elders!”


Listening in on the conversation between a group of elders sitting in the corner of the restaurant, Xuan Hao could not help smiling wryly.

From the looks of it, the elders of the Flying Sword Sect had not yet gotten full used to working to the degree that Elder Song had made them work.

At the very least, it seemed like they were not angry or anything along that line. Only a bit disgruntled at not being able to laze around for more than a few days after finishing a task.

In the future when he got to setting up the Qi Gathering Formation and the sect was moved to the Shattered Star Peaks, things should start calming down and the elders would be able to get some more free time.

Even if it was less than what they had before Elder Song and Feng Chen started making them work, it would still be far more free time compared to what they had now…

As he was shaking his head a bit while thinking about this, Xuan Hao noticed a young man dressed in a standard servant attire moving towards him.

“Hello! How can I help you?”

“Ah, I’m just looking for a table to sit down and get something to eat…”

“I understand. Please follow me!”

Being guided to a small table sitting a bit in the corner of the restaurant by the servant, Xuan Hao didn’t manage to say anything more before the servant had already dashed to a group of young disciples that had entered just after him. Leaving him with a menu of the things he could order just before he ran away.

“Looks like things are quite busy…” Muttering this to himself as he watched the young man who had shown him to his table run back and forth between different tables to get new peoples settled in and a t the same time take orders from the ones who had finished finding out what they wanted from the menu, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a little sorry for the hard working young servant.

However, upon closer inspection, the young man was not the slightest bit exhausted from running back and forth so much.

After a quick scan with his divine sense, Xuan Hao discovered to his shock, that the young man was actually in the Foundation Establishment Realm!

Even by the Flying Sword Sect’s standards, he could be considered a genius to have reached the Foundation Establishment Realm at such a young age… Why on earth was he running around as a servant at a restaurant? Did he perhaps enjoy the job….?

Shaking his head as he thought about this, Xuan Hao focused his attention on the menu and ordered something light to eat from another servant passing by before focusing his attention on the conversations between the disciples currently present inside the restaurant with the simple goal of finding out about how information was spread by the other elders.

Communication talismans were obviously not an option, as not every disciple would have one. Especially the new disciples who just recently entered the Flying Sword Sect…

A notice board would not really work either, as most of the disciples trained at their own most of the week. Mostly only having a single lecture by an elder a week, while some of the older disciples could spent months, if not years cultivating on their own!

Does the sect perhaps have something similar to a town crier that would inform all disciples about the latest news?

Feeling extremely curious, Chu Yang glanced towards an especially loud group of around 6 disciples sitting around a large table located towards the centre of the restaurant while wating for his food to arrive.

“Did you hear? Apparently, the sect is going to move to the Shattered Star Peaks in the future after merging together with the Spring Flower Sect!”

“That is old news already…”

“But… That place is so dangerous! According to rumours, anyone with a weak cultivation going up the mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks will die! How are we supposed to cultivate in such a place in the future…?” Showing a fearful expression on his face after saying this, the young boy looked towards the disciple who had responded to him.

However, the boy in question kept quiet. Showing an equally fearful expression on his face.

Clearly, the Shattered Star Peaks was not viewed as a great place by these disciples. Not something too surprising considering the fact that the Shattered Star Peaks were most famous for old Core Formation Realm Experts going up there to go through their last attempt at reaching the Nascent Soul Realm or die trying…

“Calm down, the sect elders certainly have a plan in mind! Otherwise, they would not decide to move the sect to such a location in the first place! Do you two perhaps think they are going to leave behind the entire younger generation and move to the Shattered Star Peaks by themselves?” Rolling her eyes as she said this, the oldest disciple sitting by the table could not help looking towards the two boys fearfully looking at each other with a slightly disdainful expression on her face.


Indeed, there was no way the elders would just decide to leave behind the entire younger generation of the Flying Sword Sect for no reason. Not to mention, there was no way those lazy elders would be able to exist without them!

If not for them, where were those elders supposed to get their daily meal and other daily necessities from?

After all, if they could not live on the Shattered Star Peaks, there was no way the servants from the servant quarters could either… And it was them that took care of most of the mundane chores and jobs around the Flying Sword Sect, with some of the younger disciples like them helping from time to time….

Without the servants from the servant quarters and the disciples from the younger generation, there was no way the sect would be able to function properly!

“Sorry senior sister, it was a stupid question!”

“Indeed, there is no way elders like our teacher Elder Far Cloud could live without us around…”

Hearing what their senior sister said, the two young boys quickly calmed down as they reflected on their stupid way of thinking.

“It’s good as long as you two understand, but… Remember not to bad-talk the elders like this! I think you earned yourself a beating for tomorrows lecture…!” Nodding her head with a smile, the senior sister whispered the last part of her sentence while motioning the two towards an elder staring directly at them with narrowed eyes.

Seeing the person that their senior sister motioned towards, both the boys panicked as they clearly recognized him.

“”Elder Far Cloud!?!?””

“Hehe, I hope you two are prepared for tomorrow’s lecture!” Holding back his anger from being talked about badly by two of his students in front of his friends and a large number of disciples, Elder Far Cloud transferred his voice to the two boys who quickly grew pale before returning to his meal with a sinister expression on his face. Plotting how to punish the two young boys during tomorrow’s lecture.


An audible sound of swallowing could be heard, as the two young boys nervously looked towards their senior sister for help.

“Mmh! This is delicious!”

Sadly, for them, their senior sister completely ignored them as she began eating the dessert that was in front of her.

“Please let something come up on the information board tomorrow!”

“Anything is fine, as long as we can avoid tomorrow’s lecture!”

“Hm? It’s just an information board…?” Having gotten the information, he was looking for; Xuan Hao could not help frowning.

He had hoped that the sect would be using some kind of mystical way to quickly spread information… But from the looks of it, it was just a simple information board that should be spread throughout the Flying Sword Sect!

How come I’ve never seen this information board before? I should check it out on my way back…

Watching as his food arrived, Xuan Hao no longer listened to the conversation of the group of disciples, as he focused his full attention on eating the food in front of him.

Even if he had no need for food at his current cultivation realm, Xuan Hao still very much enjoyed the feeling of eating.

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