Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 600: Elder Xuan is going to hold a lecture!?

Chapter 600: Elder Xuan is going to hold a lecture!?

“That was far better than I expected it to be…” Muttering this to himself as he left the restaurant after having finished his meal, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit surprised at how good the food was.

From the looks of it, the Flying Sword Sect not only had skilled cultivators, but also had some skilled chefs!

Feeling quite happy at this revelation, Xuan Hao soon found himself in front of the information board that he had heard the younger disciples talking about.

“Hm… Looks like it’s not as simple as I first thought!” Inspecting the information board closely, Xuan Hao did not take long to realize that the information board was in fact made using some kind of formation.

After a closer look, Xuan Hao realized that the formation inside the information board was connected to all the other information boards across the Flying Sword Sect through the formation.


Changing some of the information on the information board in front of him with the help of his domain, Xuan Hao observed as the rest of the information boards across the Flying Sword Sect similarly changed.

“So, this is how it works! Looks like anyone in the Nascent Soul Realm or above will be able to change the information on the information board freely!” Finding out how the information board worked after spending a few more minutes playing around with it, Xuan Hao quickly put down the information about the lecture he planned to hold the next day for the new disciples of the sect.

“Mhm!” Feeling satisfied, Xuan Hao looked at what he had written with a smile on his face before heading back to his pavilion for the night. Not knowing just how much of a stir the small note would end up causing the next morning.

The notice itself was not unique in any way compared to the other lectures that could be found on the information board, but there was one stark contrast between the other lectures and that was the fact that he was the only Core Elder on the list of lectures that could be found on the information board!

Normally, lectures done by core elders would not be advertised on the information board for and would most of the time be something that the disciples would compete for, as the lecture done by a Core Elder was far more beneficial than the lecture done by the Core Formation Realm Elders!

Yet at this point in time, Xuan Hao had pretty much invited every single new disciple from the last selection to join his lecture without having to go through some sort of tournament to fight for a chance to join the lecture…


“The information board changed; I wonder if anything happened for it to change at such a late time…” Just as Xuan Hao had left the information board after getting the information about his lecture on the information board, an older disciple that came running through the place noticed that the information board had changed, as he could not help himself from coming to a stop and taking a look.

“WHAT!? Elder Xuan is holding a lecture for the new disciples tomorrow?! Isn’t he one of the core elders…?” Reading the information that Xuan Hao had just added to the information board, the older disciple stared speechlessly for a short moment before yelling out in shock.

After all, the core elders of the Flying Sword Sect would normally hold a lecture for a few select disciples chosen through a competition. The only core elder that did large scale lectures was Elder Song and that was only because he continued the large-scale monthly lectures he had been doing before reaching the Nascent Soul Realm.

For most disciples in the Flying Sword Sect, the only way they could gain guidance from someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, was through the monthly lecture held by Elder Song and the competitions hosted from time to time when another core elder wanted to hold a lecture.

Not to mention, Elder Xuan was not someone in the Nascent Soul Realm but was actually an expert  who had reached the Domain Lord Realm!

“Why couldn’t I have entered the Flying Sword Sect a few years later…” Muttering this to himself as he glanced towards the part that said only for new disciples, the older disciple could not help feeling regretful that he hadn’t entered the Flying Sword Sect at a later time.

“What!? Elder Xuan is holding a large-scale lecture for the new disciples of the sect?!”

“Ah! Why could I not have entered the sect a year later than I did!”

“Hehe, I’m certain Elder Xuan will need a few disciples to keep order while hosting the lecture…”

As more and more disciples arrived at the information board and learned about the lecture that was going to take place the next day, most of them showed regretful expressions, while the rest tried to come up with different ways in which they could listen to the lecture from the side.

After all, such a large-scale lecture for the younger disciples was bound to need some disciples or elders to keep order and make sure everything went well, it had to be remembered that most of the new disciples were still between 12 to 15 years old.

Because of their young age, the people who discovered that a lecture was going to be held were mostly the older disciple… After all, the younger ones had mostly settled in for the night at this point in time!

Only a few of them were still up at this point in time. Most moving around the sect together with their seniors. Even then, the number of young disciples who learned about the lecture that was going to take place could be counted on a single hand…

In a sense, Xuan Hao had not given these young disciples any time to prepare for his lecture, as most of them would end up finding out about it only a few hours before the actual lecture would take place.

Normally, this would not be an issue… But most of the new disciples were still below the Foundation Establishment Realm and would not be able to move around the Flying Sword Sect fast.

No matter how small the Flying sword Sect seemed to someone like Xuan Hao or the other elders who could easily cross from one side to the other in a short span of time. The actual size of the Flying Sword Sect was extremely large in the eyes of these young disciples still in the Qi Condensation Realm.

Going from one side of the sect to the other would easily take over half a day with their Qi Condensation Realm cultivation base!

As the night slowly passed with the disciples and elders still awake the news about the lecture that was going to take place, Xuan Hao who was deep in meditation back at his pavilion opened his eyes to welcome a new day.

“Hm… Should I take Bai Ning with me for the lecture? He is still in the Qi Condensation Realm and is also around the same age as the new disciples that I’m planning to hold a lecture for… Yes, let’s do that!”

Standing up after meditating throughout the night, Xuan Hao looked towards the place where Bai Ning was staying.

At this point in time, he was meditating diligently. Having done so through the entire night, something quite difficult for someone in the Qi Condensation Realm that still required sleep and couldn’t yet replace it with meditation.

Qing Yi was also meditating in her room at this point in time and had not moved around ever since she had washed up after breaking through to the Core Formation Realm.


Looking a bit closer, Xuan Hao could not help raising one of his eyebrows in surprise.

“Looks like she is trying to breakthrough from the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm to the Second Stage of the Core Formation Realm just after stabilizing her cultivation base… Quite dangerous, but it could save her a few months of time if she succeeds!” Muttering this to himself as he instantly saw through what Qing Yi was trying to do, Xuan Hao could not help shaking his head while smiling a bit.

From the looks of it, both his disciples were trying their best to improve their strength.

Chu Yang should not be any different, he should also be doing his best outside. Given that he has not contacted me yet. Everything should be going great for him… And here I was expecting for him to contact me after getting lost. Looks like I worried about nothing.

Shaking his head as he thought about how he had worried about Chu Yang getting lost just after he had left the sect, Xuan Hao felt happy thinking that Chu Yang managed to find his way around on his own.

Not knowing that his disciple had actually ended up losing his communication talisman…

“I should wake up Bai Ning and get going…”


Not wasting any more time, Xuan Hao went towards Bai Ning’s room to wake him up from his meditation so they could make their way towards the location where his lecture was going to take place.

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