Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 619: Qi Spring

Chapter 619: Qi Spring

Following what Shu Yao said, both Zu Fei and Feng Chen laughed to themselves, as they looked like they were more than happy to watch from the side.

“Seeing as you have already informed me about our new sect hierarchy, I will be taking my leave for now! From the looks of it, Feng Chen and Zu Fei are more than happy to continue the conversation with you.” Taking his chance to leave before Shu Yao had the chance to start causing any more trouble, Xuan Hao directly took his leave from the courtyard. Not forgetting to get the two who had just laughed at him in trouble.


Before the group of three had any time to react to what he said, Xuan Hao directly used his strength at the Eighth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and ran away.


Feng Chen and Zu Fei could only stare at the location Xuan Hao had been standing just a second earlier speechlessly before turning their attention towards Shu Yao who was similarly staring towards the direction Xuan Hao had disappeared in with a frown on her face.

From her expression alone, it could be seen that she had not expected for Xuan Hao to be able to run away so quickly without her even having a chance to see anything…

They were both in the Domain Lord Realm, how come the difference in speed between both of them was so large…?

Soon shaking her head as she thought about how Xuan Hao had likely already far surpassed her own strength; Shu Yao turned her attention towards Feng Chen and Zu Fei standing not too far away from her as a mischievous spark appeared in her eyes.

Just like Xuan Hao had expected, Shu Yao was in a rather dangerous state and from the looks of things, Feng Chen and Zu Fei would soon be her victims!

Leaving the courtyard, Xuan Hao did not directly leave the Seventh Star Peak. Instead, he decided to take a look around the new sect, as he had not really taken his time to properly see in its current almost completed state and also wanted to find out about where to stay in the future.

Other than that, he also wanted to try and find a location to place the five low grade and single mid-grade Qi Springs he had obtained in the past.

Back then, he did not want to use them, as they could not be moved after being placed down and the fact that the main sect would move to the Shattered Star Peaks was already obvious at that point.

Now however, the new main sect had pretty much already been finished and he didn’t expect for him and the rest of the sect to move anywhere new within a short span of time. Even if they moved somewhere new outside the Seventh Star Peak, it was very likely that the new place they expanded towards would just be another of the Nine Star Peaks of the Shattered Star Peaks.

With all of this in mind, it was a given that he would find a location for the Qi Springs he had obtained back then.

The only problem was that he still had no idea what the Qi Springs actually did… From the name alone, he could guess that they were likely something that would increase the concentration of qi in an area around themselves and make it easier for someone to cultivate, but other than that, Xuan Hao had no idea about the benefits that would be brought by the Qi Springs.

However, this did not make Xuan Hao hesitate in placing them down. Instead, it just made him more curious and excited to find out just how useful the Qi Springs would be for cultivation.

“Hm?” Walking along one of the new paths leading towards the centre of the Seventh Star Peak, Xuan Hao could not help noticing that the centre of the Seventh Star Peak had been left empty without any buildings, pagodas, pavilions and similar placed there.

Would this not be a perfect location for the Spirit Springs…?

Thinking this to himself, Xuan Hao was just about to turn around and make his way back towards the courtyard with Shu Yao, Feng Chen and Zu Fei to ask them about whether or not anything was planned to be constructed at the location.


However, remembering the fact that he had just escaped from that place a few minutes earlier, Xuan Hao decided against it and instead just asked a few of the elders walking around helping with the construction of the sect.

“The centre…? As far as I know, there isn’t really anything planned for it.”

“No, we don’t have any plans with the centre part.”

“If I’m not wrong, Elder Zu Fei was talking about making it into some kind of garden or something along that line…”

Hearing what the centre of the Seventh Star Peak did indeed not have anything important planned for it, Xuan Hao could not help showing a satisfied smile.

[Redeem one Low Grade Qi Spring?]



After knowing that the centre part of the Seventh Star Peak had nothing important planned for it, Xuan Hao pulled out the system without waiting and decided to redeem a single of the five available low grade Qi Spring to start with.

The reason why he didn’t directly redeem all the QI Springs, was because he wanted to find out what they did. Even if he had an idea of their usage, he did not plan to waste all of them because of a simple mistake…

Given that the Seventh Star Peak covered a relatively large area, stretching for a mile or two out from the centre in all directions without anything around, Xuan Hao easily found a location to place the Qi Spring that only covered an area of a few meters.


Waiting for a few seconds, Xuan Hao soon watched as the area of the Qi Spring broke open as water stream erupted from the ground.

“This is…” Not expecting for the thing to come out to be water, Xuan Hao watched the water stream erupting from the ground slowly calm down before flowing out into the area surrounding the new natural water spring.

“The qi inside the water is so rich… Is this perhaps what a Qi Spring is…?” Carefully inspecting the water coming out from the ground, Xuan Hao could not help feeling surprised after realizing that the water coming out from the spring was filled to the brim with an extremely pure form of qi that could easily be absorbed by either cultivating inside the water or by directly swallowing it.

“Hm? It… Doesn’t seem to be slowing down anymore…” Realizing that the flow of water filled with pure qi did not slow down any longer, Xuan Hao slowly came to a realization that the water filled with pure qi would likely continue flowing out from the Qi Spring created by the system!

Although the flow of water filled with pure qi was not too fast, if things continued like this, the water would most likely cause a flooding on the Seventh Star Peak!

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao could not help smiling wryly as he looked towards the Qi Spring. More and more water filled with pure qi flowed out from it as the few meters around the Qi Spring had already started changing from a barren landscape to a muddy one as the ground and water mixed together.

Due to the fact that the water was filled with pure qi that could easily be consumed, the mud made from the water transformed into some kind of spiritual mud that could similarly be consumed…


Not wanting to see things continue like this, Xuan Hao flew into the air and observed the centre of Seventh Star Peak from above.

“I could create a lake to contain the water and add in the other four low grade Qi Springs to fill it up. Not only would this be a great way to store the water. Cultivating inside the lake and beside it should also allow one to absorb the pure qi from the water.” Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao came to a decision as his strength erupted before violently smashing into the ground below him.


“Hmph, looks like this should be the Seventh Star Peak itself…” Frowning to himself as the lake slowly began forming below him, Xuan Hao could not help marvelling over just ho

w hard the ground became after digging through the few meters of dirt and loose rocks that had formed over the years since the Seventh Star Peak had been broken by the falling star.

The strength required to make the lake was no longer something a Nascent Soul Realm Expert would be capable of, as it required the strength of someone who had at least reached the Domain Lord Realm to dig into the rocks that was originally part of the Seventh Star Peak.


The entire thing instantly caused the entire Seventh Star Peak to shake, as Xuan Hao used his full strength to dig out a lake with a circumference of a few miles at the centre of the Seventh Star Peak.

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