Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 620: Qi Spring Lake

Chapter 620: Qi Spring Lake


“W-w-what is happing!? Why did the entire mountain suddenly start shaking so violently!?”

“Please don’t collapse, I just finished this-”


“Look over there, something is happening at the centre of the peak!”

As all the people on top of the Seventh Star Peak felt the violent shaking originating from the centre of the mountain peak, most of them panicked for a short moment before rapidly rushing towards the place where Xuan Hao was busy making the lake for the Qi Spring Water to fill up.

Well… Everyone except a certain elder who stared helplessly at a collapsed pavilion that he had just finished building.

“Hmph!” Frowning as he felt the resistance from the rocks that made up the Seventh Star Peak increase even further, Xuan Hao tried his best to make the lake he was making even deeper.


This time around, he used his full strength to dig into the tough rocks of the Seventh Star Peak-


However, in the end he only managed to go a few meters deeper before feeling that the strength required to dig deeper had increased once again. Far surpassing anything he had ever tried attacking when it came to durability, as even with his full strength, he could only barely scratch the rocks below. Not able to dig any deeper into the rocks.

“Looks like I will have to reach the Soul Ascension Realm if I want to deepen the lake any further… Or at the very least become as strong as someone in the Soul Ascension Realm.” Muttering this to himself as he gazed down towards the rocky surface below, Xuan Hao could not help shaking his head as he decided to give up on making the lake any deeper than it was for now.

At the very least, he had managed to make it a few dozen meters deep already-

“Won’t it take years to fill up this lake…?” Realizing just how large the lake he had just made actually was, Xuan Hao glanced towards the low-grade qi spring that had lowered along with the terrain.

The stream of water constantly pouring out from it that seemed so large before, was now tiny in comparison to the massive empty hole in the ground that Xuan Hao had wanted to become a lake filled with the qi rich water of the qi spring…





Knowing that it would take far too long with only a single qi spring, Xuan Hao directly used the four remaining low-grade qi springs and placed them at different location around the massive empty lake he had just made.

“Still too slow…”

However, the speed of these 5 low-grade qi springs were still far too slow, as Xuan Hao decided to use the mid-grade qi spring, he had also obtained together with the 5 low-grade qi springs.

With this in mind, Xuan Hao placed the mid-grade qi spring at the deepest part of the empty lake, that was conveniently located at the centre of it.


Not having to wait for more than a few seconds, as a massive stream of water erupted from the ground before reaching close to a hundred meters into the air, Xuan Hao standing directly above the location of the mid-grade qi spring had no time to react-


As the water from the mid-grade qi spring hit him directly in the face before slowly calming down and turning into a calm stream of water similar to what the five low grade qi springs had done. The only difference being the amount of water pouring out was many times larger and although it did not have any more qi inside of it, Xuan Hao could clearly feel from first-hand experience, that the water pouring out from the mid-grade qi spring somehow helped his mind calm down.

The benefit of the water from the mid-grade qi spring was obvious, as it would allow one’s mind to calm down, thus allowing one to cultivate and compre

hend the dao with far greater ease… Or for those still not at that stage yet. Allow them to comprehend their qi techniques and cultivation mantras faster.


Silently using his domain to clean himself up, Xuan Hao gazed down at the 6 different qi springs below him as the formerly empty lake he had made was slowly starting to fill up.

Although it would still take a few months to fill up completely, Xuan Hao was more than happy with the current speed that the lake was filling up in. After all, if it was too fast, it would end up overflowing and start causing damage to the surrounding buildings.

Even if the water from the qi springs was useful, the qi contained inside of it, also allowed it to cause a certain amount of damage, as it was difficult to get rid of. Outside of absorbing it for one’s own cultivation.

As long as the sect absorbed the water from the qi springs to keep the lake from overflowing, everything would be fine.

Not to mention this, as time passed, the water at the deeper parts of the lake would start concentrating if left alone for long enough.

“I’m sure Elder Song would be happy when he finds out about this…” Muttering this to himself as he thought about the different events and tournament Elder Song would host for both elders and disciples to get an opportunity to enter the lake in the future, Xuan Hao could not help smiling to himself, as he felt that the qi springs and the lake would be crucial to increasing the strength of the sect.

“I should also let Qing Yi, Chu Yang and Bai Ning enter the lake in the future when its filled up and the qi rich water starts concentrating at the bottom…” Already feeling excited about having his disciples enter the lake in the future, Xuan Hao didn’t notice the fact that a large number of people had gathered around the massive hole in the ground that had suddenly formed at the centre of the Seventh Star Peak with shocked expressions on their faces.

Among the people who had rushed over after feeling the violent earthquake like shaking that spread out across the entire Seventh Star Peak, Shu Yao was the first to arrive, as she very clearly felt the terrifying power that had suddenly erupted shortly before the violent shaking.

“What on earth is this…”

Arriving at the scene and seeing the qi rich water slowly filling up the massive hole that had suddenly formed, Shu Yao had no idea what to say, as she was momentarily rendered speechless. The playful mood she had just a moment ago when she had been talking with Xuan Hao and the other two was completely gone.

Arriving a few seconds after Shu Yao, Zu Fei and Feng Chen showed a similar expression as Zu Fei was the first to break the silence that had suddenly descended upon the three of them after seeing what had happened to the centre of the Seventh Star Peak.

“This is… Did Elder Xuan do this…?”

“I think so… But I have no idea what that water is and where it comes from…” Almost whispering this, Shu Yao shook her head with a confused look in her eyes.

Very clearly, she had no idea what the qi rich water coming from the qi springs were, nor did she have any idea where it had come from.

“I think we should ask Elder Xuan about this. From the looks of it, this should be his doing.” Saying this barely loud enough for Shu Yao and Zu Fei to hear him, Feng Chen gazed towards Xuan Hao floating a few meters above the mid-grade qi spring as he was looking down towards it with a happy expression plastered all over his face.

“That’s a good idea.”

“I agree, Elder Xuan should understand what this is… Maybe he can also answer me why this empty lake suddenly appeared at the location where I planned to make a flower pavilion to grow spiritual flowers!”

As both Shu Yao and Zu Fei agreed to ask Xuan Hao what the lake and qi rich water was about, Zu Fei obviously also planned to ask him about something different as both her eye slowly narrowed while gazing towards Xuan Hao silently floating in the distance. &nbs


“Hm? Why do I feel like someone is looking at me?” Suddenly feeling a cold gaze focused on him, Xuan Hao turned his attention away from the mid-grade qi spring and the water pouring out from it.

“Shu Yao, Zu Fei, and Feng Chen? Why are they here- Ah! Digging out the lake should have caused quite a commotion… Looks like not only those three are here, but quite a lot of elders showed up as well…” Spotting Shu Yao, Zu Fei, and Feng Chen standing at the edge of the lake, Xuan Hao could not help smiling wryly as he suddenly realized that most of the elders and disciples present on the Seventh Star Peak were making their way over, or had already reached the edge of the lake.

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