Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 655 Accepting a New Disciple Will Always Brings About New Troubles...

Chapter 655 Accepting a New Disciple Will Always Brings About New Troubles…

W-what is going to happen to me…? Is the Grand Elder perhaps going to kill me due to not knowing anything about my race… Or perhaps because of the fact that I’m not part of the human race. Grandfather did mention that some humans would kill me on sight after finding out that I’m not human!

Seeing Xuan Hao suddenly go silent after she told him that she had no clue about what race she belonged to, Chun Hua could not help fearing that the worst was about to happen, as she anxiously waited for Xuan Hao to say something.

Looks like I won’t be able to get any more information about the Central Region from her. At least her talent is great, and she has already reached the Nascent Soul Realm. Taking her in as a disciple would also give Chu Yang someone to spar with. After all, now that he has reached the Nascent Soul Realm, Qing Yi is not strong enough to spar with him and I can’t keep him company all the time…

At the same time Chun Hua was nervously waiting for Xuan Hao to do something, the person in question was thinking about the different benefits he could get from taking her in as his fourth disciple.

The fact that she belonged to a nonhuman race did not bother Xuan Hao in the slightest. The only thing that mattered to him was whether or not Chun Hua was talented enough and wasn’t someone with a malevolent or troublesome personality that would cause trouble for him!

From what he had seen so far. Although Chun Hua had snuck inside the Star Shattering Sect, her reason for doing this was not malicious in any way and she just wanted to try and return to the Central Region where her family was located.

Even if he did not yet have enough time to judge her character, Xuan Hao felt that Chun Hua should not be someone who would end up causing trouble for him. Especially considering how well she had hidden herself and tried to avoid any sort of trouble during the assessments just a few hours earlier.

With what he had seen so far, Xuan Hao was confident that Chun Hua would be the one to create the least amount of trouble among his disciples… Well… Excluding Bai Ning who had always been staying at the sect and befriending the different blacksmithing elders.

In a sense, Bai Ning was his most ideal definition of a perfect disciple. Never creating any trouble, just staying at the sect quietly cultivating while making friends with a few elders. Although it was a bit troubling that he still didn’t really have any friends around his own age outside of Chu Yang, Qing Yi, and Zhi Ruo, Xuan Hao didn’t believe that this would continue being the case in the future!

Ah… Still have to convince Chun Hua to become my disciple…

Knowing that his thoughts were wandering while a certain someone was nervously looking towards him, Xuan Hao turned his attention back to Chun Hua.

“No need to be so nervous, I don’t plan to kill you on account of the fact that you didn’t sneak into with any malicious intentions.” Realizing that Chun Hua was shivering all over while looking up at him filled with fear, Xuan Hao quickly said this to calm her down a bit.

“T-thank you, your excellency!” Feeling a surge of renewed energy fill her body after hearing that Xuan Hao had no intention to kill her, Chun Hua quickly gave a respectful bow filled with gratitude.

At the moment, Chun Hua felt like she had just escaped from death.

This was not an exaggeration, as most sects would kill anyone who dared to enter their sect without permission. The Star Shattering Sect was no different in this regard, as quite a few people had tried forcefully entering the Shattered Star Peaks shortly after the construction of the Chaotic Qi Formation. The fate of these people could be easily imagined, as the only reason Chun Hua had been able to survive was a sacrificial talisman that had barely managed to teleport her away in time before the formation had time to kill her…

“No need to bow like this, you said you wanted to return to the Central Region to warn your family. Right?”

Remembering that she had said that her she wanted to use the ancient teleportation formation to return to the Central Region so she could warn her family about some kind of danger they were about to encounter, Xuan Hao could not help asking about this after stopping her from bowing any further, as she might end up hurting herself.

“Yes! On one of my explorations of an ancient ruin in the primeval jungle, I learnt about some family clans planning to band together to destroy my family now that my family got weaker and weaker over the years…!” Nodding her head vigorously as she said this, a hint of killing intent could clearly be felt from Chun Hua when she talked about the people who were plotting to band together and harm her family.

From this alone, Xuan Hao could tell that although it looked like Chun Hua had not spent much of her life with her family, she still cared deeply about them. Maybe her leaving her family back then was because she wanted to look for an opportunity outside to increase her strength and have the ability to help out her family.

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao’s impression of Chun Hua improved, as he felt that taking in such a person as a disciple would only be a good thing.

However, at the same time, he also caught on to the fact that her family seemed to be in some kind of trouble and Chun Hua wanted to return to the Central Region to help out her family. Although he had no idea about where her family was located, Xuan Hao had a feeling that it was not inside the primeval jungle.

Even if Chun Hua was a plant girl, her family should not be plant people. At least Xuan Hao didn’t get the impression that they were the same as Chun Hua from what he had heard from her so far…

“You really want to return to the Central Region to help your family…?”


Not showing any hesitation when answering his question, Xuan Hao did not need Chun Hua to say anything more to know how worried she was about the trouble her family was about to encounter.

At the same time, Xuan Hao understood that there would be no way for him to accept her as his fourth disciple without helping out her family and making sure that they were safe in the Central Region.

What to do… I don’t want to give up such a good potential disciple, but… The Central Region is a place that is filled with experts at the Soul Ascension Realm. Even people above the Soul Ascension Realm are present there!

“Hm… Let’s do it like this, I will allow you to return to the Central Region through the ancient teleportation formation, but in return I want you to gather information for me about the Central Region and return here within a year, I will implant part of my domain inside your soul, it will help store the information you learn in the Central Region and make sure you don’t go back on your promise! What do you think?”

“I will do it!”

Not showing the slightest after hearing what Xuan Hao said, Chun Hua instead showed a happy expression on her face after understanding that she would be able to return to the Central Region and get to warn her family about the incoming disaster.


Seeing Chun Hua’s reaction, Xuan Hao could not help smiling wryly.

Implanting a part of his domain inside her soul and have it record the information that she learnt about the central region was possible… But anything more was impossible. At most the part of his strength implanted in her soul would erupt when her life came under a serious threat, but that was it.

In the end, this was how Xuan Hao decided to not only help her out if she encountered any life-threatening dangers during the disaster that was about to befall her family, but also a way to test her.

If she really returned a year later, Xuan Hao planned to take her in as his fourth disciple.

If she didn’t return, they were simply not fated to be master and disciple…


Not thinking about it any longer, Xuan Hao used his domain to implant a part of his own power deep inside Chun Hua’s soul.

“It’s done, but before going through the ancient teleportation formation, I will have to check out things on the other side first…” Having implanted part of his power inside Chun Hua’s soul, Xuan Hao said this before entering the ancient teleportation formation.

He had not forgotten about the Primeval Fire Ants and the Emerald Demon Spiders that had been fighting on the other side of the ancient teleportation formation when he had first escaped through the ancient teleportation formation!

With her current strength, there was no way for Chun Hua to escape from the underground tunnel network on the other side of the ancient teleportation formation if one of these two races were present on the other side of the teleportation formation!

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