Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 656 Above the Domain Lord Realm?

Chapter 656 Above the Domain Lord Realm?


Reaching the other side of the ancient teleportation formation, Xuan Hao could not help frowning after feeling the familiar suppression on his domain and divine sense that he had experienced the first time he had entered the ancient teleportation formation.

Although he was far stronger now compared to back then, the suppression still prevented him from using his full strength. Flying was possible, but the consumption brought along by doing so would be far too terrifying for him to do so for more than a few minutes.

“Hm? Looks like the fight between the Primeval Fire Ants and the Emerald Demon Spiders reached this cave…” Adjusting to the environment of the primeval jungle, Xuan Hao looked around himself and was shocked upon discovering piles upon piles of decomposing corpses all around him. Belonging to either the Primeval Fire Ants or the Emerald Demon Spiders.

Even without having seen the battle that had taken place inside the cave himself, Xuan Hao could easily imagine how brutal the war between these to demon beast had been. The corpses piled up like small mountains all around the cave was more than enough for him to understand this.

However, at the same time, it made Xuan Hao curious about which of the two had ended up winning.

Given that there were no Primeval Fire Ants around and the cave had not been cleaned up, he guessed that the Emerald Demon Spiders might have been the ones who had won in the end. After all, the Primeval Fire Ants lived inside the cave tunnels and there was no way they would just leave so many corpses around without eating them… Or at the very least cleaning the place up to prevent the corpses attracting any powerful demon beast to come over.


Not standing around the place where the ancient teleportation formation had been hidden by him for long, Xuan Hao soon made his way towards the exit of the underground tunnel network. Wanting to make absolutely sure that the place was safe and there wasn’t any demon beast in the Domain Lord Realm lurking around that could kill Chun Hua before she even had a chance to make her way out of the primeval jungle.


Not even getting halfway through the tunnel network, one such Domain Lord Realm demon beast appeared.

“A Primeval Fire Ant at the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm… And from the looks of it, it was injured only a few hours earlier…”

Observing the Domain Lord Realm demon beast that appeared in front of him, Xuan Hao could not help showing a surprised expression. The fight between the Emerald Demon Spiders and the Primeval Fire Ants should have ended a long time ago, yet the Primeval Fire Ant in front of him looked like it had just returned from battle.

Not only that, but through his limited divine sense, Xuan Hao could clearly sense at least a dozen or so Domain Lord Realm Primeval Fire Ants approaching his current location. Each of them injured in different ways, with some of the most grievously injured ones being only a single step away from death.

Is the fight between the Primeval Fire Ants and the Emerald Demon Spiders still ongoing? Given the size of the Primeval Fire Ant colony and the Emerald Demon Spiders, they might actually still be fighting each other…


Thinking this to himself as the Primeval Fire Ant discovered him before charging over filled with killing intent, Xuan Hao casually waved his hand as a silver-coloured sword light swept towards the approaching primeval fire ant. Instantly killing it before it even had a chance to resist.

Not only was it injuried, but it was also below him in strength. Making it quite easy for Xuan Hao to kill it in a single move.




“Looks like the rest of the primeval fire ants noticed me…”

Noticing the approaching primeval fire ants rapidly approaching with far greater speed than before after he killed the injured primeval fire ant, Xuan Hao could not help narrowing his eyes as he looked towards the direction that they were approaching from.

Even if the approaching fire ants were all injured, there was still more than a dozen of them. Even if he was stronger than each of them individually, it would still take some effort to deal with more than a dozen Domain Lord Realm primeval fire ants!

“Checking if everything is fine on the other side? Ah! That’s right! There was a colony of Primeval Fire Ants and Emerald Demon Spiders fighting back when I escaped through the ancient teleportation formation…” Muttering this to herself as she had watched Xuan Hao enter the ancient teleportation formation, Chun Hua could not help feeling a shiver run down her spine.

If I really crossed over to the other side and the Primeval Fire Ants and Emerald Demon Spiders were still there fighting each other…

Not having to think too long about this, Chun Hua could not help feeling thankful towards Xuan Hao who had entered the ancient teleportation formation to check things out for her and make sure she didn’t end up dying the moment she stepped on to the other side of the ancient teleportation formation.

Along with the fact that he had only decided to lightly punish her for sneaking into the Star Shattering Sect by having her gather some simple information, Chun Hua felt that it might not be too bad that she had decided to sneak inside the Star Shattering Sect.

After all, if she didn’t try sneak inside the Star Shattering Sect, she might not have been able to find a way back to the Central Region for the next hundred or more years. At that point in time, her family might already be gone when she returned back home…

Even if her life was still at risk from the power that had been implanted inside her soul by Xuan Hao, Chun Hua felt like this was a small price to pay if she could get back to her family and warn them about the incoming disaster in time.


Just at this moment, the ancient teleportation formation shone brightly for a short moment before Xuan Hao appeared in front of her, a distinct smell of fresh blood drifting off him indicating the fact that he had been fighting on the other side.

“Everything is fine on the other side; you can leave the underground tunnel network without having to worry about the Emerald Demon Spiders or the Primeval Fire Ants!”

“Thank you for your help! I will make sure to gather as much information as possible on the Central Region before returning in a year!” Knowing that Xuan Hao had killed off the powerful demon beasts on the other side of the ancient teleportation formation, Chun Hua was filled with gratitude when saying this.

“No need for this, you should get going now… Or I won’t be able to ensure that it will be safe for you to leave the underground tunnel network!”

“Yes, I understand! Thank you for your help, I will be back in a year!”

Understanding very well that the primeval jungle was an incredibly dangerous place for someone like herself, Chun Hua stepped inside the ancient teleportation formation filled with determination.

Leaving the primeval jungle would take months with her current cultivation realm and she would have to avoid the Domain Lord Realm demon beasts and other human cultivators along the way now that her disguise was gone.

Even if she would be able to leave the underground tunnel network safely, she would still have a long and dangerous journey in front of her and only after reaching her family would she be able to get a new disguise and a place to rest.


“W-what is this!?”

Stepping through the ancient teleportation formation, Chun Hua was shocked at the corpses piled up in small mountains all around her as she could not help remembering what Xuan Hao had said about him clearing a path for her out of the underground tunnel network…

Was this perhaps his doing…?

Thinking this to herself, Chun Hua could not help feeling that her guess about Xuan Hao being someone above the Domain Lord Realm was indeed true!

Walking along the underground tunnel network just before reaching the exit, she even came upon close to a dozen corpses of Domain Lord Realm primeval fire ants that were very clearly killed with no more than a few moves. The smell of the blood flowing out from their wounds was similar to the bloody smell she had smelled from Xuan Hao when he had come out of the ancient teleportation formation just before letting her enter.

Looks like I was indeed correct, Grand Elder Xuan Hao should be someone who surpassed the Domain Lord Realm…!

Feeling like she had confirmed that Xuan Hao was indeed an expert above the Domain Lord Realm after seeing the dozen corpses in front of her, Chun Hua nodded her head before leaving the tunnel network and beginning her long journey to leave the primeval jungle.

In her eyes, outside of an expert that surpassed the Domain Lord Realm, who else had the ability to kill over a dozen Domain Lord Realm demon beasts. Not to mention, Xuan Hao had only entered the ancient teleportation for a few minutes before returning!

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