Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 657 Simplified Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms and...

Chapter 657 Simplified Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms and…

Chun Hua becoming his fourth disciple would depend on whether or not she would be able to safely return to her family and deal with the incoming disaster that was approaching them.

Not to mention she would still have to make to through the primeval jungle after everything was settled to reach the ancient teleportation formation!

In the end he did not lose anything from letting Chun Hua leave. Even if the location of the ancient teleportation formation was leaked, Xuan Hao planned to seal up the area around it with the help of the Chaotic Qi Formation.

Given the strength of the Chaotic Qi Formation, Xuan Hao felt confidant that even if a Soul Ascension Realm Expert passed through the ancient teleportation formation, he or she would not be able to cause any trouble!

“Haa… I hope she will be able to return safely…”


Letting out a sigh as he watched Chun Hua disappear through the ancient teleportation formation, Xuan Hao shook his head before having the Chaotic Qi Formation seal up the area around the ancient teleportation formation.


Only turning to leave the Eighth Star Peak after being sure that the ancient teleportation formation had been completely sealed up by the Chaotic Qi Formation.

Following Chun Hua leaving to return back to her family, Xuan Hao made sure to explain the situation to the elders of the sect so they wouldn’t end up worrying about one of the new disciples suddenly having disappeared into thin air.

Although they were at first shocked after learning that Chun Hua was someone strong in the Nascent Soul Realm that had snuck into the Star Shattering Sect, they quickly accepted this as true. Even if they did not want to believe that they had been fooled by Chun Hua, there was no way they would doubt it. After all, the person telling them this was Grand Elder Xuan.

As for the new disciples who had entered the sect together with her… Given that Chun Hua had not really befriended any of the new disciples during the assessments and didn’t bother getting to know any of the other participants, none of the other new disciples realized that she disappeared.

Even the disciple Chun Hua had fought during the second part of the combat assessment didn’t seem to have any idea about the fact that she had disappeared.

In the following months, the new disciples of the Star Shattering Sect slowly settled in and became adjusted to their new life on the Seventh Star Peak.

A sizeable portion of them even managed to improve their strength from the Qi Condensation Realm to the Foundation Establishment Realm during this time, while the most talented among the new disciples managed to breakthrough to the Fourth Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, some even going even further and reaching the Fifth Stage!

This not only allowed them to start taking on sect mission, but also allowed these new disciples to start mixing together with some of older disciples in the Star Shattering Sect. Even getting the chance to train together with some of the more senior disciple who had already reached the Core Formation Realm!

In the current Star Shattering Sect, most of the outer sect disciples that had once been part of either the Flying Sword Sect or the Spring Flower Sect had already managed to breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The main reason for all of this, was the environment of the Seventh Star Peak. The dense and rich qi that existed everywhere was easy to absorb and helped them improve at twice the speed with only half the effort.

Even if they were not as talented as the inner disciple of the sect, most of them still managed to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm after spending a year on the Seventh Star Peak!

During this time, the number of inner sect disciples had also increased rapidly, as more and more disciples that had previously been stuck at the Peak or Late Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm managed to break through to the Core Formation with the help of the rich qi that was ever present on top of the Seventh Star Peak.

At the same time that the disciples were all improving rapidly, the same could not be said for the elders. After all, reaching the Nascent Soul Realm was far more dangerous and harder to do compared to reaching the Foundation Establishment Realm or the Core Formation Realm.

“Even with the help of the Nascent Soul Realm Elders from the Half Spirit Race, there is still far too few Nascent Soul Realm Experts for us to expand our sect and properly manage the territory under us! Grand Elder Xuan… Did you finish the thing we talked about last time?”

Knowing about this problem, Elder Song had already long started talking with Xuan Hao about finding a solution to this problem.

“Yes! Yesterday I finished a simplified version of the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms that I told you about earlier, with this, we should be able to help some of the Outer Sect Elders at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm break through to the Nascent Soul Realm!”

Nodding his head in response to what Elder Song said, Xuan Hao took out a small book before handing it over to Elder Song.

“This is great! Compared to the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms that you showed me, this is far easier to understand!” Smiling happily after reading through the simplified version of the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms, Elder Song could not wait to share this with some of his old friends that had been stuck at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm for over a hundred years.

At this point in time, all of these old friends were only a single step away from death and the only way for them to survive at the moment was breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm, it was especially for this reason that Elder Song was so happy when seeing the simplified version of the Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms.

If all of these old people who had been stuck at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm could break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, the Star Shattering Sect would be more than capable of expanding its territory without having to worry about things growing unstable-


Just at this moment, a loud explosion could be heard coming from the centre of the mountain peak followed by a terrifying aura spreading out in all directions before covering the entire Seventh Star Peak.

“Wha- This is!?”

“No need to worry, it’s not something dangerous…”

While Elder Song was showing a surprised expression on his face not understanding where the explosion and terrifying aura had come from, Xuan Hao calmed down Elder Song. Already understanding what was happening.

“Looks like Feng Chen is finally breaking through to the Domain Lord Realm… Took him long enough…”

“Feng Chen… Is breaking through to the Domain Lord Realm!?”


Hearing what Xuan Hao said, Elder Song could not help showing a surprised expression on his face. After all, this was someone breaking through to the Domain Lord Realm! Not to mention the increase in strength the Star Shattering Sect would experience from having another Domain Lord Realm Expert supporting it, Elder Song was happy knowing that the person breaking through was none other than the current sect master.

Given the fact that the Star Shattering Sect was rapidly increasing its strength and Nascent Soul Realm Experts were becoming more and more common, it was a little odd for the sect master to only be someone at the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even if he had already formed a pseudo domain, he had still not truly taken the final step and reached the Domain Lord Realm… However, from now on things would be different, as the terrifying aura spreading out from the centre of the Seventh Star Peak began growing stronger and stronger.


Moving outside, both Elder Song and Xuan Hao gazed towards the centre of the Star Shattering Sect where Feng Chen was cultivating in seclusion.

At this point in time, a visual phenomenon of massive sword also began materializing above the location where Feng Chen was cultivating.

“A sword domain… How not surprising…” Muttering this to himself as he watched the massive sword hanging in the air slowly growing larger and stronger with each passing second, Xuan Hao was not at all surprised that the domain manifested by Feng Chen was a sword domain.

Feng Chen had spent his entire life as a sword cultivator and had even comprehended true sword intent. If he ended up comprehending a domain other than a sword domain, that would be odd…

Thinking this to himself, Xuan Hao found a place to sit down and observe Feng Chen’s breakthrough to the Domain Lord Realm.

Even if he was stronger than Feng Chen, observing his breakthrough would still allow him to deepen his understanding of the Domain Lord Realm and might even help him improve the strength of his own domain!

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