Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 827: Caught By Suprise!

Chapter 827: Caught By Suprise!

“If possible, I think the best option would be to try and recruit this Domain Lord Realm Expert as an elder… But considering how we took over the territory of his kingdom while he was gone, I doubt he will just agree to something like this… How troublesome…” Feeling exhausted by just thinking about how troublesome this matter would be to deal with, Feng Chen could not help thinking about Xuan Hao’s pet, the winged lion demon beast.

In the end, this thought was quickly thrown away after he remembered how grumpy it had become after Shu Yao had taken it to deal with some of the more troublesome kingdoms standing in the way of the expansion of the sect.

Although there was a chance, he could persuade it, Feng Chen still felt a bit scared when faced with the winged lion demon beast. Especially because the winged lion demon beast was still grumpy after having been put to work by Shu Yao.

I should see if I can deal with this matter by myself first. Even if things go bad and that old ancestor in the Domain Lord Realm wants to start trouble, I’m more than strong enough to deal with someone in the First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. The only problem is if that old ancestor decides to run away and cause trouble for the different branch sects, we established over the past few years…

Feeling a headache starting to set in as he thought about this possibility taking place, Feng Chen shook his head as he turned to look at Elder Song who was patiently waiting for an answer on what to do regarding the Domain Lord Realm Expert that had suddenly popped up out of nowhere and started causing problems.

“I will be dealing with this matter myself, Elder Song, you can head back for now and resume what you were doing earlier… If it turns out that ancestor who returned is stronger than the First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm or proves to be a problem, I will just ask Xuan Hao’s pet for help. Even if it’s not in the best of moods at the moment, I’m sure some high quality spirit stone and roasted demon beast meat should be able to get it to move…”

“I understand… Sect master, I will be taking my leave. Make sure to inform me in case you need help with anything!” Nodding his head upon hearing that Feng Chen would be dealing with the matter himself, Elder Song let out a breath of relief that he had unknowingly been holding in before taking his leave. Not forgetting to hand over the documents that described the attack of the Domain Lord Realm Expert to Feng Chen in case he wanted to look through it himself before going to face this unknown Domain Lord Realm Expert.


Watching as Elder Song left, Feng Chen turned his attention towards the documents now in his hands. Intending to read through them to get a better idea of the unknown Domain Lord Realm Expert before heading over to face the other party.

It was not that he doubted Elder Song’s assessment of the other party’s strength, but as someone in the Domain Lord Realm himself, he would be a far better judge of how strong the other party was!

At the same time Feng Chen was reading through the documents describing the attack of the unknown Domain Lord Realm Expert from a royal family of one of the kingdoms that had surrendered to them, the person in question was looking towards the branch of the Star Shattering Sect he had just destroyed rapidly getting rebuilt.

“The Star Shattering Sect, where in the world did such a powerful sect appear from… And why are they located at the border of the Sky Empire…?” Filled with both curiosity and confusion as he muttered this to himself, the old ancestor could not understand why a powerful sect like the Star Shattering Sect had suddenly appeared at the border of the Sky Empire during the short hundred years he had been gone.

As a Domain Lord Realm Expert himself, he understood just how few opportunities there was in the border region for someone to reach the Domain Lord Realm, let alone for someone to increase their strength after they had broken through to the Domain Lord Realm!

Even if such a powerful sect had appeared, under normal circumstances, it should not stay in the border region and start expanding their power. Instead it should move towards the core region of the Sky Empire where the resources were more plentiful and opportunities were easier to come by.

Originally, his plan had been to do just this. Pick up his descendants before moving to the core region of the Sky Empire to carve out his own place in the resource rich core region of the Sky Empire before trying to increase his own cultivation base and look for ways to possible get in the good graces of the imperial family.

However, the sudden appearance of the Star Shattering Sect that had taken over his kingdom had completely ruined his original plans. Even if he could still take his descendants and leave for the core region of the Sky Empire, a part of him felt curious about the reason why a powerful sect like the Star Shattering Sect had decided to stay around and expand their power in a place like the border region. The anger he had felt when he first discovered that a foreign sect had taken control of his kingdom’s territory had also disappeared after he destroyed the Star Shattering Sect’s branch sect.<novelsnext> please visit p-:) </novelsnext>

At this point in time, he wanted nothing more than to find out more about this mysterious sect that had suddenly appeared and why they were still staying in the border region of the Sky Empire.

As for the matter of him destroying a branch sect of the Star Shattering Sect angering the Star Shattering Sect enough to go all out in killing him, he didn’t believe that this would happen. Especially considering how he had made sure to ensure that he didn’t injurie anyone when he attacked the branch sect, let alone kill anyone. Not to mention, he had every right to be angry since the branch sect he had destroyed was inside his kingdom!

Even if the Star Shattering Sect wanted revenge, they would at the very least be able to understand that he did not intend to fight it out with them.

“Someone from the Star Shattering Sect should be showing up soon… I hope I can find out more about this sect and maybe also get an idea of how strong it is.” Muttering this to himself as he looked in the direction of the Shattered Star Peaks where the Star Shattering Sect was located according to what little information he had managed to gather about the sect so far, the old ancestor could not help feeling a bit nervous.

The strength of the Star Shattering Sect that he knew about, was that they apparently had at least two people in the Domain Lord Realm and an extremely powerful guardian beast in the shape of a massive lion with wings, that should be above the early stage of the Domain Lord Realm.

p-no1oМ The fact that he even stayed behind to wait for an expert of the Star Shattering Sect to show up, was more than enough to show that he did not want to fall out with them.

After all, why would he want to become enemies with such a powerful sect if it could be avoided? In the end, the territory that his incompetent descendants had lost in the border region was useless to a Domain Lord Realm Expert like himself. Not to mention that he had already planned to abandon this territory when moving to the core region of the Sky Empire…


Feeling a terrifying sword intent heading towards his direction at a speed far above that of someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, the old ancestor could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine as he turned to look in the direction of the powerful sword intent.

“Looks like he is here…” Seeing a person covered in a pure white robe with the symbol of the Star Shattering Sect embroidered into it, the old ancestor did not have to think for long before realizing the identity of the person who had appeared in front of him as one of the Domain Lord Realm Experts from the Star Shattering Sect.


As the expert from the Star Shattering Sect came to a stop, the old ancestor could clearly feel that the other party had surpassed him in cultivation. Not only that, but the other party was also a sword cultivator, someone widely know for being capable of fighting above their cultivation Realm!

“So, you are the person that have been causing trouble…?”

“Y-yes…!” Feeling the terrifying gaze of the sword cultivator, the old ancestor accidently stumbled over his words as he answered like a junior talking to a senior-

“Eh…” Catching the person from the Star Shattering Sect by surprise, as an awkward atmosphere appeared around both of them.

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