Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 828 How Strong Is Master?

Hm? The ancestor who broke through to the Domain Lord Realm is still waiting around the branch sect. Hopefully it means he is open to talking and isn't too hostile towards us...

Letting out a sigh of relief as he spotted the ancestor that had broken through to the Domain Lord Realm patiently waiting in the air not too far away from the branch sect he had just attack, Feng Chen understood that the other party was not outright hostile towards Star Shattering Sect.


Flying in front of the old ancestor who was floating in the air, Feng Chen could not help examining the other party's strength. In the end, the ancestor was indeed someone who had just broken through to the First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. Far from being a threat, Feng Chen would be more than strong enough to catch and kill the other party if he truly wanted to cause any trouble. Especially since he could clearly sense that the old ancestor had yet to fully stabilize his cultivation base at the Domain Lord Realm and would have a hard time fully utilizing his strength in combat against someone above the Nascent Soul Realm!

"So, you are the person that have been causing trouble...?" Filled with far more confidence knowing all of this, Feng Chen could not help narrowing his eyes as he said this while using his sword intent and superior cultivation base to pressure the other old ancestor.


However, unexpectedly, the old ancestor in front of him had a far bigger reaction to the sudden pressure than he had first expected. Directly acting like a junior who had been caught doing something he shouldn't by a senior.

"Eh..." For this reason, Feng Chen could not help letting out an awkward sound as a confused expression appeared on his face when looking at the old man in front of him. Not fully understanding what had just happened.

"Ehm! I mean yes, it was me who destroyed the branch sect of the Star Shattering Sect. If I'm not wrong, you should be one of the Star Shattering Sect's Domain Lord Realm Experts."

"Indeed, I'm a Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Star Shattering Sect. For you to know this and still stay here after destroying one of my sect's branches... Do you have anything you want to say or ask me about, or maybe you just have a death wish...?" Leaking a small bit of killing intent as he said the last part, Feng Chen could not help wondering just what this old man wanted from staying behind and waiting for him to show up.

Given his current strength, the old ancestor should understand that he would not be able to win against someone in the Domain Lord Realm with his current unstable cultivation base. Even on the short end, he would at the very least need to stabilize his cultivation base for a few weeks and spend some time to get more familiar with his new strength. After all, the difference between the Domain Lord Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm was something that would take time to get used to.

Yet, even knowing all of this, he had still chosen to stay and wait for him to show up...

"I do indeed have a few questions I want to ask... And I hope this senior won't make things difficult for me. In consideration of the fact that I didn't harm anyone from your sect." Tensing up as he said this, the old ancestor from the royal family of the kingdom that Feng Chen was currently inside of, nervously looked towards Feng Chen for a response.

"Hm... Fine, let's find somewhere different to chat." Observing the old ancestor in front of him for a short moment as he tried to see whether the old man just wanted to ask him a few questions, Feng Chen felt like he was telling the truth and decided to have a chat with him and find out just what this old man wanted to ask him about. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝑛𝘰𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝘰𝘳𝑔

Considering that he had come here in hopes of possible recruiting the old man as a possible elder of his sect, Feng Chen felt happy deep down that it didn't look like he would end up having to fight with him.


"I wonder when master is going to return... It's already been over a month since he left for that sect alliance meeting in the capital city of the Sky Empire..."

At the same time Feng Chen was facing off against the old ancestor from a royal family that had just happened to reach the Domain Lord Realm during his adventures outside, Chu Yang was gazing off into the distance as he quietly said this.

Although he had made full use of his time during this month to challenge any and all of the Nascent Soul Realm elders of the sect that he could catch, he had started missing his master after realizing that the elders he sparred with weren't able to help point out his mistakes after their battle. Even Feng Chen, whom he had managed to spar with once during this month, was not able to give him the same level of feedback that his master had been able to give him.

To be honest, it was only at this point in time that Chu Yang had realized just how important it was for him to have a teacher that could point him in the right direction and help him further his cultivation. Although his strength was still constantly increasing even without the help of his teacher due to his own talent, Chu Yang could still clearly feel that his speed of improvement at the moment had slowed when compared to when his master had been around to help point out any doubts he had along the way.

"Who knows when he will be back? If I'm not wrong, the distance between our sect and the capital city of the Sky Empire is incredibly long. Long enough that it would take us several years to reach with our current cultivation base!"

"Qing Yi?" Hearing a familiar voice behind him, Chu Yang could not help showing a somewhat surprised expression as he turned around to see Qing Yi standing a short distance away from him.

"Indeed, it is me! Finally finished stabilizing my cultivation base at the Nascent Soul Realm and wanted to get out of that damnable secluded cultivation room I spent the last few months inside of without leaving- Ah! Why are you laughing at me!?" As a slightly dark expression appeared on her face upon mentioning her time in secluded cultivation, Chu Yang could not help letting out a soft chuckle upon seeing the sudden change in expression.

"Nothing, I just thought about something funny when listening to you and ended up laughing."

"Hmph! Sure, you did!" Narrowing her eyes for a short moment in response to Chu Yang's response, Qing Yi decided to return to the subject of when their master was returning. "Anyway, with master's strength somewhere in the Domain Lord Realm, I think he should be able to return in another month or so. Maybe even faster!"

"Indeed, with master's strength, he should be able to return far faster than those Nascent Soul Realm Experts participating in that sect alliance meeting. Even if he takes a little longer, I don't think it will take him more than two months to return." Nodding his head in agreement with what his junior sister said, Chu Yang could not help wondering just how strong his master actually was and what his actual cultivation realm was.

From what he had managed to gather, his master should be the strongest person in the Star Shattering Sect. Above the sect master, Feng Chen who had reached the Second Stage of the Domain Lord Realm according to most rumors going around the sect.

So, had his master reached the Third Stage of the Domain Lord Realm? Maybe even the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!?

To be honest, Chu Yang had no idea about just what kind of realm his master had reached. All he knew was that his master was the strongest person he had ever met since he began cultivating. Even the faint terrifying aura he could feel from the Devil Immortal Jade that had now become a permanent resident of his dantian could not compare to the otherworldly aura he felt around his master.

The aura in question did not seem to come from his master's cultivation base, but instead seemed similar to the constant fiery aura he could feel around his junior sister due to her special divine physique.

Maybe I should try and asak master how strong he is when he returns...?

Thinking this to himself as he returned to looking into the distance, Chu Yang began looking forward to the day that his master returned.


Standing beside him, Qing Yi had also entered a quiet state, as both of them just stood side by side looking into the distance while enjoying a quiet and relaxing time together.

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