Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1667 Chapter 1485: The Abyss

Chapter 1667 Chapter 1485: The Abyss

The forest loomed, a silent titan against the fading light. Towering trees, their bark gnarled and black as aged leather, clawed at the twilight sky. Their branches, thick and heavy, intertwined to form a dense canopy that choked out the sun's last rays, leaving the forest floor in an inky gloom. An unsettling silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional rustle of unseen creatures or the creak of a straining branch under its own weight.

The air itself felt thick and ancient, heavy with the scent of damp earth, decaying leaves, and something else, something deeper and more primal – the musky odor of things long undisturbed. Vines, like petrified serpents, snaked across the forest floor, their sinuous forms adding to the sense of untamed wilderness.

Here and there, ghostly wisps of fog clung stubbornly to the ground, swirling around moss-covered boulders and the skeletal remains of fallen giants, testaments to the relentless passage of time. The silence pressed in, a living entity that seemed to prickle the skin and raise the hairs on the back of one's neck. This was a place where the sun rarely dared to intrude, a realm of shadows and secrets, a world untouched by civilization and watched over by unseen eyes. It was a place that demanded respect, a place where even the bravest soul might feel a tremor of fear.

In the heart of this ancient, suffocating forest, even deeper than the reach of sunlight or the bravest creature, lay a place shunned by all living things. It wasn't a clearing bathed in an eerie glow, nor a gnarled thicket teeming with unseen dangers. No, this place was devoid of everything – devoid of sound, devoid of movement, devoid even of the whispers of decay. It was a dead zone, a void carved into the very fabric of existence.

The trees here thinned drastically, their branches twisted and skeletal as if clawing away from the center. The forest floor, usually a damp tapestry of leaves and moss, became barren, a hard-packed, cracked expanse of earth that seemed to absorb all light. The air itself grew thin, a chilling emptiness that made breathing a conscious effort.

And at the very center, where even the shadows seemed to recoil, lay the Abyss. Not a gaping maw, but a swirling vortex of absolute darkness. It wasn't black, but an absence of color, an all-consuming void that sucked in the surrounding light like a starving beast. There was no event horizon, no visible boundary – only a gradual thinning of reality as one neared its edge.

The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

This wasn't just a lifeless zone – it was an anti-life zone. It felt like a negation of reality itself, a place where the very fabric of existence frayed and thinned. It pulsed with a faint, cold energy, a presence that whispered of oblivion, of the finality beyond even death. Even the monstrous denizens of the outer forest, creatures fueled by instinct and devoid of fear, gave this place a wide berth. They could sense the wrongness, the antithesis of life, emanating from the swirling vortex. It was a place not of death, but of unbeing, a chilling truth that echoed in the desolate silence.

The ancient forest, once a vibrant realm of rustling leaves and chirping insects, had become a tomb choked by the curse. Alex stumbled out of the swirling chaos of the Infinity Maze, gasping for a breath that wouldn't come. The air hung thick and stagnant, a suffocating weight that pressed on his chest. It wasn't the clean, crisp air he craved, but a stale, oppressive blanket that seemed to leech the very life from him.

He pushed forward, his boots crunching on the bone-dry earth. The towering trees, once proud sentinels, were now skeletal monstrosities, their branches clawing at the lifeless sky like skeletal fingers reaching for a forgotten god. Gone were the vibrant greens and browns, replaced by a monochrome landscape of greys and blacks.

The silence was the most unsettling aspect. It wasn't the peaceful quiet of nature, but a deathly stillness that seemed to scream of emptiness. Even the whispers of decay were absent, replaced by a chilling void. The curse had devoured everything here, leaving behind nothing but a husk of its former self.

Finally, he emerged into a clearing, and the air grew even heavier. It wasn't just stagnant, but positively thick, a suffocating pressure that made his head spin. Before him, where the forest floor should have been, swirled an inky blackness. It wasn't a simple hole in the ground, but a twisting vortex of absolute darkness, a maw that seemed to devour light itself. It pulsed with a faint, cold energy, a presence that whispered of oblivion and the finality beyond even death.

Alex felt himself floating, unmoored and adrift. Panic clawed at his throat as he realized he wasn't standing, but somehow suspended in mid-air. The curse had transformed this place into a forbidden zone, a point of no return where even gravity faltered. This wasn't a black hole he could fall into, but an anti-life zone, a chilling truth that resonated in the suffocating silence.

Despair threatened to engulf Alex as he hovered before the Abyss. The suffocating air, the chilling silence, the oppressive weight of his predicament – all conspired to crush his spirit. But then, a spark of defiance flickered in his eyes. A single, low murmur escaped his lips, a declaration more than a whisper.

"Time to go down!"

The world shuddered as the change began. With a deep, guttural growl, Alex's body contorted and warped. His clothes ripped apart, shredding into wisps of fabric that were instantly devoured by the stagnant air. Black scales, each one the size of a dinner plate, erupted from his skin, shimmering with an unnatural sheen. Powerful wings, vast and membranous, unfurled from his back, blotting out the already meager light filtering through the skeletal trees.

His arms lengthened and thickened, claws tipped with obsidian extending from his fingertips. His face stretched and morphed, powerful jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth replacing his human features. A long, sinuous tail erupted from his lower back, lashing back and forth, stirring up a miniature dust storm on the barren ground.

In a heartbeat, Alex was no longer a man. He had become a magnificent, terrifying creature – a giant black dragon. The embodiment of raw power and primal fury. The air crackled with dark energy as he flexed his newfound form, the very ground trembling beneath the immense weight of his draconic body.

The change was complete. Now, the question remained. Would the Abyss consume even a creature of such immense power? Or would Alex, the black dragon, become the first to conquer the forbidden zone? A feral grin stretched across his new, elongated maw. There was only one way to find out.

With a powerful beat of his wings, Alex propelled himself forward, aiming straight for the swirling vortex of the Abyss. The black hole seemed to pulse with a malevolent glee as he drew closer, a cosmic predator anticipating its next meal. But Alex, the black dragon, met its gaze with a fire of his own – this was going to be fun. Time to end this trip for good.fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

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