Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1668 Chapter 1486: Into the Abyss

Chapter 1668 Chapter 1486: Into the Abyss

A guttural roar erupted from Alex's throat, a sound that echoed through the dead forest and sent tremors through the barren earth. With a powerful beat of his obsidian wings, he launched himself towards the Abyss. The air shrieked in protest as he tore through it, his massive form a black blur against the desolate landscape.

The swirling vortex pulsed with a sickly fascination. It was a cosmic maw, hungry and eager to devour anything that dared approach. Yet, Alex, the black dragon, met its gaze head-on. His emerald eyes, the only color on his fearsome form, burned with a fierce determination, a spark of amusement even dancing in their depths.

"This ends here," he boomed, his voice a thunderous echo in the oppressive silence.

But the journey wouldn't be easy. As he drew closer, the Abyss unleashed its defenses. Powerful undercurrents, unseen forces tugging and pulling at the fabric of reality itself, slammed into Alex's immense body. He felt like a ship caught in a raging storm, his powerful wings straining to maintain his course. The air grew thick and viscous, a suffocating miasma that threatened to clog his lungs.

Yet, Alex wouldn't be deterred. He gritted his teeth, his draconic form a bulwark against the unseen forces. Every beat of his wings was a defiance, every powerful thrust of his tail a challenge. He was a creature of immense power, and he wouldn't be cowed by a mere anti-life zone.

The closer he got, the stronger the undercurrents became. The swirling vortex seemed to distort reality around him, space folding in on itself, time becoming a malleable concept. Yet, Alex pressed on, a relentless force against the encroaching oblivion. This wasn't just about ending his trip; it was about proving his strength, about conquering the one place that dared defy him. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

A wild grin spread across Alex's face, a mixture of terror and excitement. The Abyss, a swirling vortex of nothingness, pulsed with a dark energy that seemed to call out to him. But he would not be its next victim. He was a dragon, a being of immense strength and determination. He had come as devourer and he would devour everything.

The depths of the Abyss stretched endlessly, a black void that swallowed all light. As Alex descended further, the suffocating silence was shattered by a horrifying screech. He turned his head, his emerald eyes flashing in the darkness. Emerging from the swirling shadows were his first adversaries – wyverns.

These were not the graceful, feathered hunters he was accustomed to. These creatures were the embodiment of the Abyss itself. Their scales were pitch black and shimmered with an unnatural glow. Their leathery wings fluttered like torn flags in a storm. Their eyes, burning with malevolence, hungered for something Alex had never encountered before.

Four wyverns circled him, their sharp claws glinting in the faint energy emanating from the Abyss. For a moment, doubt flickered in Alex's mind. Were these guardians meant to keep intruders out, or perhaps keep something trapped inside? But the doubt was quickly replaced by a surge of defiance. He would not be deterred by these monstrous abominations.

With a powerful flap of his wings, Alex propelled himself towards the lead wyvern. It screeched, a maddening sound, and lunged at him. The air crackled with dark energy as their claws clashed. Alex roared, his roar echoing through the endless void, and pushed back with all his might. The wyvern, taken aback by his strength, stumbled back, momentarily disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Alex swung his tail, a spiked club of obsidian, into another wyvern's side. The creature howled in pain and anger, momentarily thrown off balance. The remaining two wyverns, encouraged by their injured companion, launched a coordinated attack. One swooped down from above, aiming its sharp beak for Alex's neck. The other circled behind, its red eyes fixed on his vulnerable underbelly.

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A rush of danger surged through Alex. This was no ordinary battle. These creatures fought with a desperate madness, as if fueled by the very essence of the Abyss itself. But Alex was a dragon, a being born of power and resilience. He twisted his body with surprising agility, evading the snapping beak of the first wyvern.

With a surge of dark energy coursing through his veins, he spun around, snapping his jaws at the second wyvern. Caught off guard, the creature barely had time to yelp before Alex's teeth sank into its shoulder. The wyvern thrashed wildly, its claws futilely clawing at Alex's armored skin. With a final thrash, it went limp, its life extinguished by the dragon's bite.

The remaining wyvern circled cautiously, its initial ferocity replaced by wariness. Alex, slightly panting, stared it down. The Abyss may rule over the lifeless, but even the denizens of oblivion felt a flicker of fear in the presence of a creature of raw power and unyielding determination.

''Time to finish this thing!" Alex pounced on the remaining wyvern.

Alex's mighty form glowed with an inner fire, a stark contrast to the chilling void that engulfed him. The defeated wyvern, its lifeless body dissipating into wisps of black smoke, served as a grim reminder of the perils that awaited him within the Abyss.

But Alex had no time for doubt. With a deep growl that reverberated through the endless darkness, he propelled himself forward, leaving the remnants of the battle behind. The swirling vortex loomed larger, tendrils of dark energy reaching out like malevolent fingers.

The air grew heavy, suffocating, threatening to choke him. Reality itself twisted and distorted, stars morphing into unrecognizable shapes, and time itself stretching thin. It was a disorienting descent, a plunge into madness.

Yet, Alex pushed onward.

As he descended further, the memory of the wyvern encounter faded into the abyss. New grotesque forms materialized from the swirling darkness. Creatures with fiery ember eyes and razor-sharp claws that tore at the very fabric of reality. They were guardians, but guardians of what?

Alex fought with a relentless determination. Each snap of his jaws, each beat of his powerful wings, was a testament to his indomitable will. He engaged in a deadly dance with the denizens of the Abyss, his obsidian scales providing a shield against their otherworldly assaults.

The journey felt like an eternity. Time lost all meaning within the swirling vortex. But finally, a glimmer of light pierced the oppressive darkness. Not the radiant light of his world, but a faint, ethereal glow emanating from within the heart of the vortex.

With a surge of renewed energy, Alex propelled himself towards the beckoning light.

Maybe his final destination was closer than he thought.

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