Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1676 Chapter 1494: Fire Drake

Chapter 1676 Chapter 1494: Fire Drake

A flicker of loneliness, a rare and unwelcome guest, crossed Maria's icy gaze as she surveyed the frozen wasteland she'd wrought. This wasn't a true victory, just a cold, sterile solution. A temporary respite in the face of a relentless storm. Stanmore was silent, yes, but the silence held the weight of a thousand shattered lives, both monstrous and human.

A sigh escaped her lips, a wisp of condensation in the frigid air. "Come back soon, my love," she murmured, a plea more for herself than the frozen city.

"Things are escalating, and the war draws closer." She missed Alex, her fiancé, a yearning that gnawed at the edges of her composure. He was within the treacherous Infinity Maze, another front in this never-ending conflict trying to give them a chance in this war. And she wasn't the only one who felt his absence. The others, the scattered members of the family and friends as well, shared her longing.

Shaking her head, she pushed aside the loneliness, a necessary act for survival. There was no room for sentimentality in a world teetering on the brink. Her mission wasn't over. The heart of the infestation, the core zone, thrummed with a malevolent energy. There, the most powerful monsters lurked, waiting to be purged.

Maria, the Ice Goddess who had recently stepped in the False God realm, was more than capable of handling this task. It was why she'd been sent alone. The others had their battles to fight, their own demons to vanquish. Here, amidst the frozen ruins of Stanmore, she would stand as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness, a solitary sentinel wielding the power of winter itself.

Maria approached the core zone with the deliberate grace of a predator stalking its prey. The air itself seemed to grow colder as she neared, the very moisture in the atmosphere clinging to her skin in a shimmering frost. As she crested a rise in the frozen rubble, the core zone revealed itself.

Unlike the desolate outskirts, the heart of the monstrous infestation thrummed with a twisted vitality. Buildings, though still warped parodies of their former selves, were shrouded in a sickly green haze. Grotesque howls and snarls echoed through the polluted air, a symphony of violence. And in the center of it all, perched atop a jagged shard of twisted metal, stood the first of her adversaries.

A Fire Drake. A monstrous reptilian nightmare brought to life. Its scales, the color of molten obsidian, shimmered with an infernal heat, radiating an oppressive warmth that seemed to push back against the encroaching chill Maria exuded. Leathery wings, each the size of a sail, were tucked against its back, held taut by powerful muscles. But it was the Drake's head that truly sent a tremor through the air. Two curved horns, tipped with a malevolent crimson glow, adorned its brow. Its maw hung open, revealing a furnace-like interior, flames licking hungrily at the edges of its razor-sharp teeth.

Fire versus Ice. A clash of elemental titans. This was a powerful monster, a foe worthy of the Ice Goddess's attention. Yet, where a normal ranker might have felt a surge of panic, Maria remained an island of calm. Her ice-blue eyes, usually devoid of warmth, held a flicker of something akin to amusement as they met the Drake's fiery gaze.


The Fire Drake's bellow echoed through the core zone, a primal challenge that vibrated through Maria's very bones. Flames erupted from its maw, a torrent of molten fury aimed directly at the Ice Goddess.

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But Maria remained unfazed. Her icy gaze held the fury of a blizzard, locking with the Drake's fiery eyes. The air around her crackled with power, a storm brewing beneath the calm exterior. As the flames roared towards her, a mere ripple of motion passed through her hand. It was a gesture so casual, almost dismissive, but the effect was instantaneous.

An ethereal wall of ice shimmered into existence around her, a translucent barrier that defied the Drake's fiery assault. The flames roared against it, a frustrated hiss echoing from the beast's throat. The intense heat momentarily warped the ice, but it held firm.

Undeterred, Maria took the offensive. With a snap of her fingers, the temperature plummeted further. A wave of frost, a visible tide of swirling white, rolled outwards from her position. It crept across the ground, a creeping glacier consuming everything in its path. The polluted air shimmered and condensed, turning to frost that clung to the twisted metal structures like a shroud.

The Fire Drake, sensing the encroaching cold, panicked. It roared once more, a desperate attempt to counter the icy wave. A gout of flame erupted from its maw, a fiery counterattack designed to push back the frost.

The collision was spectacular. The freezing air met the scorching flames in a dazzling display of power. A white mist billowed outwards, obscuring the core zone momentarily. When it cleared, a crater of blackened earth lay where the flames met the frost. But the advance of the freezing wave continued, albeit slowed by the Drake's desperate effort.

Maria stood amidst the clash of elements, a serene figure in the heart of the chaos. The air crackled with a chaotic energy, a tempestuous dance between fire and ice. The Fire Drake, its obsidian scales now dull with frost, thrashed its head in a desperate attempt to ward off the encroaching chill. Its fiery breath, once a weapon of destruction, now sputtered and died before reaching Maria's icy shield.

With a flick of her wrist, Maria pressed her attack. Icicles, each the size of a man, materialized from the swirling frost and launched themselves towards the beast. They struck the Drake's hide with a resounding clang, leaving deep gouges in its obsidian scales. The creature roared in pain and fury, its flames flaring momentarily before being choked by the relentless frost.

The battle raged on. The Fire Drake, cornered and desperate, unleashed a final, desperate attack. With a mighty bellow, it gathered its remaining strength and unleashed a torrent of fire so intense it briefly pushed back the encroaching ice. The heat scorched the already brittle structures of the surrounding buildings, causing them to crumble and shower the area in debris.

But Maria remained undeterred. Her ice shield, though momentarily weakened, held firm. With a serene expression that masked a steely resolve, she raised a hand. The swirling frost obeyed her will, condensing into a massive spear, its tip a shard of pure, glacial ice that gleamed with an otherworldly light.

"Sleep now, creature of flame," Maria intoned, her voice a chilling whisper that carried over the cacophony of the battle.

With a swift and deadly throw, she hurled the ice spear towards the Fire Drake. It sailed through the air, a blur of white against the smokey haze, and pierced the beast's chest with an sickening thud. The Drake let out a final, ear-splitting shriek before collapsing onto the frozen ground, its fiery glow extinguished forever.

Silence descended upon the core zone, broken only by the soft crackling of the encroaching frost. The battle was over, the first obstacle in Maria's path vanquished.

First one down, time to move to the second one.

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