Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1677: Chapter 1495: Doppelganger

Chapter 1677: Chapter 1495: Doppelganger

Silence descended upon the core zone, broken only by the soft crackling of the encroaching frost. The battle was over, the first obstacle in Maria's path vanquished.

First one down, time to move to the second one. Maria steeled herself, her ice-blue eyes hardening with renewed determination. With a purposeful stride, she pushed forward, delving deeper into the heart of the infestation.

The air grew colder, a natural byproduct of her presence, but here, within the core zone, it was different. It was a cold that held a malicious intent, a tangible presence that pressed against her defenses. The buildings, once mere husks, seemed to warp and twist in the fetid air, their jagged shadows reaching out like grasping claws. An oppressive darkness emanated from within a half-broken city wall, an ominous maw promising only oblivion.

Maria hesitated for a moment, a flicker of unease crossing her features. This was something different, a cold that gnawed at her soul rather than just her flesh. But hesitation was a luxury she couldn't afford. With a resolute breath, she plunged into the darkness.

The transition was immediate and absolute. The fetid air vanished, replaced by a suffocating stillness. The only light came from an eerie green luminescence that emanated from a series of flickering candles clinging precariously to the damp walls. They cast long, distorted shadows that danced maniacally on the uneven stone floor.

Maria pressed on, her senses on high alert. The silence stretched, broken only by the soft crunch of her footsteps on the cold stone. The hall stretched endlessly before her, a sepulchral tunnel leading to an unknown horror.

Finally, as the oppressive silence began to grate on her nerves, the hall opened into a vast chamber. In the center of the chamber, illuminated by an unholy green glow emanating from an unknown source, stood a throne.

But it was no ordinary throne. It was a monstrous construction, a grotesque mockery of power sculpted entirely from bleached bone. Femurs of giants formed the armrests, vertebrae of massive beasts twisted and contorted to create the backrest. Skulls, arranged in a cruel parody of a crown, jutted from the high back of the throne. The very sight of it sent a shiver down Maria's spine, a primal fear that transcended her icy composure.

And upon this macabre throne sat a figure.

It was humanoid in form, but its true nature defied easy categorization. It possessed no discernible gender, its body a canvas of stitched-together flesh and bone, the patchwork evidence of countless victims. Its skin, a sickly gray stretched taut over its skeletal frame, pulsed with a faint green light that mirrored the eerie glow of the chamber.

The figure's head was a nightmare tapestry of mismatched features - a reptilian eye here, a gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth there. And as Maria entered the chamber, its mismatched eyes locked onto her, an intelligence flickering within their depths that sent a wave of nausea through her.

Maria froze, a single word catching in her throat. Her ice-blue eyes, usually filled with frosty detachment, widened in a horrifying realization. It was a Doppelganger, a shapeshifting monstrosity capable of mimicking anything it set its sights on. As if to confirm her suspicion, the creature on the bone throne began to shimmer and distort. In a sickening display of contortion, its mismatched features coalesced, morphing into a perfect replica of Maria herself.

This doppelganger, however, was a caricature, a twisted reflection. Gone was the icy composure, replaced by a sultry, seductive demeanor. Her once pristine denim shorts transformed into a barely-there garment that clung to the creature's stitched-together flesh. A cruel smirk played upon the doppelganger's lips, a chilling mockery of Maria's usual stoicism.

"Welcome, my dear," the doppelganger purred, its voice a sickeningly sweet echo of Maria's


"I've been expecting you. Let's have a little dance, shall we? I'll end your charade and take your place. Imagine the chaos I could sow among your precious humans, your precious Alex."

Maria's eyes narrowed into icy slits. This creature dared to mock her, to twist her image into something vulgar and cruel. The audacity of it sent a surge of a very different kind of chill through her. This wasn't fear, but a cold, righteous fury.

The doppelganger continued to advance, swaying its hips suggestively.

"Think of it, Maria. You, the Ice Queen, brought low by a bit of fun. Your friends, heartbroken. Your Alex, mine for the taking. Wouldn't that be a delicious turn of events?"

If the doppelganger could have seen Maria's thoughts, its metaphorical jaw would have hit the ground. This wasn't the reaction it expected. This woman, this embodiment of icy control, was bristling with a kind of rage it hadn't anticipated. This wasn't just anger, it was a cold, calculating fury that promised a very different kind of dance than the one the doppelganger envisioned.

A cruel smile, genuine this time, played on Maria's lips. "You misunderstand," she said, her voice a chilling whisper that sent shivers down the doppelganger's mismatched spine.

"The only thing delicious here will be your demise."

The air crackled with anticipation, a storm brewing beneath Maria's icy composure. The doppelganger's playful demeanor faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of apprehension. It had underestimated the Ice Queen's fury. Maria was known for her hand-to- hand combat skills, underestimating her was a fatal mistake.

However, underestimating the doppelganger would be equally foolish. It had watched her fight, analyzed her movements, and now it mirrored them perfectly. Maria threw a right jab, and the doppelganger blocked with a precise counter. A swift low kick, met with a perfectly timed leg sweep. The two figures, locked in a deadly ballet, moved with a terrifying grace. Punches and kicks blurred into a whirlwind of motion, each blow met with an equal and opposite reaction.

But there was a subtle difference. Maria's movements, though precise, were fueled by a cold efficiency. Her strikes were measured, aimed at vital points. The doppelganger, on the other hand, reveled in the brutality. Its attacks, fueled by a twisted mockery of Maria's power, were filled with a sadistic glee.

"For someone copying after me," Maria gritted out, sweat forming on her brow despite the biting cold, "you fight like a crazed animal."

The doppelganger laughed, a chilling sound that echoed off the damp walls.

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"I'm learning from the best, darling," it hissed, its voice dripping with venom.

"And soon, I'll be better than you ever were."

The fight continued, a brutal dance on the edge of a knife. The bone throne loomed in the background, a silent observer to the clash of wills. Maria knew this couldn't continue; a battle of equals would only lead to a stalemate. She needed an edge, a way to exploit the

doppelganger's arrogance.

With a feint, she drew the doppelganger in for a close attack. As their fists collided, a flicker of ice formed around Maria's hand, barely noticeable to the naked eye. The doppelganger, expecting another standard punch, mirrored the movement without hesitation.

But this time, it was different. The seemingly harmless frost spread rapidly, snaking across the doppelganger's arm, freezing the stolen flesh solid. A scream, a horrific mix of Maria's own voice and something inhuman, ripped from the creature's throat. The unexpected burst of cold sent a tremor through its copied form.

Maria, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a flurry of ice-laden blows. With each punch, with each kick, a layer of frost built upon the doppelganger, its stolen form becoming more brittle with every passing moment. The scream grew louder, morphing into a desperate gurgle as the monster struggled against the encroaching ice.

The fight wasn't over, but the tide had turned. A single mistake, a misplaced belief in its own superiority, had given Maria the edge she needed.

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