Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1704: Chapter 1521: Monsters Invasion 2

Chapter 1704: Chapter 1521: Monsters Invasion 2

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The last rays of sunlight bled onto the scene of carnage that was once Southport. Exhaustion gnawed at the remaining defenders, their movements sluggish, their faces etched with despair. The ground was a macabre tapestry of human and monstrous corpses, a testament to the relentless battle. Yet, the tide of creatures showed no sign of receding, their guttural roars a constant reminder of the threat they posed.

Suddenly, a streak of light blazed across the smoke-choked sky. A colossal fireball, imbued with an otherworldly intelligence, materialized before slamming into the heart of the monstrous horde. The impact erupted in a deafening explosion, a blinding inferno that engulfed the creatures in a fiery tomb. But the flames didn't simply rage and consume - they writhed, morphing into serpentine beings of living fire. These colossal flame snakes slithered amidst the remaining monsters, their fiery bodies leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. A gasp of awe escaped the defenders' lips. Hope, a flicker long extinguished, rekindled in their weary eyes. Then, two figures descended from the heavens, their arrival a beacon of hope in the darkening sky.

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One was Gracier, the Flame Goddess. Her crimson robes billowed in the wind, her fiery hair ablaze with an ethereal light. Her heterochromia eyes, burning embers reflecting the inferno she had unleashed, scanned the battlefield with a fierce intensity.

Beside her stood Saeko, the embodiment of Wind. Her form, clad in flowing azure garments, shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence. Her long, black wind-tossed hair seemed to crackle with unseen energy, a reflection of the power she wielded.

"Saeko, go assist them," Gracier boomed, her voice a powerful echo that resonated across the battlefield.

"I'll take care of the monsters here."

Saeko, her face a mask of unwavering resolve, nodded curtly. With a burst of wind that sent shockwaves rippling outwards, she propelled herself towards the besieged city. Her arrival was a whirlwind of power, scattering the remaining goblin hordes and bolstering the flagging spirits of the defenders.

On the ground, Gracier unleashed the full fury of her power. Her flaming hand, a blazing comet hurtling towards the earth, slammed into the monstrous ranks. Shockwaves radiated outwards, incinerating entire swathes of creatures in an instant. The wyvern, perched atop the skyscraper, let out a shriek of outrage as the flames licked at its emerald scales.

The tide had turned. With the arrival of the legendary Gracier and Saeko, the battle for Southport entered a new phase. The defenders, infused with renewed hope, fought with a newfound vigor. The monstrous horde, once relentless, faltered in the face of the goddesses' raw power.

But the battle was far from won. The wyvern, wounded but not defeated, unleashed a deafening roar, rallying its remaining forces. In the distance, the howls of other approaching creatures echoed through the sky.

Thousands of enraged monsters swarmed toward the city, madness clouding their judgment they failed to recognize a powerful enemy.

Gracier looking at those monsters with her her heterochromia eyes chuckled in amusement.

"Gotta be serious." she said.

"Dragon's mode!"

Gracier's transformation was a breathtaking spectacle. In a flash of blinding light, the Flame Goddess vanished, replaced by a colossal crimson dragon that blotted out the last vestiges of the setting sun. Its scales, the color of smoldering embers, shimmered with an otherworldly heat, casting long, dancing shadows on the battlefield.

The dragon's sheer size was awe-inspiring. It dwarfed even the tallest skyscrapers of Southport, its massive wings stretching out hundreds of meters, each beat sending gusts of wind that whipped the smoke and debris into a frenzy. Its powerful legs, each thicker than a building, slammed into the ground with earth-shattering tremors.

A long, serpentine neck, adorned with wickedly sharp spines that ran down its back, connected its monstrous head to its gargantuan body. The head itself resembled a fount of molten anger. Razor-sharp teeth gleamed in the dying light, their edges dripping with a faint, ethereal fire. Two horns, impossibly sharp and black as obsidian, curved menacingly from its brow.

But the most striking feature were Gracier's eyes. One, an inferno of swirling red, mirrored the fire that crackled around her form. The other, a golden, echoed the celestial fire that burned within her soul. These heterochromatic eyes, one scorching with rage, the other burning with an icy resolve, locked onto the wyvern atop the skyscraper.


A powerful roar, a sound that seemed to claw its way from the depths of the earth, erupted from Gracier's maw. It was a challenge, a declaration of war, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened defenders. The enraged monsters swarming towards the city, oblivious to the true power they were about to face, faltered in their steps. Fear, a primal instinct buried deep within them, flickered in their eyes as they finally recognized their true adversary.


The wyvern, its roar dwarfed by Gracier's challenge, let out a shriek of defiance. It knew it had met its match, but its monstrous pride wouldn't allow it to back down. The battle for Southport had reached a new level, a clash between titans that would shake the very foundation of the city.


The earth trembled as Gracier, the newly transformed Crimson Dragon, unleashed her fury. With a powerful beat of her monstrous wings, she sent a shockwave rippling outwards, scattering the confused monsters in all directions. Buildings crumbled under the sudden gust, and screams were abruptly cut short as debris rained down.

The wyvern, its emerald scales now dull with fear, took flight. It knew the power of dragons, creatures of legend whispered about in hushed tones by its ancestors. But retreat was no longer an option. Gracier wouldn't allow it.

With a speed that defied her immense size, the Crimson Dragon launched herself towards the fleeing beast. The wind howled around her, her crimson scales blurring as she tore through the air. The wyvern, banking sharply, let out a desperate stream of venomous fire. The emerald flames, potent enough to melt steel, sputtered harmlessly against Gracier's fiery


Reaching the wyvern, Gracier grappled with the beast in a dance of deadly grace. Her claws, each the size of a fallen tree trunk, raked across the wyvern's back, leaving deep furrows in its emerald scales. The wyvern shrieked in fury, its razor-sharp tail slashing at the dragon's side. But Gracier was too agile. She twisted in mid-air, avoiding the attack by a hair's breadth.

The fight was becoming intense.

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