Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1705: Chapter 1522: Monsters Invasion 3

Chapter 1705: Chapter 1522: Monsters Invasion 3

Reaching the wyvern, Gracier grappled with the beast in a dance of deadly grace. Her claws, each the size of a fallen tree trunk, raked across the wyvern's back, leaving deep furrows in its emerald scales. The wyvern shrieked in fury, its razor-sharp tail slashing at the dragon's side. But Gracier was too agile. She twisted in mid-air, avoiding the attack by a hair's breadth.


The clash shook the very foundations of Southport. Buildings groaned in protest, windows shattering as the shockwaves reverberated through them. Down below, the remaining defenders watched in awe and terror as the titans battled above.

Saeko, weaving through the battlefield like a whirlwind, ensured that none of the remaining monsters reached the civilians. She was a blur of azure energy, redirecting attacks, creating diversions, and giving the defenders a much-needed breathing room.

Suddenly, Gracier lunged forward, jaws snapping shut around the wyvern's neck. A deafening roar echoed through the air as the dragon squeezed, her immense strength threatening to crush the life out of her opponent.

The wyvern, thrashing wildly, spat a gout of emerald fire directly into Gracier's golden eye. It was too fast and Gracier who wasn't too accustomed to this form like her real body could not react in time, let not forget that the Wyvern was also Grand Emperor rank monster, (A/N:Equal to a weak False Realm Ranker!)


The dragon shrieked, a sound laced with pain and fury. She recoiled, releasing the wyvern momentarily. Her sapphire eye, once a pool of celestial fire, now burned a dull gray. The world seemed to slow down for a heartbeat as everyone held their breath, wondering if Gracier, blinded and weakened, could continue the fight.

But then, a flicker of defiance sparked within her remaining red eye. It burned brighter than ever, fueled by rage and an unwavering determination to protect what was beneath her. With a renewed roar that shook the heavens, Gracier charged once more.

This time, she wouldn't grapple. She would end this. As she closed the distance, the dragon opened her maw, revealing a vortex of swirling crimson flames. The air crackled with raw power, and the very atmosphere seemed to shimmer under the intense heat.

The wyvern, paralyzed by fear, could only watch as the vortex of fire hurtled towards it. The impact was instantaneous and devastating. The wyvern was engulfed in an inferno so intense, so utterly consuming, that only a faint echo of its final shriek reached the ground below.

The colossal dragon, her body still crackling with residual energy, hovered over the smoldering remains of the wyvern. Silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the crackling flames and the ragged breaths of the weary defenders.

This chapter is updated by freēwē

Gracier, her remaining eye burning with an indomitable spirit, surveyed the scene. The battle for Southport was won, but the war was far from over. As the last embers of the wyvern faded, the distant howls echoed through the night, a chilling reminder of the monstrous threat that loomed beyond the horizon.

A gasp of awe rippled through the ranks of the surviving defenders as a white flame erupted around Gracier's injured eye. It pulsed with an otherworldly light, consuming the remnants of the emerald fire and mending the damage in an instant. With a roar that echoed through the ravaged city, a sound that spoke of renewed power and unyielding rage, Gracier, the Crimson Dragon, turned her gaze towards the remaining monsters.

The once-mindless horde faltered. The death of their leader, the wyvern, had ripped through the fog of rage that clouded their judgment. Now, staring at the colossal dragon with her restored eye blazing like a single, fiery ember, a flicker of primal fear flickered in their reptilian minds.

A cruel smirk twisted Gracier's draconic maw. These pathetic creatures, she thought, were no match for the fury of a goddess. With a powerful beat of her monstrous wings, she launched herself into the fray. It was a dance of elegant brutality. Her claws, instruments of fiery destruction, ripped through the ranks of monsters like a scythe through wheat. Each colossal wingbeat sent shockwaves that toppled buildings and scattered the remaining beasts.

From her maw erupted a torrent of abyssal flame. Unlike the fire that crackled around her form, this was a darker, more malevolent fire. It clung to its victims, an insatiable hunger burning within its heart. The monsters shrieked, clawing at themselves in a desperate attempt to extinguish the flames, but it was a futile effort. The abyssal fire consumed them whole, leaving behind only smoldering ash.

The battle raged throughout the day. Gracier, a whirlwind of crimson fury, moved with an inhuman speed, a one-woman army against the tide of monstrous invaders. The remaining defenders, emboldened by the sight of their fiery savior, rallied. They fought with renewed vigor, their blades imbued with a newfound strength as they picked off the stragglers who dared to venture near the dragon's wrath.

By nightfall, the battlefield was eerily silent. The once-thronging horde of monsters lay eradicated, their corpses a testament to Gracier's devastating power. Smoke plumed from the smoldering ruins of Southport, a stark reminder of the city's ordeal.

Gracier, her crimson scales scorched and her body aching, landed atop the tallest remaining skyscraper. She surveyed the scene with blazing eyes. The battle was won, but the victory tasted like ash in her mouth.

The howls, faint but persistent, still echoed from the distance. Somewhere, beyond the horizon, more creatures stirred, driven by a hunger that no earthly satiation could appease. This battle, Gracier realized, was just the beginning. The war for humanity's survival had only just begun, and she, the Crimson Dragon, would stand as their fiery champion, a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

The monstrous rampage had taken its toll. With a final, earth-shaking tremor, Gracier, the Crimson Dragon, transformed back into her human form. Her once fiery robes hung in tattered shreds, her once vibrant hair singed and smoldering. She sank to her knees, the remnants of her godly power leaving her body drained and trembling.

Saeko, her azure cloak billowing in the night wind, materialized beside her. Her touch, cool and soothing, settled on Gracier's shoulder.

"You did well, Gracier," she said, her voice a gentle breeze rustling through leaves.

"Southport is safe for now."

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