Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1710: Chapter 1527: Wyvern King’s Battle

Chapter 1710: Chapter 1527: Wyvern King's Battle

In a desolate section of the decimated city, a distinct conflict unfolded. Amidst the fragments of a once bustling marketplace, the Wyvern King and the Minotaur engaged in a tempestuous maelstrom of rage and might.

In the skies above, the Wyvern Monarch, a majestic being adorned with scales of shimmering sapphire and wingtips of silver, glided with unparalleled elegance. With each powerful swoop, its talons etched profound marks into the cobblestone streets below. The Wyvern King lunged forward, its beak gleaming with a razor-sharp edge, aiming to strike at the Minotaur. In response, the Minotaur bellowed in defiance, his breath thick with a putrid stench.

The Minotaur, a savage embodiment of raw power and primal fury, stood as a colossal abomination. Its midnight-black fur, matted with the stains of blood and dust, undulated with every thunderous roar. Its obsidian horns, wickedly curved like the claws of a malevolent god, possessed the ability to pierce through anything unfortunate enough to cross their path. Gripping its ebony axe, adorned with once malevolent runes now marred by the scars of battle, the Minotaur swung it with a relentless savagery, embodying a ferocious abandon. The clash between the Minotaur and the Wyvern King was a mesmerizing display of lethal grace and unbridled strength. The Wyvern King, taking full advantage of its aerial prowess, gracefully swooped and dived through the air, its razor-sharp talons slashing at the Minotaur's formidable hide. Yet, the Minotaur answered with a thunderous roar, its fury igniting with each strike. Its ebony axe became a tempest of annihilation, each swing carrying enough force to rend even the sturdiest of structures in half.

The aftermath of their epic clash left a trail of devastation in its wake. Once vibrant stalls now lay in ruins, their precious wares strewn about like shattered dreams. The ground beneath their feet bore witness to the chaos, a churned mess of dirt and blood, the very earth scarred by their relentless struggle. The deafening roar of their clash reverberated through the deserted streets, a terrifying symphony of war that sent shivers down the spines of any who dared to listen.

The Wyvern King, Luna's faithful companion, proved to be more than just a creature of brute strength. Its intelligence, sharpened by years of battles and training under the Saintess, came into play during the fight. With cunning tactics, it lured the Minotaur into a false sense of security, feigning attacks and drawing out the beast's wild swings. Seizing the opportune moments, the Wyvern King swiftly struck, raking its sharp claws across the Minotaur's vulnerable back. The Minotaur, consumed by rage and a diminishing sense of self- preservation, fought on with increasing erraticism, driven solely by his relentless determination.

In a moment of keen awareness, the Wyvern King spotted a golden opportunity. As the Minotaur charged forward, its massive axe poised to deliver a crushing blow, the wyvern swiftly descended, gracefully skimming the rooftops with its majestic wings. And then, with a burst of incredible speed, it ascended into the sky, capturing the Minotaur's attention and drawing his gaze upwards. The Wyvern King's strategic maneuver not only evaded the imminent attack but also momentarily distracted the Minotaur, leaving him vulnerable to the wyvern's next move.

The Minotaur, briefly confused, pursued the wyvern with a thunderous bellow.


This was the opening the Wyvern King had been waiting for. With a sharp turn, it dove back down, aiming for the Minotaur's exposed flank. The Minotaur, caught off guard, roared in surprise as the wyvern's razor-sharp talons sank deep into its side.

The Minotaur shrieked in pain, its massive body staggering. The wyvern, clinging on with all its might, dug its claws deeper, drawing forth a torrent of blood.


The Minotaur, desperate to dislodge the creature, flailed wildly, its axe slicing through the air harmlessly.

The battle reached its climax. With a final, bone-chilling bellow, the Minotaur slammed its back against a crumbling building.


The impact sent a shockwave through the city, shattering windows and raining debris down upon them. The wyvern, momentarily dislodged, was thrown off the Minotaur's side. freewёbnoν

Both creatures lay panting, wounded but still alive. The Minotaur, its side a gaping wound, glared at the wyvern with a burning hatred. The wyvern, its feathers ruffled and dripping blood, surveyed the Minotaur with a mix of exhaustion and defiance.

Just then, a distant roar echoed through the battlefield. The Wyvern King recognized the sound - Luna's arrival had turned the tide of the battle in another part of the city. A flicker of hope sparked in the wyvern's intelligent eyes.

With a renewed surge of energy, the Wyvern King launched itself back at the Minotaur. It screeched a challenge, a defiant cry that echoed through the ravaged city. The Minotaur, sensing the turning tide and its own dwindling strength, roared back.

The fight between the two powerful monsters had restarted.

The renewed clash between the Wyvern King and the Minotaur sent tremors through the battlefield, a counterpoint to the thunderous cheers erupting from the defenders. The news of Luna's victory spread like wildfire, igniting a renewed sense of purpose in the hearts of the weary soldiers.

In the marketplace, the wyvern king and the minotaur locked horns once more. The wyvern, fueled by a surge of adrenaline mirroring the city's newfound hope, tore at the minotaur's wounded flank with renewed ferocity. The minotaur, however, was a creature of unwavering rage. It roared in defiance, its ebony axe a whirlwind of destruction as it attempted to cleave through the wyvern's scales.

Their dance of death continued, carving a path of devastation through the marketplace. Stalls were reduced to splinters, their wares flung like confetti in a macabre celebration. Cracks snaked across the cobblestone streets, testament to the raw power unleashed by these titans. But the tide had turned. The wyvern, fighting with newfound clarity, began to exploit the minotaur's waning strength and dwindling rage. It darted in and out, peppering the minotaur with its razor-sharp beak, drawing frustrated bellows from the beast. The minotaur's once- powerful swings became sluggish and predictable, its movements hampered by the deep gash on its side.

Sensing victory within reach, the wyvern king unleashed a final, desperate attack. With a bone-chilling shriek, it dived towards the minotaur, its silver-tipped wings tucked close to its body. The minotaur, its vision clouded by pain and fury, raised its axe in a final, desperate attempt to block.


The impact echoed through the marketplace.

The wyvern's beak slammed into the minotaur's exposed horn,

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Sending a shockwave that shattered the remaining windows of nearby buildings. The minotaur stumbled back, its bellow turning into a choked gasp. The ebony axe clattered to the ground, a heavy thud marking the monster's waning power.

The wyvern king, perched precariously on the minotaur's head, its claws digging deep into the thick hide, unleashed a torrent of fierce screeches. The sound, a primal victory cry, seemed to echo the cheers erupting from across the city.

The minotaur, its black eyes filled with a mixture of hatred and despair, could do nothing but thrash its head from side to side in a futile attempt to dislodge the wyvern. With a final, earth-shaking tremor, the beast collapsed, its massive body shaking the very foundation of

the marketplace.

The wyvern king, its work complete, surveyed the fallen beast with a cold, calculating gaze. Then, with a powerful beat of its wings, it launched itself skyward, its sapphire scales gleaming in the fading light of the setting sun. As it soared above the battlefield, it let out a triumphant roar, a sound that resonated with the city's newfound hope.

Below, the weary soldiers erupted in cheers. The minotaur, the symbol of their impending doom, lay vanquished. With Luna's victory and the wyvern king's triumph, the tide had

decisively turned.

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