Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1711: Chapter 1528: Reconquest 1

Chapter 1711: Chapter 1528: Reconquest 1

In a city two hundred kilometers distant, an eerie stillness smothered the once-lively Aethel. Once teeming with laughter and bustling commerce, the atmosphere now carried the stench of decay and demise. The towering structures, once majestic symbols of human creativity, stood as hollow shells, their vacant windows resembling lifeless eyes peering into the abyss of destruction. Dilapidated walls, adorned with faded murals recounting a forgotten age, served as haunting reminders of a lost existence.

The cobblestone streets, once vibrant with life, now bore witness to a grim tableau of horror. They were strewn with the grotesque aftermath of a merciless conquest. Human and monstrous bodies lay sprawled in unnatural poses, their decaying flesh either devoured by scavengers or left to rot under the scorching sun. Among the carnage, broken weapons and battered armor served as remnants of a valiant but ultimately futile defense. In this desolate landscape, the very air seemed heavy with an oppressive silence, occasionally interrupted by guttural growls or the rustling of unseen creatures lurking in the shadows.

Under the monstrous dominion, the city had fallen completely. Goblins, with their manic glee, added a discordant note to the eerie stillness that enveloped the ruins. They scurried through the debris, snatching at whatever meager scraps they could find, relishing in the chaos they had played a part in creating. Towering over them, hulking ogres and menacing trolls patrolled the streets with an air of arrogant swagger. Their grotesque presence served as a constant reminder of the city's heartbreaking defeat.

Aethel's central plaza, once a bustling marketplace teeming with life, was now a grotesque parody of its former glory. Fountains, once adorned with intricate sculptures, now overflowed with stagnant water, breeding grounds for noxious insects. Overturned stalls, their wares scattered and trampled, lay like the abandoned toys of a forgotten child. In the center of the plaza, a crude wooden throne had been erected, a mockery of the city's fallen leadership. Upon it, a hulking ogre chieftain sprawled, his greasy form adorned with crude trophies scavenged from the fallen city. From this grotesque seat of power, he surveyed his conquered domain, his brutal laughter echoing through the silent streets, a chilling reminder of the city's grim fate.

Aethel stood as a grim monument to the monstrous invasion, a cautionary tale for any city that dared to underestimate the tide of darkness. Here, hope had been extinguished, replaced by the cold indifference of conquest.

Aethel's suffocating silence was shattered by an abrupt, dissonant sound. In the heart of the desolate city, a young woman appeared, her snow-white hair standing out starkly against the gloom. Her eyes, like rubies, gleamed with a disturbing mischief as she surveyed the monstrous crowd with unsettling amusement.

The orcs, their perceptions dulled by their thirst for power and the stench of death, were the first to respond. Among them, a massive brute with tusks stained by the blood of the innocent let loose a mighty roar and lunged toward the trespasser.

Dun! Dun!

With the ground trembling beneath its weight, the monstrous beast charged towards the girl like a raging bull in the throes of passion. ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

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With a seemingly effortless sidestep, the girl gracefully avoided the charging orc, evading it with the finesse of a skilled dancer evading a clumsy partner. As the creature continued its unstoppable charge, it crashed headfirst into a crumbling wall, creating a sickening crunch and a spray of gore and brain matter. The impact was so sudden and powerful that it silenced the beast immediately. Unbeknownst to all, the girl had subtly manipulated the space above the monster, causing this swift and undetectable turn of events.

The plaza fell into a stunned silence as the remaining monsters, momentarily shaken from their bloodlust, watched the girl move forward with an eerie sense of calm. She seemed unaffected by the gruesome scene around her - the stench of blood, the swarm of flies, and the encroaching decay. It was as if nothing could touch her, as if she existed in a realm untouched by the horrors of the world.

A chilling smile slowly spread across her beautiful face, a stark contrast to the depravity that surrounded her. It sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it.

With a voice that was both low and dangerous, she murmured, "Time to have some fun."

Her words were filled with a dark promise, a hint of sadistic pleasure that sent a chill through the air.

"Incursio," she added as if introducing herself to the very air, her ruby eyes flashing with a ferocious glee.

Incursio, known as the Calamity Girl, had arrived, casting an ominous shadow over the monsters. As the former Number 2 of the Chaos Organisation, she possessed a reputation for wreaking havoc and causing destruction wherever she went. Now, the monsters would witness the true meaning of terror. Despite the playful lilt in her voice, there was an unmistakable predatory glint in her eyes. This was more than just a conquest; it was a twisted game, a macabre dance of death that brought her immense joy. The monsters trembled in fear as they realized they were about to become mere pawns in her deadly game.


With a tap of her foot on the already defiled ground, the entire sky above Aethel seemed to react. The once clear blue, briefly glimpsed through a tear in the oppressive clouds, vanished. In its place, menacing storm clouds gathered, crackling with a malevolent energy. The playful amusement in Incursio's eyes morphed into something terrifying - the cold, calculating gaze of a predator surveying its prey.


The sky rumbled and,

Zi~ Zi~

As if choreographed by a malevolent conductor, lightning, countless ethereal tendrils of unadulterated, annihilative might, slithered from the freshly birthed tempest. This was no arbitrary deluge; it was a focused onslaught, each bolt meticulously directed with lethal accuracy. Goblins, haplessly ensnared in the exposed expanse, were swiftly reduced to smoldering embers in a mere heartbeat. Ogres, their formidable stature offering scant defense against the fury of Incursio, succumbed to bolts that effortlessly shattered their formidable hides.

The heart of the city, once a poignant emblem of the fallen regime, transformed into a theater for a ghastly exhibition of supremacy. The monstrous entities, previously intoxicated by their reign, now trembled in trepidation. The ultimate predator had descended upon them, and Aethel, already a monument of desolation, was poised to witness an unparalleled cataclysm. The Calamity Girl's reign of terror commenced, casting a foreboding pall over the remnants of the decimated metropolis.

The Reconquest had started and Incursio was about to have some fun before the real main


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