Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1713: Chapter 1530: Goddess’s Manifestation 1

Chapter 1713: Chapter 1530: Goddess's Manifestation 1

A mere two weeks had passed since the idyllic city of Porto had been a bustling hub of life and culture. Now, it resembled a twisted parody of its former glory. The once vibrant Douro River, a testament to the city's commerce, now flowed sluggishly, choked with debris and the bloated corpses of monstrous invaders. The air, thick with the stench of decay and putrefaction, hung heavy, a constant assault on the senses.

The cobblestone streets, once teeming with life, lay eerily silent. Buildings, once proud testaments to human ingenuity, now stood like hollowed-out teeth, their windows like vacant eye sockets staring blindly into the abyss. Charred timbers poked out from windows like blackened fingers, stark reminders of the inferno that had consumed much of the city. Everywhere you looked, there were signs of the monstrous occupation. Crude shacks, fashioned from scavenged wood and scavenged cloth, had sprouted like cancerous growths amongst the ruined buildings. Banners, emblazoned with grotesque symbols of the invaders, flapped defiantly in the wind. Graffiti, scrawled in a crude, alien language, defaced the once- elegant facades.

The silence was broken only by the occasional guttural growl or the skittering of unseen creatures. Yet, unlike Aethel, where the monsters had reveled in their dominion, a sense of unease hung heavy in the air here. The monstrous presence in Porto was vast - estimates placed it at over two thousand strong. This wasn't a ragtag group of invaders; it was a well- organized force, occupying the city with a chilling efficiency.

Different species patrolled the streets with a swaggering arrogance. Hulking ogres, their grotesque forms casting long shadows, slammed their clubs against walls, their guttural roars echoing through the canyons of buildings. Packs of goblins, their manic energy a jarring note in the city's deathly stillness, scurried through the ruins, their beady eyes gleaming with a pang of rapacious hunger. In the distance, the mournful howl of a werewolf sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened survivors.

The heart of Porto, the once-bustling Ribeira district, was now a grotesque parody of its former glory. The iconic colorful houses, once a photographer's dream, now stood ravaged, their paint peeling, their balconies sagging under the weight of makeshift nests built by monstrous occupants. The scent of fish, once a welcome aroma, had curdled into a suffocating stench as rotting corpses and overturned fish stalls littered the quayside.

The imposing structure of the S?o Francisco Church, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, wasn't spared either. Its ornate facade was defaced with crude symbols, and its stained-glass windows shattered. The gargoyles, once grotesque yet fascinating figures, now seemed to leer down upon the city with a malevolent glee. The once-sacred halls, according to whispers, now echoed with the guttural chants of monstrous rituals.

Everywhere you looked, Porto bore the scars of conquest. The once beautiful city was now a battleground, a grim stage where humanity and monstrosity were locked in a desperate struggle for survival. Yet, amidst the ruins, the embers of hope still flickered. Just like in Aethel, this city could be recovered.


A brutal roar, earth-shattering in its intensity, erupted from the heart of Porto's ravaged cityscape. The monstrous horde, for the first time since their occupation, looked skyward, their attention ripped away from their patrols and plunder. High above the skeletal remains of the city, a sight both magnificent and terrifying filled the ash-choked sky.

Luna, the Saintess, materialized upon the back of the Wyvern King. The once pristine white scales of her loyal companion were now battle-scarred, testaments to their recent victory in another fallen city. With a powerful beat of its sapphire wings, the wyvern king hung suspended, its piercing cries a clarion call that echoed through the canyons of shattered buildings.

From its maw, a torrent of ice-laced breath erupted. The once vibrant blue of the wyvern's attack was now tinged with a sickly green, a horrifying reminder of its poisonous payload. The monstrous ranks below convulsed as the frozen blast slammed into their midst. Goblins, their wiry frames offering little resistance, were instantly encased in shimmering green ice, their grotesque forms shattering into a million glittering shards upon impact. Ogres, their thick hides usually offering some protection, roared in fury as the poisonous ice clung to their flesh, sapping their strength and turning their roars into gurgling gasps.

Meanwhile, Luna, her blonde hair flowing in the wind like a celestial banner, surveyed the scene below. Her golden eyes, usually filled with compassion, now burned with a wave of righteous anger. With a flick of her wrist, a wave of pure, healing energy pulsed outwards from her, seeking out the beleaguered human survivors hiding within the city's broken heart. A collective gasp of relief, a sound both ragged and hopeful, rose from the hidden pockets of resistance as the Saintess' touch revitalized their weary bodies and rekindled their flickering flames of hope.

The monstrous horde, momentarily stunned by the sudden attack and the Saintess' arrival, roared back in defiance. A hulking minotaur general, its black eyes gleaming with hatred, emerged from the chaos, bellowing a challenge that echoed through the ruined streets.

"Distract them for a moment!"

With a resolute nod towards the Wyvern King, Luna entrusted the initial onslaught to her loyal companion. The colossal beast, emboldened by her presence, unleashed another torrent of ice and venom, carving a path of destruction through the monstrous ranks. Luna, however, wouldn't merely be a spectator in this fight. Her role was to be a beacon of hope, a shepherd guiding her flock to safety.

Focusing on her golden gaze, Luna scanned the ravaged cityscape. Her senses, honed by countless battles, pinpointed pockets of resistance tucked away in crumbling basements and fortified attics. With a wave of her hand, a shimmering portal crackled into existence amidst the debris.

"Come forward!" she called out, her voice amplified by an unseen magic, resonating through the ruined streets.

"There is safety beyond this portal! Flee to the designated shelters, and fight for another day!"

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Hesitantly at first, then with a growing surge of hope, figures began to emerge from their hiding places. Weary civilians, their faces etched with despair, shuffled towards the portal, their eyes filled with a flicker of newfound life. A grizzled old man, clutching a whimpering child, turned towards Luna, his voice hoarse with gratitude.

"Thank you, Saintess," he rasped, his words echoing the silent thanks of the others. Luna met his gaze with a reassuring smile.

"Go," she urged gently, "safety comes first."

One by one, she guided the desperate survivors through the shimmering portal. Fear mingled with relief on their faces as they disappeared into the swirling energy, leaving Luna alone amidst the growing chaos. The Wyvern King's battle cry echoed through the streets, a desperate symphony joined by the enraged bellows of the monsters.

With a final group of survivors ushered through the portal, Luna steeled herself. The heart of Porto, the Ribeira district with its monstrous occupants, awaited. Here, the battle raged at its most ferocious. Taking a deep breath, Luna propelled herself forward, her white cloak billowing behind her like a celestial banner. Her journey towards the city center was a gauntlet run through a nightmare. Each corner she turned revealed new horrors - monstrous feasting on scavenged corpses, goblins gleefully setting fire to once-beautiful buildings.

But Luna pressed on, her golden eyes blazing with determination. It was time to have some


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