Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1712: Chapter 1529: Reconquest 2

Chapter 1712: Chapter 1529: Reconquest 2

Aethel's air, thick with the stench of decay, stirred as Incursio raised her hand. The storm above her crackled with a renewed fury, responding to her unspoken command. A ferocious wind, howling like a banshee, tore through the plaza. It wasn't a gentle breeze, but a living entity, whipping debris into deadly projectiles. Goblins, their scrawny bodies no match for the gale's fury, were sent flying through the air, their shrieks swallowed by the wind's roar.

The orc chieftain, still sprawled on his crude throne, roared in defiance.


But defiance was useless against the Calamity Girl's power. A monstrous wind blade, condensed from the very air, materialized in Incursio's hand. It shimmered with an otherworldly light, a chilling fusion of wind and lightning. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled the blade. It sliced through the air with a deafening crack, leaving a trail of scorched earth in its wake.


The blade struck the orc chieftain with a sickening thud, splitting his greasy form in two. His laughter, once a mockery of the city's fallen leadership, died in his throat.

The remaining monsters, witnessing their leader's demise, erupted in a cacophony of terror. The playful amusement in Incursio's eyes had vanished, replaced by a cold indifference. This wasn't a game anymore; it was an extermination.

With a cruel smile, Incursio unleashed a torrent of her combined power. Bolts of lightning, each crackling with a miniature storm within, danced on the wind's currents. They were guided by her will, seeking out the remaining pockets of resistance. Each impact was a miniature apocalypse - a flash of blinding light, a deafening crack, and then silence. Trolls, their immense size offering no protection, were reduced to smoldering husks. Ogres, their roars turning into gurgling screams, were struck down by a volley of wind blades.

The central plaza, already a monument to despair, was now a scene of utter devastation. The monstrous horde, which had overrun the city with such ease, was being decimated. Their once proud banners lay tattered and bloodied, trampled underfoot by the wind's relentless assault. The stench of ozone, a byproduct of Incursio's wrath, mingled with the ever-present smell of decay, creating a nightmarish olfactory cocktail.

Incursio stood amidst the carnage, her white hair whipping in the wind, her ruby eyes glowing with an eerie light. Here, in the heart of the fallen city, she had become the new ruler, her power an undeniable force of nature. The monsters, their conquest turned into a desperate fight for survival, were left with a chilling realization - they weren't the apex predator anymore. They were prey, caught in the cruel game of a being who reveled in their destruction.

"Time to switch to another element. I'm having fun! It would have been great if Alex was present."

A gasp escaped Incursio's lips, her ruby eyes flickering with a new thrill after a momentary loneliness.


With a flick of her wrist, the storm clouds above roiled and churned. The wind, once a howling tormentor, died down, replaced by an unnatural stillness. The air crackled with a different kind of energy now - the raw, untamed power of fire.

Incursio raised her hand towards the newly clear sky.

Then, with a wicked laugh, she unleashed her fury.

Fireballs, each the size of a cartwheel, erupted from the heavens. They rained down upon the plaza like malevolent meteors, their trails leaving streaks of molten fury across the dusky sky. The impact was a deafening symphony of explosions - a cacophony of booms that shook the very foundations of the ruined city.

Monsters, caught in the open, were obliterated in an instant. Their screams, brief and agonizing, were lost in the roar of the flames. Goblins turned into smoldering cinders before their scrawny frames could even hit the ground. Ogres, their tough hides offering little protection against the inferno, were reduced to piles of smoldering ash. Even the stone buildings, already scarred by the previous onslaught, began to crumble under the intense heat.

The central plaza, a stage of macabre horror moments ago, was now a desolate wasteland. The stench of burning flesh, a sickeningly sweet perfume in Incursio's twisted senses, filled the air, a testament to the carnage she had wrought. Hundreds of monstrous bodies lay sprawled across the cobblestones, their forms reduced to blackened husks, a grim reminder of the Calamity Girl's wrath.

Yet, amidst the devastation, Incursio stood untouched. The flames danced around her, their heat seemingly incapable of breaching the invisible shield surrounding her. She surveyed the scene with a chilling satisfaction, a cruel smile playing on her lips. The playful amusement had returned to her eyes, replaced by a sense of accomplishment. The hunt was good, the slaughter exhilarating. But was it enough?

A flicker of mischief danced in her ruby eyes. Aethel, once a city of vibrant life, now lay at her feet, a desolate testament to her power. But somewhere, deep within the ruins, pockets of resistance surely remained. A cruel smile stretched across her face. The hunt wasn't over. It was just getting started.

The monstrous horde lay decimated, their dreams of conquest turned to ash in Incursio's fiery crucible. Smoke billowed from the smoldering ruins, obscuring the once clear blue sky in a choking haze of grey. The air itself vibrated with an oppressive heat, a lingering echo of the inferno she unleashed.

Yet, amidst the devastation, a flicker of movement caught Incursio's eye. From a collapsed building, a lone figure emerged - a hulking brute unlike any she had encountered before. This creature, a Minotaur General by the look of its imposing stature and ornately decorated greataxe, surveyed the scene with a mixture of rage and begrudging respect. Its black eyes, burning with a malevolent intelligence, locked onto Incursio.

"You," the Minotaur rumbled, its voice a deep tremor that shook the very ground beneath her feet. "You are the one who has wrought such havoc upon our dominion?"

Incursio, her amusement momentarily piqued, tilted her head, a playful glint returning to her crimson eyes. "Perhaps," she purred, her voice a melodic counterpoint to the Minotaur's guttural growl. "And you, brave bull, are the last one standing. Tell me, is this the face of your glorious conquest?" She gestured towards the smoldering ruins with a sardonic flourish.

The Minotaur's nostrils flared, its rage simmering just beneath the surface. "We underestimated you, demon," it bellowed. "But know this, your victory here is temporary. The tide will turn, and your reign of terror will be brought to an end!"

A chilling laugh erupted from Incursio's lips, a sound that echoed through the devastated plaza. "Oh, brave bull," she mocked, her voice dripping with icy amusement. "Don't be so dramatic. I haven't even broken a sweat yet. Perhaps you'd like to test your might against the Calamity Girl?"

The Minotaur hefted its greataxe, the heavy metal glinting ominously in the smoke-filled air. "With pleasure," it roared, charging towards Incursio with a primal fury.

The ensuing clash was a spectacle of raw power and brutal efficiency. The Minotaur, fueled by rage and desperation, swung its greataxe with bone-crushing force. But Incursio, a whirlwind of movement and deadly grace, effortlessly dodged each blow. Her white hair whipped around her face as she danced around the Minotaur, her movements a blur of white against the backdrop of blackened stone.

Incursio didn't rely on brute force. Instead, she used the Minotaur's own momentum against it. With a well-placed kick, she sent the giant beast staggering off balance. As the Minotaur stumbled, she seized the opportunity. Her hand, crackling with contained lightning, slammed into the Minotaur's exposed flank.

A searing scream tore through the smoke-filled air as the Minotaur convulsed, its massive body writhed in agony. The smell of burning flesh, a familiar yet unpleasant note in this symphony of destruction, filled the air.

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But the Minotaur wasn't finished yet. With a final roar that defied its weakening form, it lunged forward, its greataxe aimed at Incursio's heart.

The blow never landed. A wall of shimmering ice, conjured with a flick of Incursio's wrist, materialized between her and the Minotaur. The greataxe struck the ice with a deafening clang, shattering it into a million shimmering shards. The Minotaur, its final attack spent, stumbled back, its black eyes filled with a mixture of defiance and despair.

Incursio, her ruby eyes gleaming with a cold indifference, raised her hand. A single, impossibly large snowflake materialized in her palm, growing larger with each passing second. The air around it crackled with an unnatural energy, a chilling portent of what was to


The Minotaur watched, its breaths coming in ragged gasps, as the snowflake grew into a swirling vortex of ice and wind. It knew its fate was sealed.

With a final, chilling smile, Incursio launched the ice vortex at the Minotaur. It engulfed the creature in an instant, freezing it solid from the outside in. The Minotaur's defiant roar was cut short, replaced by a sickening crack as its body solidified into a grotesque ice statue. Silence descended upon the plaza once more, broken only by the crackling embers of the fires and the faint hiss of settling smoke. Incursio stood alone amidst the ruins, the sole victor in this brutal dance of death. The city of Aethel, once a vibrant center of life, now lay at her feet, a desolate testament to her destructive power.

But at least the city had been cleansed of the monsters, the reconquest was successfull.

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