Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1717: Chapter 1534: Lich 3

Chapter 1717: Chapter 1534: Lich 3

Maria, her breath misting in the frigid air, surveyed the scene of her victory. The once- majestic surrounding was a frozen tableau, a monument to the power she wielded. While exhaustion gnawed at her, a deeper resolve burned within her eyes. The Lich, the puppeteer of this macabre spectacle, had escaped. It was time for the hunter to become the hunted.

With a whisper and a flick of her wrist, a miniscule shard of ice detached itself from her crystal sword. This wasn't a random act, but a beacon. A tracker, imbued with a sliver of Maria's power, that had subtly attached itself to the Lich during their final confrontation. As she channeled her magic, the shard pulsed with a faint, ethereal light, guiding her towards the necromancer's lair.

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The chase began. Fifty kilometers Maria traversed, leaving a trail of shimmering frost in her wake. Lush forests turned into desolate plains, vibrant rivers into frozen arteries winding through cracked earth. The wind, Maria's constant companion, howled a mournful song, echoing the desolation left in the Lich's path.

Finally, after hours of relentless pursuit, the icicle's glow intensified, leading her to a hidden valley nestled within a treacherous mountain range. This valley, shrouded in perpetual mist and untouched by the Age of Ice, emanated an unsettling aura of darkness. Here, amidst jagged peaks that scraped against the underbelly of the clouds, stood the Lich's personal dungeon a monument to his twisted ambitions.

Carved from the very mountain itself, the dungeon was a grotesque mockery of architecture. Black obsidian spires, devoid of any warmth, reached towards the sky like skeletal fingers grasping for the heavens. Crimson runes, pulsing with an unholy light, were etched into the stone, their malevolent script whispering promises of pain and suffering. A gaping maw, a cavernous entrance guarded by skeletal statues that seemed to writhe in unseen torment, marked the dungeon's entry.

An oppressive silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the mournful cries of unseen creatures echoing from within. This was no ordinary dungeon; it was a living entity, a manifestation of the Lich's dark power, and a final obstacle before Maria could confront the mastermind himself. It was a place where light dared not tread, and the very air reeked of decay and a bone-chilling dread.

With a resolute breath, Maria steeled herself. This was the culmination of her journey, the heart of the darkness she had sworn to eradicate. Her white hair, a stark contrast to the obsidian spires, billowed in the nonexistent wind as she stepped towards the dungeon's entrance. The hunt was over; the confrontation was about to begin.

Descending deeper into the Lich's dungeon, Maria's senses, honed by years of combat and amplified by her detection skill, crackled with anticipation. The frigid air, infused with a faint scent of decay, carried the faint echoes of whimpering and tortured screams. Here, in the belly of the beast, the Lich's dark magic held dominion, warping the very fabric of reality to create a nightmarish labyrinth.

Maria navigated the treacherous corridors with practiced ease, her movements a blur of white against the oppressive darkness. Her passage triggered a cascade of hidden traps - tripwires that snapped harmlessly in the frozen air, poisoned darts encased in shimmering ice, and pressure plates that erupted in silent puffs of harmless frost. The Lich, it seemed, anticipated brute force, but underestimated the Ice Empress's mastery over ice and her keen awareness. Reaching the second floor, the air grew thick with a sickeningly sweet stench. Unlike the sterile chill of the upper level, this floor reeked of decay, a fetid miasma that assaulted Maria's senses. As she rounded a jagged corner, a gaggle of monstrous figures shuffled into view, their forms illuminated by the faint, flickering glow of bioluminescent fungi clinging to the cavern walls.

These were no ordinary orcs. Hulking figures, easily twice the size of their surface brethren, their grotesquely muscular forms were twisted by undeath. Their ebony skin, once a mark of tribal pride, was now stretched taut over their decomposing flesh, giving them a sickly, grayish pallor. Glowing red veins pulsed beneath the surface, fueled by a dark magic that replaced their lifeblood.

Their savage features were further marred by the undeniable touch of decay. Jagged teeth, stained black with age and remnants of long-dead meals, protruded from their rotting gums. Empty eye sockets, devoid of any semblance of life, glowed with an eerie purple light, a reflection of the Lich's necromantic power. These weren't orcs corrupted by rage or violence; they were mockeries of life, animated corpses twisted into grotesque parodies of their former selves by the Lich's dark magic.

As Maria stepped into the flickering light, the ghouls let out a chorus of guttural growls, their desiccated throats rasping with a hunger that transcended the physical. They lumbered towards her, a shambling wave of undeath, their claws scraping against the frozen stone floor with a bone-chilling rasp.

Maria, a flurry of ice and white hair, met the ghouls' charge head-on. Her fingers flickered in a deadly dance, each gesture sending a wave of freezing energy that rippled outwards. The ghouls, caught mid-stride, were encased in a blink of an eye. Their growls turned into silent screams as their decaying forms became encased in a shimmering shroud of ice, grotesque statues of undeath forever frozen in their shambling gait.


The stench of decay, temporarily subdued, lingered in the air as Maria continued her descent. Each floor deeper felt like a step closer to the heart of darkness, the closer she got to the Lich, the more suffocating the evil became. Finally, after battling through hordes of animated skeletons and spectral warriors, she reached the final floor.

The air here was stagnant, devoid of the faintest breeze, and heavy with the oppressive weight of dark magic. A single, flickering torch sputtered against the cavern wall, casting an eerie glow upon a sight that sent chills down even Maria's spine.

A throne, a single seat of power, stood at the end of the vast cavern. Carved from a single massive block of obsidian, the throne was a grotesque mockery of royalty. Jagged spikes jutted from its armrests, their tips dripping with a viscous, black ichor. Carvings, depicting scenes of torture and suffering, adorned its back, their details rendered even more horrifying by the flickering torch light.

And upon this macabre throne sat the Lich.

Unlike his skeletal minions, the Lich retained a semblance of his former human form. Yet, it was a form twisted by undeath, a grotesque caricature of humanity clinging to a semblance of life. His skin, stretched taut over his skeletal frame, was a sickly gray, mottled with purple veins that pulsed with a malevolent light. His eyes, glowing embers in the cavern's darkness, burned with an unholy intelligence, devoid of any warmth or humanity.

Clad in a tattered robe of midnight black, adorned with shimmering silver skulls, he exuded an aura of power so oppressive it felt like a physical weight upon Maria's chest. In his bony hand, he clutched a gnarled staff, its skull-shaped head leering at her with a malevolent grin, a single glowing ruby embedded in its forehead pulsing in sync with the Lich's malevolent heartbeat.

This wasn't just the Lich; this was the embodiment of death itself, a terrifying puppeteer who had orchestrated this city's downfall from the shadows. A cold smile played on the Lich's lips, devoid of humor but filled with a chilling certainty. He had anticipated her arrival, and now, in this throne room of darkness, their final confrontation would unfold.

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