Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1718: Chapter 1535: Lich Final Part

Chapter 1718: Chapter 1535: Lich Final Part

A sinister chuckle escaped Lich's desiccated throat, a sound like dry leaves rustling in a crypt. He lifted his staff, the skull at its head leering in malicious delight. Ominous energy, a sickly green that pulsed with an unnatural rhythm, crackled around the staff's tip before erupting in a wave of dark magic. The air shimmered, and reality itself warped as the Lich wove his dark


With a deafening crack, the cavern floor groaned in protest. Jagged fissures snaked across the obsidian, glowing with an unnatural green light. From these fissures, a tide of undeath surged forth. Hundreds of skeletal warriors, their once-proud armor now rusted and pitted, materialized with hollow clangs and rattling chains. These weren't the mindless hordes Maria had faced before. Gleaming runes, etched upon their armor by the Lich's dark arts, pulsed with an unholy light, imbuing them with a semblance of coordinated movement and

increased aggression.

But at the forefront of this skeletal legion stood a figure far more unsettling. A Dullahan, a monstrous harbinger of death from Celtic lore, towered over the other skeletons, its presence a chilling reminder of the darkness the Lich commanded.

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This Dullahan, unlike its skeletal brethren, was clad in a suit of tarnished silver armor, once etched with intricate designs that were now faded and barely recognizable. A headless torso, its exposed spine jutting out like a macabre spine, rode a skeletal steed as black as night. Wisps of emerald fire danced within the empty space where its head should be, casting an eerie glow on the surrounding obsidian walls. In its skeletal hand, it clutched a massive, bone-bladed scythe, its ragged edge shimmering with a faint greenish luminescence, promising a swift and agonizing demise.

The Dullahan, the embodiment of a nightmare brought to life, let out a bone-chilling shriek. "!!!!!!

A sound that scratched at the very fabric of reality. The skeletal warriors echoed the call, a chorus of rattling bones and hollow moans that vibrated through Maria's very core.

Maria's smile, a chilling counterpoint to the horrifying spectacle before her, held a steely resolve. "I also have an army," she declared, her voice ringing with unwavering power.

As she spoke, the very air crackled with a renewed energy. With a flick of her wrist, a wave of pure cold erupted from her outstretched hand. This wasn't a localized attack; it was a declaration of dominion over the elements themselves.

Thousands upon thousands of crystalline ice arrows, each one a shimmering shard of solidified frost, materialized in the air before Maria. They hung suspended for a breathless moment, a deadly halo of frozen light. Then, with a collective hiss that echoed like a blizzard's fury, they launched themselves towards the undead horde.

The clash that followed was a symphony of bone and ice. The skeletal warriors, caught in the deadly hail, were ripped apart. Their rusted armor offered no protection against the piercing shards, their hollow bodies shattering like brittle glass with each impact. The Dullahan, its skeletal steed rearing in a silent whinny, attempted to raise its scythe in defense, but a volley of ice arrows rained upon it. The emerald fire within its empty head flickered and sputtered as the icy onslaught pelted its torso, leaving behind a coat of shimmering frost.

A wave of surprise, a flicker of something almost human, flickered in the Lich's glowing eyes as he witnessed the devastating power at Maria's command. He had underestimated the Saintess, his arrogance blinding him to the true depths of her celestial power.

The clash between the ice arrows and the undead army raged on. The cavern floor became a graveyard of shattered bone and glistening ice, the air thick with the icy mist of shattered frost. Yet, the tide of undead seemed endless, their hollow moans echoing through the cavern as they pressed forward, driven by the Lich's dark will.

Maria, her white hair was like a white storm against the swirling ice storm, remained undeterred. Her fingers danced in a deadly ballet, conjuring more and more ice arrows, her power an unending wellspring of frost. The battle had become a war of attrition, a clash of wills between the Ice Empress wielding the power of winter and a Lich clinging to the vestiges of his unlife.

A desperate gasp escaped the Lich's desiccated throat as the tide of battle turned against him. The Dullahan, its skeletal frame riddled with ice shards, let out a bone-chilling shriek as the Lich poured the last vestiges of his dark magic into its form. The skeletal steed surged forward, cloaked in an unholy green flame that momentarily battled against the swirling ice storm. The temperature in the cavern spiked, the air warping in the face of this unnatural heat.

With a roar that seemed to echo through the very fabric of reality, the Dullahan charged at Maria. Its scythe, imbued with the Lich's final burst of power, swung in a deadly arc, aiming to cleave the Saintess in two.

But Maria, her eyes blazing with celestial fire, stood her ground. She knew this was the final gambit, the Lich's desperate bid for survival. With a deep breath, she channeled the very essence of her being, gathering every remaining ounce of her power.

"Frozen World: Absolute Zero!"

The words echoed through the final floor, imbued with the power of a goddess. The world seemed to hold its breath. Time itself slowed, then stopped altogether. An unnatural stillness descended upon the battlefield.

The charging Dullahan, frozen mid-stride, its skeletal steed rearing in a silent whinny, a grotesque tableau of undeath forever arrested in motion. The emerald fire within its empty head flickered one last time before dimming, extinguished by the absolute cold. Even the wisp of black smoke, the remnants of the fleeing Lich, solidified mid-air, a black crystal trapped in an endless winter.

The very air shimmered with an otherworldly frost. The cavern floor, the once-proud throne of obsidian, was encased in a thick layer of ice. Everything - the skeletal warriors, the monstrous Dullahan, the chilling reminder of the Lich - was frozen solid, casualties in a war waged against the very elements.

Maria, kneeling amidst the frozen battlefield, gasped for breath. Her face, etched with exhaustion, was a stark contrast to the chilling beauty of her surroundings. Every fiber of her being ached, drained by the immense power she had unleashed. But a flicker of victory, a hard-won triumph, burned within her eyes.

The battle was over. The dungeon, encased in an eternal ice age, was a monument to her power and the Lich's final defeat. As she surveyed the frozen tableau, a wave of loneliness washed over her.

"I really do miss your Alex, please come back and support me, support us. The burden is too much for my fragile shoulders, I'm not that strong." she poured out her inner feelings, before others she appeared strong, a good leader making decisions and guiding the others but in reality she was feeling overwhelmed, it was her first time commanding and going to war, naturally the burden is heavy, she simply wished for the presence of her man, the pillar of their family. She was sure she would do better if she were to simply assist him.

After what appeared to be an eternity, Maria rose to her feet and her previous vulnerable self was gone replaced by her resolute expression.

It was time to go back and check on the other's progress and the whereabouts of the golden beast. Hopefully, Alex would succeed, giving humanity another means to fight and win this


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