Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1719: Chapter 1536: In the Abyss

Chapter 1719: Chapter 1536: In the Abyss

Meanwhile in the Infinity Maze, in the abyss, Alex who previously planned to devour the abyss, the curse faced an unexpected resistance. Monsters began to be born trying to stop him, therefore he could only fight them to slowly weaken the curse.

Currently, Alex's raven long hair plastered to his forehead with sweat, was a whirlwind of motion. One moment, a glinting longsword blurred in his hand, cleaving a monstrous beast in two. The next, he'd nock an arrow with practiced ease, the projectile finding its mark with unerring accuracy. Then, a gun materialized in his grasp, the deafening crack echoing through the inky blackness as he blasted another monstrosity into oblivion.

These weren't ordinary beasts. They were grotesque entities birthed from the very essence of the Infinity Maze - creatures of shadow and nightmare given form. Each one, a snarling amalgamation of teeth and claws, lunged at Alex with a primal hunger.

But Alex wasn't just fighting for survival. With every beast he vanquished, a strange phenomenon occurred. A tendril of inky darkness, tinged with an unsettling purple hue, erupted from the slain creature and burrowed into his body. Alex grimaced, his movements momentarily faltering as the darkness coursed through him. Yet, he steeled himself and pressed on, the weight of an unseen purpose driving him forward.

The deeper he ventured into the abyss, the more numerous and monstrous the beasts became. Grotesque figures with glowing eyes and razor-sharp claws materialized from the shadows, their brutal roars echoing through the endless corridors. Alex, though pushed to his limits, fought with a ferocity born of desperation.

The relentless onslaught of abyss monsters continued, each horrifying creature fueling Alex's resolve with a chilling counterpoint. Thousands had fallen to his blade, arrow, and gun, their darkness coursing through him like a twisted current. Yet, amidst the familiar chaos, a new monstrosity emerged from the inky depths, a harbinger of something far more sinister.

This wasn't another snarling beast of shadow and teeth. This entity stood at an imposing five meters, its form a grotesque tapestry of swirling darkness. It lacked a defined body, constantly shifting and churning like a living vortex. Gnarled, obsidian horns, tipped with wicked barbs, jutted from its ever-shifting silhouette, each pointing like an accusing finger towards Alex.

The darkness that composed its form wasn't the uniform black of its brethren. This creature pulsed with a sickly, unnatural luminescence, shades of violet and crimson flickering within its swirling mass. It had no eyes, yet Alex felt a chilling certainty that it was being observed, studied by an intelligence far beyond the mindless rage of the other beasts.

A low growl, a sound that seemed to resonate from the very fabric of the maze itself, emanated from the creature. This wasn't a beast; it was a living embodiment of the abyss, a guardian unleashed to test him. Fear, primal and cold, snaked through Alex, squeezing his lungs. Yet, amidst the terror, a memory flickered - a forgotten tale whispered by a long-dead mentor, a legend of a weapon imbued with celestial light, a bane to creatures of darkness.

A blinding luminescence erupted from the blade, pushing back the creature's sickly glow. It wasn't just light; it was a radiant wave of pure holiness, a beacon burning back the encroaching shadows.

The creature recoiled, its shadowy form shrieking in a discordant symphony of pain and rage.

Alex charged. The holy blade, a shimmering extension of his will, cleaved through the swirling darkness. It wasn't a clean slice, but a searing gash that pulsed with unholy light. The creature writhed, its form contorting in agony. This wasn't just a physical wound; it was an assault on its very essence.

The battle raged on, a dance of light and shadow within the inky depths of the maze. Alex pressed his attack. Each blow of his holy blade inflicted a searing wound, pushing the creature back towards the inky depths from which it emerged.

Finally, with a deafening shriek that echoed through the labyrinth, the monstrous entity dissipated into a cloud of inky smoke. The whispers in Alex's mind quieted, replaced by a ringing silence. He stood panting, his body wracked with exhaustion, the holy light around his sword flickering and fading.

He had won.

"Huff! Huff!"

Alex, his breath ragged because he couldn't remember how long he had been fighting for but his spirit unbroken, pressed deeper into the labyrinthine heart of the abyss who was like infinite maze.

The deeper he ventured, the more oppressive the darkness became. The air grew thick and stagnant, the silence broken only by the dripping of unseen water and the rasping breaths that escaped his own lips. Yet, amidst the gloom, a strange luminescence emanated from the abyss walls, casting an eerie, otherworldly glow upon the path ahead.

Suddenly, a flurry of movement erupted from the inky depths. A pack of grotesque creatures, their forms a twisted amalgamation of claws and fangs, materialized before him. These weren't the lumbering beasts he had faced before. These were agile predators, their movements a blur of razor-sharp teeth and glowing eyes.

With a practiced flick of his wrist, his weapon transformed not into a sword this time, but into a pair of sleek, silver guns, their original form.

As Alex raised them, a single, whispered thought channeled through him, and Silveria responded.

With a deafening crack that echoed through the abyss, a hail of ice bullets erupted from the barrels. The projectiles, shimmering with an otherworldly blue light, slammed into the creatures, encasing them in a flash-freeze. Their snarls turned to silent screams as they became grotesque statues of frozen rage.

Without missing a beat, Alex shifted his focus. The guns, morphing to his will, spat out a torrent of flame bullets. Blazing red streaks of molten fire lanced through the remaining creatures, their forms erupting in screams before dissolving into wisps of shadow and smoke. The final beast, a hulking monstrosity with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws, lunged at Alex. But with a flick of his wrist, the guns transformed once more. This time, crackling bolts of pure lightning erupted from the barrels, striking the creature with a deafening boom. It convulsed, its inky form writhing in agony as the electrical current coursed through its body.

The entire scene, a ballet of death and dazzling displays of power, had an almost nightmarish beauty to it. Alex, a whirlwind of silver, ice, fire, and lightning, moved with a deadly grace honed through countless battles.

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As the dust settled, the abyss floor was littered with the smoldering remains of the defeated creatures. Alex stood panting, his body screaming in protest, yet a grim satisfaction flickered in his eyes. He had survived, once again. But with each victory, the weight of his purpose, the whispers urging him forward, grew heavier.fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

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