Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1741: Chapter 1557: Former Number two versus Number 2

Chapter 1741: Chapter 1557: Former Number two versus Number 2

In the dimly lit heart of the Chaos organization's headquarters, a sense of disquiet permeated the grand meeting hall. Gone was the usual buzz of conspiratorial whispers and scheming laughter. Instead, a handful of figures huddled around a massive, holographic projection table, their faces grim as they witnessed the aftermath of the battle.

At the head of the table sat Pandora (Number 1), her silver hair shimmering under the flickering glow of the magical projector. Her normally playful eyes were narrowed, a deep frown etching lines across her usually carefree face. Beside her, the hulking figure of Atlas (Number 3), known for his stoicism, even seemed troubled.

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The image on the table displayed the desolate scene - the shattered ice sculpture of the golden-horned beast and the blinding white expanse of Maria's Eternal Ice. The silence in the hall was broken only by the soft hum of the projector.

"They..." rasped a wiry man named Skarn (Number 4), his voice tight with a mixture of awe and dread. "They did it."

A cold chuckle escaped Pandora's lips.

"Indeed, they did, Skarn. Against all odds, they managed to neutralize the beast. But at what cost?"

The image flickered, and a video feed showed the jubilant celebration that had erupted in the Drexian capital moments before the connection was severed. Now, an eerie silence hung over the city, blanketed by an unnatural twilight cast by the frozen horizon.

"The world may be safe from the beast," rumbled Atlas, his voice deep and gravelly.

"But the balance has been irrevocably tipped in our favor as we have one less powerful foe to deal with."

A woman with piercing green eyes, known as Viper (Number 7), spoke up, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Ah, the ever-protective brother. Perhaps we can exploit this situation. Imagine the chaos if the little sister-in-law Gracier Touch were to rampage across the land, seeking revenge."

A low growl emanated from Atlas, silencing Viper instantly. Pandora raised a hand, gesturing for calm.

"No, Viper. We are not in the business of inciting indiscriminate destruction. The Touch's power is a wild card, too unpredictable to manipulate."

A thoughtful silence descended once more. The leaders of Chaos pondered the ramifications of the battle. They had hoped to use the beast as a pawn in their game of destabilization, but its demise left them with a new strategic puzzle.

Finally, Pandora spoke up, her voice firm.

"Let's send number two to check if the ice is unmelted."

A collective groan rippled through the room at Pandora's pronouncement. Skarn, the wiry man, voiced the unspoken concern.

"Pandora, are you certain? Number Two is...unpredictable, to say the least."

Pandora's lips thinned into a tight line. "I know, Skarn. But she's also resourceful. Besides, who else is better suited for a reconnaissance mission in such a desolate environment? Besides," she added with a hint of amusement, "wouldn't it be entertaining to see her reaction to the Touch's...woman, one she'd previously met, encased in ice?"

A flicker of a smile played on Viper's lips.

"Indeed. Number Two thrives on chaos. This situation is tailor-made for her."

Atlas, however, remained unconvinced. "But her recklessness could backfire. What if she stumbles upon something...unexpected within the ice?"

Pandora steepled her fingers, her gaze flickering across the holographic projection.

"That, my friends, is a risk we're willing to take. The potential rewards outweigh the dangers. Number Two may just surprise us."

Meanwhile, in a hidden training facility:

Number Two, hair white as snow and purple eyes without irises, sharpened her daggers with practiced ease. Her movements were precise as if honed from years of experience navigating the world's underbelly. A mischievous glint flickered in her amber eyes as she listened to the disembodied voice of Pandora relayed through a magical communicator.

"The mission is simple, Number Two," the voice echoed. "Investigate the frozen beast and the ice tomb. Gather any intel you can. Discretion is paramount."

A sardonic smile played on her lips.

"Discretion? Not exactly my strong suit, Pandora, but a challenge nonetheless. Consider it done."

With a flourish, she tucked the daggers into hidden sheaths and a wicked grin spread across her face. "Looks like it's time for a little field trip."

Number Two landed with a soft thud on the edge of the frozen expanse, the impact barely registering on the unyielding ice. Her white hair, usually pulled back in a tight braid, whipped around her face in the icy wind, momentarily obscuring her amber eyes. A sardonic smile played on her lips as she surveyed the scene.

The Eternal Ice had transformed the surrounding ocean into a desolate landscape, stretching as far as the eye could see. It wasn't a pristine white wonderland, though. The remnants of the battle marred the surface - twisted metal wreckage poking out from the ice, and a faint crimson stain spreading like a macabre flower towards the horizon. In the center of it all, a colossal ice sculpture shimmered, a grotesque monument to the fallen beast.

Number Two adjusted the straps of her backpack, a hint of amusement flickering in her gaze. "Such a dramatic display," she muttered to herself. "Even in defeat, the beast gets a grand finale."

Her gaze shifted to the other curiosity - the smaller, milky white sculpture nestled within the larger one. A womn, encased in a block of ice so pristine it almost appeared to glow, her form barely discernible. Number Two recognized her from the briefing - Mariae one of Alex's


"Interesting," she murmured, a sly glint in her eyes. "The reports didn't mention this little detail, to think we will meet in such circumstances. I wanted to fight you for real this time, too bad it became impossible now, well it doesn't matter."

The wind howled, carrying an unsettling silence with it. This wasn't just a frozen wasteland; it was a tomb, radiating a sense of cold finality. Number Two, however, wasn't known for respecting boundaries.

With a mischievous grin, she reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, intricate device. It whirred to life, emitting a faint hum and a soft blue glow.

"Time to see what secrets this ice holds,"

she declared, her voice echoing eerily across the frozen expanse.

The device, a prototype magical scanner, was Pandora's gamble. With any luck, it would reveal what lay beneath the ice's surface, perhaps even detect residual magic signatures or

hidden anomalies.

As Number Two began her scan, a sense of foreboding crept in. This wasn't just a simple reconnaissance mission anymore. The presence of the frozen woman, the chilling silence, and the sheer scale of the ice tomb - all of it hinted at something more. Number Two, for all her chaotic tendencies, couldn't help but feel a prickle of uneascrawlswl down her spine.

Would this be just another mission, or was she about to face a powerful enemy?

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