Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1742: Chapter 1558: Former Number two versus Number 3

Chapter 1742: Chapter 1558: Former Number two versus Number 3

Number Two's eyes widened as the air shimmered before her, reality warping for a split second. Then, materialized right there on the frozen wasteland stood a woman. White hair, pulled back in a tight braid, cascaded down her shoulders, mirroring Number Two's own. But the most striking feature were the amber eyes, identical to Number Two's, except these held a calculating glint, a glint Number Two recognized all too well.

A sardonic smile stretched across Number Two's lips. This wasn't just any woman; it was Incursio, the legendary former Number Two, the woman Number Two had replaced after her betrayal. The thrill of the hunt coursed through Number Two's veins. This wasn't just a mission anymore; this was an opportunity.

"Well, well," Number Two drawled, her voice dripping with mock surprise. "Look who decided to finally crawl out of the woodwork. Incursio, is it? The prodigal ex-Number Two returns."

Incursio's smile remained unchanged, yet a flicker of something akin to annoyance flickered in her amber eyes. "You," she said, her voice a smooth, practiced purr. "The new Number Two. I must admit, I expected someone...more impressive."

Number Two scoffed. "Impressive? You mean blindly following orders? Sticking to the shadows when the real fun happens out here?"

She gestured around at the frozen landscape with a theatrical flourish.

She added, her voice dropping to a low growl, "I will kill you and finally choose a name."

"Well, try me." Incursio smiled provocatively.

Fury contorted Number Two's face as Incursio's casual smile met her challenge. Before Incursio could finish her sentence, Number Two vanished in a blur of white hair and leather. A flicker of surprise crossed the former Number Two's face, replaced by a smirk as she expertly blocked the twin daggers aimed for her back. The metal clanged against the polished surface of Incursio's blade, sending sparks flying across the icy landscape.

"Is that all?" Incursio taunted, her voice laced with amusement. The question hung heavy in the air, an insult dripping with honey.

Number Two, her face livid, didn't answer. Instead, she let out a guttural roar, crackling lightning erupting from her fingertips. The air itself seemed to crackle with raw power as she unleashed a torrent of electrical energy towards Incursio.

But Incursio, a seasoned veteran, was no stranger to chaos. With a practiced flick of her wrist, she deflected the majority of the lightning, the remaining tendrils sizzling harmlessly against her magically reinforced armor. In a flash of white hair and skilled bladework, Incursio closed the distance, her sword a blur as she parried and countered Number Two's relentless attacks. The clash was a whirlwind of steel and fury. Number Two, fueled by rage and ambition, fought with a reckless abandon, her daggers flashing like deadly vipers. Incursio, on the other hand, moved with a deadly grace, her every move calculated and precise. The icy ground cracked beneath their feet as they danced a deadly ballet, their movements blurring into a storm of white and silver.

Despite her raw power, Number Two's chaotic fighting style was no match for Incursio's years of experience. Every time Number Two lunged with a wild attack, Incursio anticipated it, deflecting and countering with lightning speed. The frustration on Number Two's face grew with each passing moment.

"You're sloppy," Incursio taunted, her voice barely audible amidst the clash of steel.

"Power isn't everything, little Number Two. You need control."

Number Two, fueled by anger, roared back.

"Control? I don't need control! I need your head on a pike!" She launched another desperate attack, a flurry of daggers aimed at Incursio's vital points.

But Incursio, with a swift maneuver, disarmed one of her daggers with a resounding clang. The other dagger slipped, slicing a shallow gash on Number Two's arm. A bead of blood welled up, stark against the white of the snowy landscape.

With a growl of pain and frustration, Number Two stumbled back, her bravado fading. She had underestimated Incursio, both in skill and cunning. The fight wasn't going as planned. Perhaps, Number Two thought with a grimace, it was time for a change of tactics. Incursio's eyes widened as Number Two roared the words "Chaos Mode!" The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, swirling around Number Two like a living storm. Her previously white hair pulsed a menacing gray, and a pair of jagged horns erupted from her forehead, transforming her into a terrifying vision of raw power.

The shock was momentary. Incursio had seen similar transformations within the chaotic ranks before. Her hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of her sword, a wry smile playing on her lips.

"Interesting," she remarked, watching as Number Two's twin daggers morphed into a single, gruesomely barbed sword. Before Incursio could react further, Number Two vanished, a blur of gray and chaotic energy.

Then, a searing pain lanced through her shoulder. Incursio stumbled back, the world spinning momentarily as she realized Number Two had materialized right behind her, her new weapon leaving a gash across her previously pristine armor.

"Wow! The new chaos mode is indeed strong," Incursio conceded, a hint of grudging respect lacing her voice. But there was no fear in her eyes, only a renewed determination. This wasn't just a fight anymore; it was a test of their respective skills and the limits of their power.

With a deep breath, Incursio met Number Two's renewed assault head-on. Gone was the casual grace of her initial fighting style. Now, she moved with a ruthless efficiency, drawing upon not just her mastery of swordsmanship but also the full spectrum of elemental magic at her disposal.

Her blade danced with an ethereal green glow, imbued with the power of wind, deflecting the chaotic energy surging from Number Two's monstrous sword. Sparks of fire danced around Incursio's fingers, scorching the air with a blistering heat that Number Two had to dodge with a feral snarl.

The clash had become a spectacle of chaos versus control. Number Two, a whirlwind of raw power, unpredictable and destructive. Incursio, a storm of focused elements, precise and deadly. The frozen landscape beneath them bore the brunt of their battle, cracks spreading across the ice as they dueled with a ferocity that seemed to defy the frigid air.

But amidst the chaos, a question lingered. Was Number Two's raw, newfound power enough to overcome Incursio's experience and tactical prowess? Or would Incursio's mastery of the elements find a way to subdue the chaotic storm that raged before her?

Well, she would have fun nonetheless and it's what matters. She had to gauge her former organization strength, they must know how powerful the new Numbers are. Everything which happened, the current theatrical display was for this. Maria had planned for this, she was really scary, Incursio subtly glanced at the frozen Maria and smiled before looking at a certain direction in the void.

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'Too scary!'

She could feel a pair piercing cold eyes asking her to continue with the plan.

'Okay, okay commander!'ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

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