Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1743: Chapter 1559: Time versus Space

Chapter 1743: Chapter 1559: Time versus Space

The fight continued, a whirlwind of fury and desperation. Number Two, in her Chaos Form, cackled with glee as she unleashed the very fabric of space itself against Incursio. With a flick of her wrist, the air around Incursio began to distort, the space warping inwards in an attempt to crush the former Number Two.

But Incursio, a veteran of countless battles, recognized the telltale signs of the Spatial element distorting reality. Reacting with the speed born of experience, she didn't try to fight the collapsing space. Instead, with a muttered word and a surge of her own magic, she activated her temporal ability. Time itself seemed to slow down around her, the world moving in a sluggish ballet.

In that stretched moment, Incursio moved with preternatural speed, a blur of white hair and silver blade. She danced around the collapsing space, a ghostly figure flitting through the distorted reality. Once safely out of the lethal zone, Incursio deactivated her temporal magic, time resuming its normal flow with a jarring snap.

Number Two, her eyes wide with surprise, watched as the warped space unraveled, her attack thwarted. A growl of frustration escaped her throat. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"You underestimated me, little Number Two," Incursio remarked, her voice calm despite the ragged edge of her breathing.

"Chaos is a powerful tool, but without control, it's a double-edged sword."

Number Two, however, wouldn't be deterred so easily. Her chaotic energy crackled around her, her anger fueling her resolve.

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"Maybe, but it's a sword that can cut through time itself!" she roared, and with a renewed surge of chaotic energy, she launched herself at Incursio once more.

This time, however, her attack was different. Number Two focused her chaotic power into her monstrous sword, the blade flickering with an eerie, unstable light. As she swung the weapon, a tear in reality ripped open behind Incursio, a gaping maw of darkness threatening to swallow her whole.

Incursio's eyes widened in genuine surprise. This was beyond anything she had anticipated. The raw power of the Chaos Form coupled with a grasp of spatial manipulation – Number Two was turning out to be a much more formidable opponent than she had initially thought. The battle continued, escalating to a whole new level. The frozen wasteland trembled beneath their feet as the chaos and the elements clashed.

Number Two's relentless assault turned the frozen landscape into a battleground of warped reality. Her chaotic manipulation of space created miniature black holes around Incursio, tearing at the fabric of existence with every swing of her space-warped blade. Anything it touched - ice, debris, even stray air molecules - vanished instantly into the void.

Incursio, recognizing the increasing danger, knew brute force wouldn't win this fight. She needed to adapt. With a deep breath, she too tapped into the power of chaos, her body morphing in response. However, unlike Number Two's demonic transformation, Incursio's form matured, becoming more graceful and powerful, radiating an aura of mature beauty. The shift surprised Number Two momentarily, but the fight resumed in a clash of chaos and control. Incursio's previously silver blade shimmered, transforming into a temporal sword. It pulsed with a faint blue light, a stark contrast to the chaotic black glow emanating from Number Two's weapon.

The clash grew more intense. Every strike was a duel between time and space. Number Two's swings ripped holes in reality, only to be countered by Incursio's temporal manipulation, rewinding the damage back to a point before the attack landed. The ground around them became a twisted mess, warping and reforming constantly as their attacks canceled each other out.

The battlefield itself became a chaotic dance - pockets of desolate wasteland appearing and disappearing as their powers clashed. It was a stalemate of spectacular destruction, confined to a surprisingly small area. No matter how destructive their attacks, the temporal and spatial manipulations held each other in check, preventing any real damage from spreading beyond their immediate proximity.

Incursio, ever the strategist, used her temporal abilities to her advantage. With a flash of foresight, she glimpsed a sliver of the future, just one precious second. It was enough to predict Number Two's next move. Incursio then warped time itself, slowing down the incoming attack while simultaneously boosting her own speed. The tide began to turn. Bullets seemed to hang in the air as Incursio danced a deadly waltz around Number Two's frenzied assault. Finally, with a precise strike, Incursio severed one of Number Two's arms. This wasn't just a wound; it was a permanent one. Incursio's temporal manipulation had not just severed flesh and bone, but the very ability of that limb to ever heal.

A look of raw fury contorted Number Two's face, the pain momentarily overshadowed by the realization of her disadvantage. This fight had taken a dramatic turn. Incursio, with her mastery of time, was starting to exploit the chaotic unpredictability of her opponent. Consumed by fury, Number Two unleashed the full power of chaos, becoming one with the warped space itself. Reality twisted around them, collapsing into a swirling void filled with a thousand deadly space distortions. Number Two, the embodiment of this chaotic space, danced through the churning void, her white hair whipping around her like a spectral banner. Incursio, however, wasn't so easily trapped.

Drawing on every ounce of her temporal power, Incursio became a blur of motion, reversing time just before the space distortions could rip through her. Cuts and gashes bloomed across her body, a gruesome testament to Number Two's relentless assault. Yet, with each escape, Incursio didn't just evade. Incredibly, she began to exert control over the very temporal distortions, rewinding them and redirecting their destructive energy back towards Number Two.

Shock contorted Number Two's face. She had underestimated Incursio, believing her mastery limited to a few elements. This misunderstanding nearly cost her life. The warped space she controlled began to turn against her, tearing at her own form. Blood sprayed in the void as Incursio, battered and bloodied herself, unleashed a final, temporally charged attack.

With a gasp, Number Two vanished, ripped from the void by a desperate teleportation spell. She reappeared a considerable distance away, her body riddled with injuries, her once confident smirk replaced by a grimace of pain and grudging respect.

Incursio, panting heavily, stood amidst the swirling chaos. The battlefield, a testament to their epic duel, remained a twisted wasteland. Despite the victory, a sense of foreboding lingered.

"These new Numbers are no joke, I'm stronger than this girl by level but she almost got me. We must prepare and increase our level. Meanwhile, I hope my man is about to lift the curse making many of ally to reach the False God Realm, because only this way we will have chance of winning this war and finally go to the Higher World. Ice Empress, I hope that you have a good watch of this fight and have already come up with plan."

In the void somewhere a blue eyed woman chuckled in response.

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