D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 163 - 163 So… What Now?

Chapter 163 – 163 So… What Now?

Everyone started nodding along to this. The contestants could easily believe that Thyme had set up traps specifically in order to increase the chances that the next group to arrive would come while the fight was already in full swing.

"So what now" asked Ryo

"Well, I guess we should discuss who we want to send to the next round. We are only allowed the one from each team after all" said Grace

Gareth nodded "I suppose in that case we should probably discount myself and Ryo then"

Ryo glared at Gareth and tried not to pout "Hey, that's not fair, why can't I go to the finals"

Grace sighed. "It's because there is a good chance that the traps you triggered won't be cleaned off. Sure it's about as likely as Thyme fully restoring you, but we can't count on that"

"Oh" said Ryo

"So that leaves us with, Estelle, and Grace on your side, and Kat, Nixilei and Green on our" said Gareth

"I pass" said Green rolling under a strike from Nixilei "I want to skip this, I don't want to fight anymore"

Gareth raised an eyebrow and tried to make contact with Nixilei for confirmation that she'd let Green skip, but she was too busy with her attacks. Sighing Gareth continued "Perhaps we should work it out between Estelle and Grace then"

"Grace is likely the better choice then," said Estelle "She is more combat capable, and familiar with her body"

Grace bit her lip "Well, that's true, but I don't think it matters much. We're getting second in the end I reckon, especially if Kat is the one, I have to fight. Plus, if we are trying to take current condition into consideration, I don't really have many arrows left, and all of them have been used at least once"

Gareth raised an eyebrow and looked in Kat's direction "Why is Grace so scared of you in particular"

Kat snickered "Grace isn't scared of me, does that look like the face of someone who is scared" Kat gestured towards the completely calm and slightly smiling elf beside her.

"You took out a full team by yourself Kat. No single person here could take you, especially because I bet you've got all your energy back now" said Grace

Kat checked her energy levels. *Eh, she's close, it's more like three quarters but much of a muchness I suppose.* "I didn't take on all of them, you were there to help"

"Ah yes" Grace nodded sagely "I managed to get peppered by arrows until Clive got taken out and then fight a healer with no mana. I sure did my share of the work. That's not even mentioning that you took out Kress, and ate a spell from Dusk's entire mana pool"

Gareth furrowed his brows at this "What is this about Kress"

Grace glanced at Kat, a little worried she'd somehow thrown her under the buss. Kat just shrugged and looked towards Gareth and said "He attacked alongside the rest of Boring. Well, I say alongside, but it was actually after Eva lead me towards his hiding spot and he literally stabbed me in the back. With both swords too"

Gareth put his head in his hands "Yup, that sounds about right"

Nixilei cackled and threw away her dagger "Ok, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Green I'll let you skip out on your training this time

"Tell me Kat, what did his face look like when that failed to take you down" Nixilei slid over and took a seat in front of Kat.

"Um, well, he was certainly going an interesting shade of red" said Kat "See, after he stabbed me, I spread my demonic fire all around. Turned to him, pulled out the swords and then thanked him for the gift"

Nixilei snickered "Oh yes that's perfect. Oh how I wish I could have seen his face. Wait-"

Nixilei scanned the room for something. That something was revealed when a veritable army of Timmy's walked out from behind the podium. Kat stared at the set of seven Timmy's as they made their way out.

"You guys were recording that right?" asked Nixilei. Two of the Timmy's nodded and Nixilei's smile got wider

"Brilliant" said Nixilei

Gareth coughed lightly into his hand "I do believe that we still need to discuss who is moving onto the next round. We don't want any more people showing up and confusing things"

Nixilei let her face return to its resting position and nodded "Of course Gareth, matters of great enjoyment can be enjoyed at later times. I will not let this great treat distract me from the matter at hand"

Gareth nodded and gestured towards Estelle and Grace "So, getting back on track, who would you like to send through. It's worth noting that Thyme has an extra prize for the person who does get sent through… though it's unclear if it's a team based one or an individual one"

Green jumped in to say "I don't care, it's not worth it. I wanna sleep…"

Kat looked over to see that Green was already well on her way. She'd stopped near Gareth and had curled up next to him, just barely far enough so that any bits of jelly that fall of while he's talking will miss her prone form.

Nixilei sighed in exasperation as she looked over at the already half asleep Green but chose not to comment. Ryo for her part had eyes that were now lit up and was doing her best impression of an adorable kitten.

*I suppose she has some practice. A shame then that it's still not as strong as Sylvie.* Kat stole a glance at Grace and Estelle. *And it seems to not work on those two either.* 

Grace and Estelle shared a look before Grace spoke up "I, suspect it won't be majorly important, or if it is, it will be something for the whole team. Even taking that into account, anything for one of us is something we can all use

"It isn't like we can split up after the tournament or a shiny new piece of armour wouldn't fit the others. I suppose if it's a new weapon it might be an issue but we all have decent enough weapons so it's no big deal"

"Hmm" Gareth seemed to chew on this information then looked towards Nixilei "That is something I hadn't considered. Do we want to send through someone just in case it's an individual reward?"

Nixilei got a slight glint in her eye as she answered "I doubt it should factor too heavily into our considerations. Please remember that there is also likely a prize for the winner of the second round anyway and that will likely be a bigger factor

"Thus, ensuring the win should take precedent, and as much as I'd like to see Green get additional combat experience, especially utilising the chance for it to be impossible to permanently maim or kill her I suspect that is not our best option"

Gareth took a loving glance over at Green who was murmuring slightly in her sleep and miming reaching out to something but keeping herself curled up. It was a rather strange sight if Kat was honest.

"Indeed, so by that count we shouldn't send me either. Miss Grace seems proficient and without access to my magic I do not have faith that I could defeat either her or Miss Estelle"

Grace chuckled "Ha, Miss Grace, well, perhaps you're right Gareth, but no need to be so formal"

Nixilei's eyes found Kat's "Indeed, if that is the case then it is best we send Kat onto the next stage for us. She practically cements the win" said Nixilei

"Hey, wait a minute, aren't these prizes kind of important" said Kat "Shouldn't you take it Nixilei? Just in case it's something you need"

Nixilei's mouth rose just barely at the corners before she flicked her hands. As she did so a full set of fourteen daggers appeared between her fingers. "I do not lack for armaments, and I would not lose to anyone even twice my age in magical knowledge. Whatever prize Thyme might offer I do not believe it worth the risk I may lose"

Kat stared awkwardly at the large number of daggers Nixilei had 'magiced' into existence. *I'm really not sure the chances are actually higher if I go out. I mean, I certainly don't own fourteen daggers that I can pull from nowhere, and even if I did, I have no clue how to use them.*

Kat looked to Grace for understanding but she found the scout nodding along with Nixilei as if that made perfect sense. Estelle spoke up "In that case, we should send Grace along. I certainly have no way to even begin to compete against Kat if half of what has been said is true"

Kat sighed. *Am I some big final boss now or something?*

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