D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 164 - 164 Kat VS…

Chapter 164 – 164 Kat VS…

"Ok" said Grace, "If you all have no objections then Kat and I will trigger the device together, assuming that is allowed, and use the two spots for our teams"

Every except for Ryo nodded at this, who instead decided to pout "Can't I go? If you don't need to win can't I show off a bit?"

Grace sighed "Well Ryo, are you in any condition at all to fight? As far as I can see you are tired, unnerved and without the ability to use mana"

"I mean, I don't use mana that much I'll be fine" said Ryo in protest

"Ryo, you know that is just further evidence Grace should go. You need better control over your mana. Maybe fighting against whatever effects the flour has will be good practice for you going forward" said Estelle

Ryo let her shoulders slump "Ok, I understand. This is important, even if the chances are low"

Nodding, Grace stood up and walked over to the pedestal and Kat followed. The pair shared a glance before the slowly reached out towards the orb. As soon as their hands brushed the glassy surface, bright light exploded from the orb.

Kat's eyes summoned demonic energy to shield them from the light and quickly adjusted. The light was still blinding, but she could somehow see the figure of Grace on the other side. The elf in question had her eyes sealed shut with a grimace on her face but she didn't let go of the orb.

Soon the light dimmed, and Kat looked around to find herself… still in the tower room. Raising an eyebrow at Grace, Kat saw the elf hadn't yet reopened her eyes. Instead looking over questioningly at Estelle Kat hoped for an answer

"What?" said the elf in question

"Do you mind explaining why we are both still here?" asked Kat

"Oooh, right, well that's because you have to keep hold of the orb for at least five minutes before you get sent off" said Estelle "I think it's so that you have to fight over the orb for a bit first. Give the others some time to catch up you know" said Estelle

"Huh" said Kat turning to Grace "You can open your eyes now, the flash of light is gone"

Grace slowly let one eye open just barely and found Kat was correct. Opening both to look around she sighed but had heard Estelle's explanation so at least wasn't confused.

"So we just awkwardly stand around for five minutes?" asked Kat

Gareth shrugged "Hey, you never know could be some others around. We've still got Lynn and the God Crushers somewhere"

"Well, we have you all to protect us so it is really no worry" said Grace

*You know, as on brand as this sort of thing is for Thyme it is also strange that he wouldn't have a system to tell if it's been decided who to send. I wonder if it's because we are missing Lynn, or if having Lynn and Kress would make a difference*

*And what about the God Crushers? Are they still around at all? What even happened to them, we've seen pretty much everyone else and it's a little strange that nobody has even seen them.*

Kat pondered this and other questions as the minutes ticked down. Her demonic constitution finding it easy to simply zone out and hold onto the orb without trouble. She was able to sit almost entirely motionless if it wasn't for the slow rise and fall of her breathing.

On Grace's end the wait was a little less convenient but no real bother. Having been trained to sit in place without unnecessary movements to scout targets watching over a motionless orb was nothing.

The others also seemed content to just sit around… except Ryo, but nobody else was paying attention. Green was asleep, Gareth was watching over her, Estelle looked to be asleep but would occasionally open an eye to scan the others and Ryo just sat with her knees up pouting.

Final, the five minutes passed, and with minimal warning Kat and Grace vanished from the spot.

Kat felt herself getting pulled through Thyme's teleportation system once again. This time she tried closing her eyes to prevent the feeling of general disgust from permeating her body, but even with her eyes shut, the feeling prevailed. A strange sickness that seemed to cling to the soul

Luckily it was over before too long and Kat found herself seated in a small empty room with wooden walls. In fact, the room was so small that Kat had to fully fold her wings to fit, being barely wide enough for her even sitting down in the provided chair. Her tail flicked in annoyance as a Timmy appeared.

The Timmy bowed before inserting one more cassette into the ground. "The end. The final section, the grand finale, piece de resistance, the I'moutofwordssoI'mmovingon. So how has it been? Enjoy the ride? Pick up some bonuses along the way? Personally I'd love to congratulate you for making it this far but I have no idea who you are.

"If you never heard me explaining, which, I really should have done in the rest stop cassette, this whole set-up has been pre-recorded. I hope the little ones have done their job, and you understand what's going on.

"At the moment you are in the holding room. Once this explanation is over I will freeze your perception of time, and then the next time you are conscious it will be the final battle. The rules are simple. Last man standing wins.

"You can do anything you want. Ask people to surrender, attacking them with toothpicks, seduce them with Avant Garde poetry you name it. I of course will be preventing permeant damage but don't let that stop you, go nuts.

"We won't be having any of this 'friendship prevails' nonsense though. There will be one winner. Just for making it this far you've already earnt a boon for you or your team.

"I'd wish you luck, but it would ring hollow, both because of the recorded nature of the message, and the fact that everyone is hearing this. I did want this final match to have a live audience with the other contenders but, that too is against the rules for the finale.

"So, once again. Small room. However many contestants. One person walks away. Brace yourself and may the smartest contender get the glory"

Kat only had a moment to process the message before her perception of time was frozen. From Kat's perspective, as soon as the message ended, she was suddenly somewhere else.

Kat quickly got into a combat stance and looked around. She was in a larger box this time, but not by much. This one was a hexagon, with Grace on the opposite side looking similarly disorientated.

"How do we want to do this" asked Kat

Grace drew her bow and faced Kat with a look of determination. "I want you to take your best shot. I wish to see what power you can bring to bear so that I know how my team is lacking"

"Not sure if I'm the right judge of relative power Grace, the rules seem to be different for demons" said Kat

Grace didn't answer, only loaded her bow and fired. Kat dodged left and ran forward to the centre of the arena. *If this is what you really want Grace, I will oblige.*

"Sorry the arena is a bit small!" Kat yelled.

From the centre of the arena Kat let all of her energy escape at once. Before she had always been trying to manage it to at least some extent, but this time, she knew that she could more than fill the room with her fire.

A purple blaze erupted from Kat. Her skin gaining cracks of light as fire poured from Kat's body. The flames exploded up and out with rapidly increasing speed. Reaching the ceiling in moments, before continuing to expand quickly along the roof just as it spread along the ground.

Grace watched in awed horror as a wall of purple flames came straight towards her. Steeling her resolve for one final attack of her own she rapidly pulled back her bow and pushed as much mana as she could into it.

Her arrow and bow glowed with an eery green light as she took aim for where Kat's figure had once been before the fire had erupted. Grace smiled a faint smile and loosed the arrow.

An explosion of wind blew back the elf's hair as the arrow shot towards its target wreathed in fire. Just as the arrow left Grace's hand the fire caught up with her. The moment it touched her hand she disappeared.

The arrow continued its journey for only a few paces before it was completed coated by Kat's fire as it froze in place and fell to the ground shattering.

Kat felt the last of her energy leave her as she heard the arrow clatter to the ground.. *Is this really what you wanted?* Thought Kat as she fell down, exhausted.

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