D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 173 - 173 Actually Signing The Thing

Chapter 173 – 173 Actually Signing The Thing

Nixilei stood silently but Green let out a laugh said "No Kress" then went back to giggling for some reason as if those two words were infinitely funnier than anything else.

Kat quirked an eyebrow but nodded along "That was the implication yes. He has proven himself to be incapable of recognising the consequences. Even if we have a contract threatening dire consequences, I'm not sure he could avoid doing something extremely stupid"

Gareth looked like he wished to argue with this point and defend his unconscious friend but seeing Nixilei and Green both nodding solemnly, forced him to close his mouth.

"Shall I begin the contract reading?" asked Nixilei

After receiving a round of nods she continued "I Nixilei, on behalf of Gareth, and Green, do so claim that we shall protect the beacon provided by Kat to the best of our abilities. We will not allow it to be removed from our possession except specifically to be used in a ritual to summon you for our own purposes. This contract is valid until such a time that the beacon is returned to the demon Kat. Do you accept?"

*Hmmm, I note that you didn't say summon me for the tournament but for your own purposes… but I suppose that's fine.* Kat gave Nixilei a long hard look as she nodded trying to indicate that while she did know what Nixilei done, it was acceptable. "I accept"

Chains burst out from behind Kat in the largest numbers she'd seen yet. They rushed like a wave to encircle the three before wrapping them and herself up in a seemingly endless torrent of burning steel.

Kat's vision was obstructed long before the process finished and so she had time to question things. Things like, *are the chains made of steel? They do sort of look that way except for the whole being on fire part.*

*Also, why is it still so coated in my colours when I'm initiating a contract with three other people. Is it because they don't know what they are doing? Or is it because it's individual. Like I actually have three contracts here, one with Nixilei, one with Green and one with Gareth rather than one contract involving all of us… system?*

User Kat is correct. User Kat is initiating three contracts. Be aware this is not always standard. Depending on the contents of the contract it might be binding between all parties rather than between each partner and User Kat.

*I guess that makes enough sense.* After this short series of thoughts, the chains finally constricted and sunk back into Kat's bodies allowing her to see once again. As they did a light started to shine from her chest where her heart was.

A deep purple light, darker than her fire normally was, shone out. Slowly, her chosen beacon started to make its way out of her chest. It started off with no colour at all. Completely transparent with blurry edges.

As it made its way further into the world though, it gained definition. It started to bleed into a purple matching the light around it, as it expanded from a projection into a 3D object. The details on the flowers and the spade started to sharpen up.

As it was extending out Kat felt that she could either drop it into her hands or allow it to continue projecting itself forth towards Nixilei. *Bet it's more impressive to go straight for our friendly healer.*

Turning slightly so the light was directed towards Nixilei, Kat let the beacon travel along its predetermined path. Nixilei's face was a mask of calm analysis like normal. Kat felt like pouting when she saw the lack of reaction but decided to hold her regal appearance she was using instead.

Green though, wasn't even pretending to be asleep anymore. She watched the process with wide eyed innocent curiosity. It looked like she was using her eyes to drink in every possible detail that had been etched into Kat's beacon.

Once it reached Nixilei it hovered right in front of her. It was about half an arm's length away and was waiting for her to grab.

Nixilei's eyes lit up instead though. If Kat didn't know she was a person she could have sworn she was a robot scanning the beacon before her. Nixilei let her gaze cover the entire thing, picking up every subtle detail she could before she started to walk slowly around it.

The beacon held in place as Nixilei completed her slow rotation, with her expression perfectly fixed in its natural state. One full rotation later Nixilei finally grasped the beacon in her hand.

Turning it over once she made a fist and then, the beacon disappeared. *No… that's wrong.* Kat could hardly believe what her eyes were telling her. In place of the expected gemlike symbol now stood a detailed tattoo that looked to be engraved in Nixilei's arm.

A quick flash of white light as a sigil burned into existence and then the item in question was gone. Kat's regal veneer cracked, and her mouth hung open staring at the spot in Nixilei's hand where the beacon had disappeared.

"ahtchaba… o…. Ok what" asked Kat

Nixilei's smile moved upward slightly before locking in place. "A special spell taught to those in my line of work. A rather unique application of healing magic. Your beacon shall be completely safe with me. I can assure you that it will not leave our sight"

*I have no idea how to respond to that. It's perhaps the coolest thing I've ever seen.* "Um, can you do that to other people?" asked Kat

Nixilei nodded "Yes but only I, or someone else with the spell can retrieve the item in question so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is incapable of properly utilising the spell. Where did you think I hid my daggers in these flowing robes?"

Kat quirked her eyebrows. "Is a spacial storage not an acceptable answer"

"I'm afraid not. Those are completely banned for use in the tournaments" said Nixilei

"Oh" said Green suddenly jumping upright. "Before I forget"

Green tapped her bracelet and the same sigil that had appeared for Nixilei appeared for Green. A moment later the bag she had received during the maze round. Reaching deep into the bag she pulled out a familiar doll.

It was the one of Thyme with a kimono reminiscent of her own on it. Green zipped over next to Kat, handed it to her and then ran straight back to Gareth all in the space of two seconds.

Kat smiled as she beheld the doll, her prize for interacting with Thyme between rounds. It reminded her a bit of the Timmy's and that made it all the better. "Thank you Green" said Kat

 Green nodded "I thought it best to give you now considering you won't stay"

Nixilei and Gareth both raised eyebrows at this. "Were we not intending to invite Kat to stay for one more night before she leaves us?" asked Gareth

Green shook her head "No, she will not be accepting. It's Kat's time to leave" said Green.

Nixilei looked completely accepting of this answer but Gareth still didn't look convinced. He let her gaze shift to Kat and looked for confirmation.

"Green is correct" *Though how she knew is a mystery* "I planned to leave as soon as this was all sorted out. This particular adventure has been fun, but it is time I get back to my own friends and… family" said Kat

"I guess it's a long five days" said Gareth

Kat nodded "That it has"

As Kat said that, the tell-tale glow of summoning appeared beneath her feet. *Huh, you know, this is somewhat weird that it chooses now. Is it because I'm ready to leave and they are ready to see me go?*


"I'll see you all soon. And remember not to eat using Haste Green" said Kat

Nixilei grinned at this while Green pouted. Gareth gave a solemn nod. Kat waved as she let the portal take her. Colours washed over her, and she felt a profound sense of correctness. Shivering at the comfortable sensation the need for sleep almost overwhelmed her now she was fully relaxed.

*What's going on?* Kat ran her hand through the shifting colours that danced as flames before her eyes. *Why is it so much better this time?* And then it hit her. This was true teleportation. Not the horrendous mockery Thyme used. And this was right.

Kat let herself be carried by the flames, before they gently deposited her in her room. Kat carefully placed the Thyme doll at the foot of the bed. Opened the cupboard and used one of the mostly empty shelves to place the box containing the gem and her new fans before looking at her bed.

*Good thing my skin repels everything..* Thought Kat as she dismissed and resummoned her kimono collapsing onto her bed and letting sleep take her.

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