D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 174 - 174

Chapter 174 – 174

Kat took a deep breath as her mind jolted from sleep. She had always been a morning person, but the disconnect of going from extremely tired to completely awake and alert despite not having any dangers to contend with was a strange one.

Kat started to stretch out but found something tugging on her tail. Looking down towards the offending object she found Sylvie, sleeping peacefully wrapped up in her tail and clinging to the end with a soft smile on her face.

Kat looked towards her clock and found it read 7:00am. Her first thought was slight panic as the need to get ready for school awoke in her. Before the rest of her brain caught up to her and reminded her that school was over. Not just for the holidays but for good.

So instead she pulled Sylvie upwards using her tail and wrapped the little girl in her arms. Grabbing one of Kat's pillows she placed it gently under Sylvie's head as she hugged the girl close with her three limbs.

Sylvie slowly opened one eye as Kat was fiddling around with everything but quickly closed it again before Kat noticed once she realised that Kat was going to snuggle with her for a while longer.

Once Kat was sure that Sylvie would be comfortable, she held the little girl tight and let herself relax once again. After a few minutes of relaxation with Sylvie, Kat started to remember the gem in her closet.

*I should probably ask about that. Hey System what will that gem do to me?*

Once User Kat touches the gem in question it will likely boost User Kat to rank 2. This is only an estimation though, as User Kat has an unusual Demonic Flame.

*Yeah yeah you've mentioned that one before system. Guess I should get it done soon then before my next summoning.*

User Kat is to be informed that due to the extended nature of the recent Summoning and the additional rewards received User Kat will have that Summoning count as two weeks' worth of work. User Kat will not need to accept another Summoning until the following week.

Kat couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. As much as she enjoyed her weekly adventures, that one earlier break from the madness wasn't all that restful. She was still settling in with everything and she had the most recent transformation hanging over her head.

*Now I can just take a week off. Well, maybe not the full week. I should probably still use that tainted ruby on say… Monday? Just to make sure I'm used to the changes for next Friday night.*

*Maybe I should do it this Saturday instead? It's still two days away I think… Today is Thursday, right? Things got a little odd there with the teleporting around and the time freezing Thyme was doing.*

Kat dismissed her thoughts of work to concentrate on the comforting feeling of holding on to the little girl in her arms. *I remember back when Sylvie first came to the orphanage and I let her sneak into my bed. I miss those times. Perhaps now that we live together I should encourage it more*

*Though…* Kat felt her right wing digging into her side as it was crushed between the bet frame and her side. *Perhaps I will need to figure some better way to hold her first. This isn't the most comfortable thing, and it is only through the grace of my regeneration that I can be confident this isn't causing me any long-term damage.*

Kat sighed and dismissed her thoughts that had rapidly turned once again to more serious considerations. She could worry about them once she was doing something else.


And so for the next hour Sylvie and Kat were content to enjoy the quiet company of each other's embrace. At some point Kat managed to work out that Sylvie was not in fact still asleep but chose to politely ignore that knowledge in favour of hugging the girl a little bit tighter.

Despite Kat's relaxed attitude, the last few days had really been a toll in some ways. Sure she could shrug it off for the most part, but she had never been so thoroughly focused on everything that was going on practically the entire time, or at least most of it during the final round.

Even her journey with Minor had not been so stressful because she could allow the endless sound of her footfalls and her rhythmic breathing to somewhat convince herself that nothing was going to go wrong.

Even still, one hour of time with Sylvie was enough to recover from the stresses of the most recent summoning. As intense as it was, Kat was still unrattled, and the day was calling to her.

Giving Sylvie a slightly tighter squeeze signalling her intent to start moving, and then acting on that signal caused Sylvie to pout. With her pyjamas on and hair messed up from sleeping, it was perhaps the most effective pout Kat had even seen from the legendary girl.

And when her big eyes opened up and seemed to plead with Kat for another few minutes she could not resist their inherent charms. Instead, Kat fell onto her face with Sylvie wrapped up to the side before pulling her in with one arm and letting her wings fall over Sylvie.

*Hopefully this is comfortable enough for her.* Though if Sylvie's instant attempts to bury herself in Kat's side was any indication it was comfortable enough.

Just as they started to get comfortable though, the door was cracked open just a tiny bit as Vivian scanned the room looking for the youngest member of the household. Seeing Sylvie's white tuft of hair poking up from under Kat's wing answered her question.

Vivian slowly went to close the door again assured the Sylvie was fine when Kat raised her other arm and beckoned her over. Vivian paused in shock, but the arm kept beckoning. Kat's hearing was good enough to have heard the click of the door. *And besides I bet Vivian will enjoy this as well.*

Vivian looked down at her black and red checkered business suit and shrugged before sliding up to the side of the bed as well and slipping under Kat's wing with Sylvie. She couldn't quite fit under the whole thing like Sylvie could, but without wings herself she could turn on her side and hug them both.

"Welcome back Kat. It's good to see you safe" said Vivian in a whisper.

Kat smirked "Of course, have you seen how well I regenerate?"

Vivian however didn't deign to respond to Kat's question and instead squeezed them both tighter, unafraid to use her full strength to squish them both slightly.

Kat felt herself relax further. It was… nice to sit here with Vivian. She hadn't really been the type of person to go for hugs all the time, and especially not with Gramps after she'd grown up a bit. *But perhaps I've missed this more than I thought. This is certainly the best way to spend my time off work.*

Kat couldn't help the giggle that escaped her at the thought. This set Sylvie laughing as well as Kat's breathe tickled her ears, and Vivian, always willing to laugh joined in with glee.

Sadly though, it was only another ten minutes before Vivian untangled herself from the two girls. "I'm sorry but I promised to meet my client in just thirty minutes. I already have to go and change my suit now, but it was well worth it. I'll see you two later" said Vivian

Sylvie struggled slightly in Kat's tail. Kat allowed her to escape easily before Sylvie jumped up and gave Vivian one last hug and waved her goodbye before Vivian snuck out of the room.

Kat was going to ask Sylvie what she wanted to do now but was instead tackled by a small, fast moving blur causing the mattress to bounce Kat slightly as said bundle tried to bury itself into her once again.

"Come on Sylvie, we should really have breakfast" said Kat

Sylvie shook her head. "You can't keep leaving for so long each week" mumbled the girl.

Kat stroked Sylvie's hair. "Perhaps I have been taking the longer jobs more often than before" Kat said as she pulled the girl in closer much to Sylvie's delight "But I don��t really get to choose"

"Then you should take me with you" said Sylvie.

Kat smiled at her and said "My work is a bit dangerous. I'm ok because I'll always be kept safe and sound. I'll be returned if something really bad happens, and even if I get a bit injured I heal right up"

Sylvie ignored this and said "I want you to promise me to take me along if you can. At least once"

Kat smiled, but wasn't willing to make such a promise. She knew that Sylvie was deadly serious, and the result would likely be a contract.. *And I just don't think I could bring myself to put her in a dangerous situation.*

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