D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 56 - 56 I Lied We’re Still Talking To Chekov

Chapter 56 – 56 I Lied We’re Still Talking To Chekov

"What do you mean it's boring, and what do you mean that my flame dislikes you" said Kat

"Well, your flame is boring, it not seem to do much special. Companions all have very strange fire. But then, when I think this, I can feel your fire looking at me, telling me that I am wrong. That confuses me. Never have the flames been like that" said Chekov

"Um is my flame purple by any chance?" said Kat

"No? Why would flame have colour?" said Chekov

"No re-" Kat's reply got chocked off

"Oh, that is strange girl. What was that, flame was not happy with that at all. Why?" said Chekov.

"It's a long story, I'm not sure that I'm willing to tell" said Kat

"Ya, this is fair. Still that display make flame more interesting. Ok I've decided. I'll do the lot." Said Chekov as he pulled out a stack of papers

"Glasses, we already establish, you have hidden compartments everywhere, I'm also thinking shelves thoughts" said Chekov

"Um why do you think I need hidden compartments" said Lily as she tried to hide her face behind her hands.

"Look, you is hiding right now. You is hiding even when we are all friends here so surely you must hide even more from those you dislike" said Chekov as he started to scrawl in the paper. Whatever Chekov was designing it wasn't a desk. It almost seemed like words but it wasn't anything the girls recognised

"Watcha writing there?" asked Sylvie

"Ah, little one, of course you would notice. This is my notes. I write in… well it not code exactly but I understand it nonetheless, it sticks in my head to write this way" said Chekov "Now, Glasses, what sort of shelves do you want"

"Um, shelves for books?" said Lily as if it was a question

"Confidence Glasses. But yes shelves for books…." Said Chekov "You want more shelve space or more hidden compartment space"

"I don't need all these hidden compartments" mumbled Lily trying not to cover her face this time

"To quite Glasses, but I will build into main desk. Leave shelves mostly for books. Just one hidden compartment there" said Chekov "Now who is next, Little one or Pointy?"

"Wait, why am I pointy? I get the other nicknames but why am I pointy?" said Kat tail flicking slightly in mild annoyance but luckily Chekov remained fixated on his plans

"You has pointy tail, pointy wings, pointy horns. You have more points then spiked boots" said Chekov.

*Oh. He's right isn't he. Even if he isn't going to comment on them I guess he did notice the demonic features. I suppose pointy is better than being called demon… though now that I think properly about it, at least demon wouldn't feel quite so much like an insult considering that's what I am.*

Sylvie spoke up seeing Kat was lost in thought "Do mine next" Sylvie said with a big smile on her face playing innocent.

"Ha" Chekov barked out a short laugh when he glanced at Sylvie "Little one already has enough hidden things; I suppose you not need more"

"I don't need to hide anything" said Sylvie

"Ya, I suppose you're right Little one. You manage to hide everything and enough and that be much more effective than anything I can make you" said Chekov as he pulled out another set of paper, presumably for Sylvie's desk.

"So, I'll need a lot of shelves like big sis Lily" said Sylvie

"Ya, but you want space for computer or just more shelves?" said Chekov pausing in his writings.

Sylvie shrugged and looked toward Vivian "Ooh, I should really get a computer for you both as well. Hmm, I suppose we'll have to put that off later, but I think you'll need the space for a computer"

"Wait, why didn't you ask me that question" said Lily

"You have computer, why would I need to ask if you need space for it?" said Chekov

Lily's face paled at that. She didn't know how to respond.

*Seriously system? This guy isn't using magic? How could he possibly know so much without it?*

D.E.M.O.N.S stands by previous examination. Chance of Individual Chekov being able to use higher energy are to low to be worth considering.

*How? This seriously doesn't make any sense.* Kat glanced at Sylvie and Vivian but they both just seemed to think Chekov's logic was reasonable. Lily did already have a computer so why would he need to ask.

"So, little one, what design do you want? Theme?" said Chekov as he looked up from his worksheets

"Something with fire, and maybe snowflakes" said Sylvie

"No thorns for you Little one? Strange I could have sworn…" said Chekov as he looked through Sylvie, before turning his eyes to rest on Kat. "Ah I see. Ice fire it is"

"Now, Pointy, what would you like? Seems you fire doesn't quite approve of the elaborate set ups of your friends" said Chekov

"That sounds fine to me, but how come you didn't ask Lily what design she wanted" said Kat

"Glasses would never choose anything other than plain wood. Perhaps she might prefer a certain type of wood but I'd never let anyone else choose that in my shop" said Chekov.

Kat glanced at Lily for confirmation but saw her friend nod in agreement with Chekov's claims.

"Right, well, I think I'd like to keep my desk a bit plain" said Kat unsure.

"Hmm, your fire seems confused. It is so weird for it to react like that" said Chekov shaking his head "How about one set of shelves but I'll throw in some extra drawers"

"What exactly do you mean by one set of shelves?" asked Kat as she tilted her and tail in confusion. This time Chekov did see the movement but he didn't react.

"Unlike Little one and Glasses whose desk will have a lot of shelves you will have small one fitted to the left.. right, right side apparently" said Chekov

"Right, that sounds quite nice" said Kat

"Of course, I have a design in mind, but I'm going to keep that part to myself" said Chekov with a strange grin.

Turning away from Chekov to face Vivian, Kat asked "What sort of design do you have on your desk Vivian?" *I can see Chekov won't say more but perhaps I can get a hint*

"Well, mine has quite a lot actually. Mostly different suns, but also a few other shapes mixed in, it's hard to explain really" said Vivian

"Vivian has… A number of designs I had to weave together. I don't quite understand how that piece was made myself. You can only gaze upon it but not understand" said Chekov with a grin that seemed both happy and pained at the same time

"It's not that mysterious Chekov, but it is a lovely piece" said Vivian returning Chekov's grin

"Well now. I believe it is time for you to leave. You have given me quite a lot of work to do" said Chekov as he picked up the paper now strewn across the desk and bundled them under his arm.

Vivian led the girls out back to the car and they all bundled in together. It was a quite drive back home. The encounter with Chekov had seemed to come to an abrupt end, but even still he had left an impression on them all. It was not until thirty minutes had passed and the city was long out of site that Lily spoke up. "Is Chekov always like that?"

"Yes, for as long as I've known him. A strange man, but a skilled on" said Vivian

"Much like yourself" Kat chimed in.

"But of course. We are both masters of our craft, he simply works more directly with the ingredients than I tend to" said Vivian.

*I did not think Vivian would just agree with me. Is she really that similar to Chekov?* Kat thought back to all the interactions she'd had with Vivian over the past few weeks. *Huh, maybe she is. Her strangeness is a bit less direct but she always seems to know more than she's letting on and has a much better understanding of things than it first appears.*

That was the last thing said on the matter. Lily managed to fall asleep rather quickly and Sylvie had nodded off before they'd even left the city limits. Kat didn't feel the drowsiness her companions did but she was content to simply relax and watch the scenery as it past by. The journey back was without interruption and Lily was dropped of at the corner like they'd done after the visit to the orphanage.

Vivian pulled into her garage and grabbed a sleeping Sylvie out of the car. It had gotten somewhat late in the afternoon, but the sun was still just barely peeking between the houses casting enough light to see by.. The trio entered the house and could smell a meal already prepared for them.

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