D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 57 - 57 D.E.M.O.N.S Accounting Services

Chapter 57 – 57 D.E.M.O.N.S Accounting Services

Kat woke up to the smell of ash and flames. *I guess it was about time something like this happened.* Proped herself up against the wall to get more comfortable Kat looked at the message that had been left for her.

User Kat's case has been handed over to the Accounting Department. Visiting this department will be considered User Kat's mandatory summon for the week. Please inform D.E.M.O.N.S of your desire to be transferred and a portal will open.

*Why am I being sent to the accounting department for an error resolution? Shouldn't it be the support section or maybe the lawyers?*

User Kat's case was determined to be most relevant to the Accounting Department. D.E.M.O.N.S cannot provide information on any other department at this time, but User Kat should be assured that this decision was heavily computed.

*Guess I should get this over and done with. I'll just tell everyone. Um wait how long will I be gone for?*

User Kat is not expected to be gone longer than fourteen hours at maximum. This is due to the nature of the error and that the Accounting Department User Kat will be sent to isn't open for more than fourteen hours at a time.

With that Kat jumped off the bed and headed downstairs to explain what was going on. Only to stop and realise that nobody else was awake this early, except perhaps Callisto. Nobody really knew when she slept.

*Do I just leave then? Is it better to try and leave and get this over with or should I let the others know. Hmm, a note then I suppose.* Returning to her trip downstairs Kat entered the kitchen and faced another problem. She had no idea where they kept any spare pens or papers.

Running back upstairs Kat rummaged through her backpack and took out her pencil case and a notebook she used for English. Opening it to the last page Kat wrote down a message for Vivian, or whoever else saw it first and left it open on the dining table. *Hopefully someone will notice that. Ok system I'm ready to go.*

That burning smell of ash and the sight of spinning runes of fire greeted Kat. Placing her hand onto the fire she was sucked into the portal and left to float in that place of fire. Though this time unlike before where the fire would flicker and twist through many different colours it was a solid redy orange. The same colour D.E.M.O.N.S's words always appeared in.

*I kinda miss the lightshow already. Is this because I've awakened or is this because I'm being sent to the demon accounting offices? Perhaps they have a more stable connection to everything.*

As the background faded Kat found herself dropped into a chair. Surprised not to be on her feet Kat was about to sit up when she noticed that this chair was much softer than it had any right to be. Relaxing Kat leaned back and was shocked a second time. The back of the chair contained slight indents for her wings to sit in. Fully relaxing Kat scanned the room.

The rest of the room seemed to contain a number of various chairs of varying shapes and sizes. There were a few more like bowls then chairs, a number that matched her own with a place to fit your wings. One Giant sized chair with wing indents and a few child sized ones lined the walls. The rest of the room was completely bare except for the maroon walls and a large door on the right-hand wall. It wasn't until Kat had relaxed and was examining the ceiling that she noticed there were no lights.

*Huh, I guess it makes sense this place would cater specifically to demons. No need for lights if we can all see in the dark, and these chairs clearly aren't designed for humans. Or well, not primarily for humans, I suppose they'd work well enough.*

However Kat didn't have long to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere when the door opened to reveal a giant eyeball. Coming off this eye was a number of tentacles and beneath it sat a massive set of teeth. It wasn't until the second glance that Kat released the eyeball had a monocle and a rather tiny sunhat.

"Kat, your assigned accountant will see you now" said the eyeball.

Kat got up and followed the creature through the door. She entered into a hallway full of doors that seemed to stretch on forever. The eye didn't even stop to glance at them as it continued along its way.

Kat walked for around five minutes before the eye stopped at a door that seemed no different to the rest and pointed with one of its tentacles.

"You will find your assigned agent behind that door. I'll leave you to your meeting" said the eyeball before it flew away down the hall.

Kat slowly pushed open the door to reveal a giant behemoth of a man sitting in a beanbag chair behind a desk. His horns scraped the top of the ceiling in his office which was easily over five metres in height, though his horns accounted for at least half a metre themselves. He was wearing a surprisingly well fitting black suit that contrasted his bright red skin well.

"Ah, Kat? I believe it was. Please take a seat" boomed the demon before waving his hand and a chair appeared to Kat's side similar to those found in the waiting room. Taking her provide seat Kat found herself able to relax almost immediately.

"Let me just bring up your files here, and then we can get to sorting out your issue, I'm Krsfsdkfsr" the man said with a sound that was similar to grating rocks "but, that's a much older name from a time before I retired. Please call me Kraks" as he flicked his wrist once again. This time a portal of fire seemed to manifest beside him. Kraks reached his hand in and pulled out a stack of papers that seemed to be made from a strange orange glass crystal structure. The words in them looked like the trapped fire of the D.E.M.O.N.S.

"Right, so you were assigned to me for a, section 26,348 subsection JJS12, paragraph 18 exception 4…" at this point Kraks readjusted his glasses and then reread the words a second time to confirm what he'd just seen.

"By my blazing hellflame. I've never even seen a JJS12 let alone an exception for and I've been working here for centuries" said Kraks "I have to get some of the others in on this, that is if you don't mind? This is perhaps the most interesting case I've ever been assigned"

*Um? Do I want other people in on this? Does it matter?*

"What would be the purpose in inviting extra demons to view my case?" asked Kat trying and mostly succeeding to sound professional

"Well, I mean. The final decision would still go to me I suppose, or well D.E.M.O.N.S gets to approve my final suggestion. I'm only interested in bringing in the others for a bit of fun and to prove I've actually found a JJS12, we practically never see those and I doubt the others would believe me without a few witnesses" said Kraks smiling and revealing a row of shark like teeth. Somehow though it didn't seem scary at all.

"Sure thing then. Will your office have enough space?" asked Kat

"Ah, no problem at all" said Kraks and with a clap the room seemed to double in size if not in height, rapidly expanding to accommodate additional demons.

"Wait, if you can expand your room why don't you raise the ceiling a bit so that your head isn't touching it all the time?" asked Kat

"Well, that's actually rather complicated and to explain it properly I'd need to go into quite a few other things" said Kraks "Let's just say that because of the way the building is designed it has an almost infinite ability to expand outwards allowing for me to grow and shrink my office with a minor application of my power but raising the height, while technically possible is extremely difficult. Why do you think you had to walk so far when surely it would be faster to just have some stairs?"

"Honestly Kraks, I'm not sure that does make much more sense" said Kat

Kraks shrugged "You'll get used to it"

Kraks stood up and was able to pass Kat in just a few strides. Pausing at the door he turned around and said "I'm just going to grab a few friends then come back. Technically your free to do whatever you want in the meantime because this is a rather informal setting but seeing as you aren't even rank 2 I'd advise you to stay in this room"

"Why does it matter what rank I am?" said Kat craning her neck to face the demon behind her.

"These halls don't quite adhere to the laws of space all that well, so if you aren't powerful enough or skilled in a few specific areas it can really throw you off. Don't worry I'll be just a minute" said Kraks and he stepped through the door.

*Well. Guess I don't mind waiting if the seats are this comfortable..* Thought Kat as she closed her eyes and decided to relax for a while.

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