Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2537: Collecting Knowledge

Chapter 2537: Collecting Knowledge

Davi hrugged, cauing Klade’ eye to almot bulge in hock.

Although he demanded Davi heal him, he knew that Davi wa far off from becoming an Immortal King. He wa jut playing when he aid it, o when Davi aid that he could do it now, he wa hocked initially, but then he uddenly realized the implication.

However, taking a tep back, he had to wonder if the other party wa till teaing him. Their relationhip wa good, and it wa not contricting but a laidback one.

At thi moment, Davi’ hand that hrugged uddenly wung in a harp arc. Ancetor Klade’ epreion churned a he noticed the move. However, an incredible preure bound him from moving, cauing him to turn pale and hocked a hi pupil contricted at Davi.

‘Thi power…’

The net econd, he felt hi concioune fade into the darkne, full of dibelief.

Davi lifted Ancetor Klade by hi wait, throwing him on hi houlder a he turned to look at the hocked beautiful lady with hi ignature mirk.

“Ancetor Cornelia, If you don’t mind, where’ hi room?”

Ancetor Cornelia had her mouth agape behind her crimon veil. She wa deeply hocked by the power Davi poeed, unable to believe her eye. After all, it wa jut le than two month ince he arrived on the Firt Haven World, and yet, how could be become o powerful enough to neutralize her huband, who wa a Level Nine Immortal Beat who could battle two level above hi prowe?

However, he couldn’t help but milingly hake her head a he pointed in a direction.

“You’re too playful. I undertand you did thi to hide your capabilitie but don’t blame me if he come after you for revenge.”

“Haha. At that time, I’ll break hi bone and take him to hi room again to do hady thing.”

Davi chuckled, cauing Ancetor Cornelia to raie her hand.

“You- Shamele child. Ahh, thi i infuriating. With you having my hand encloed pleadingly, I can’t even chide you now.”

Seeing Ancetor Cornelia become embarraed and lightly angered, Davi gave a thumb up and left toward the direction Ancetor Cornelia pinpointed him.

He didn’t teae more becaue he knew that it wan’t that Ancetor Cornelia couldn’t take a joke, but the peron he wa making fun of wa omeone he repected too much. He couldn’t help but repect uch a woman.

Nonethele, after entering the Ancetor Klade’ room, he found that thi wa where only he lived. Looking at the thing around, he aw that Ancetor Cornelia’ thing weren’t preent. Obviouly, Ancetor Klade felt that he wa too hideou to be with Ancetor Cornelia all the time.

Even he couldn’t help but feel the hiver when looking at Ancetor Klade. However, not only did he look ugly, but he wa alo going to die oon a the Vacuou Beat’ blood poion did a number on him.

‘But that all come to an end here…’

Davi placed Ancetor Klade on the bed gently uing hi oul force, careful not to wake him up.

Outide, Ancetor Cornelia wa waiting with her hand clenched before her big boom. Her crimon eye churned with worry, and her ene contantly fluctuated, appearing to want to find ome clue about her huband’ health. She wa praying that nothing hould happen to her dear huband.

However, eeing Davi walking out in two minute, he blinked before etending a few word out.

“Did you forget omething?”

Davi left without replying, eemingly in a hurry, which caued Ancetor Cornelia to be alarmed. She looked at hi diappearing ilhouette and then toward the room, wondering what eactly had occurred a her eye trembled in panic.

Her lip quivered, waiting for Davi to come back but even after a minute, he didn’t, cauing her to quickly run toward the room.


However, the moment he aw her huband’ leeping figure, he wa hocked.


Davi had already met up with Nadia’ main body and eited the iland during thi time.

Knowing the information Shirley and the other collected, he firt went to collect hi wage. A he wa a true diciple, the amount that would be debited to hi name each month wa ten thouand Mid-Level Immortal Crytal.

Since a new month had tarted, he collected about twenty thouand Mid-Level Immortal Crytal.

Fortunately, he didn’t encounter any trouble but wanting to ee who would hi tanding in the ect, he didn’t diguie himelf at all.

Rather than wearing Feng Chu’ face, he walked with hi well-known original face, blonde hair, and apphire eye that were platered almot everywhere back in the prefecture he roamed about. Hi feature certainly did grab attention, goip, and rumor, but with the way he walked around the iland, radiating a bit of deathly aura, none dared to near him.

To the diciple, he wa like the walking plague, cauing them all to quickly move out of hi way.

‘Thi i good… At leat, it’ better than other diciple coming to challenge me jut for the ake of howing off…’

Davi thought, but he didn’t eit the iland after procuring hi wage but went to the treaury, having a look himelf.

He knew that he mut prepare an appropriate cultivation path not only for himelf but alo for hi weet beautie. They were walking on a path manipulated by hi paive fate, o he more or le felt reponible for their adveritie and challenge, but even if it wa not there, it wa in hi character to take care of them.

He wa delighted either way to ee them grow tronger with each paing day.

Spending an entire day in the treaury, he made a note of all the treaure he had acce to before hitting the library.

The library wa ituated on another iland, huge and vat, like an ocean cloud of knowledge. The magnificent architecture awed him into feeling deep repect, and the atmophere when he tepped inide made him feel intimidated.


Davi could feel it. The preure of the information made him think that every word written here wa probably an incription and a rune could be a whole entence or book.

He knew that even if he pent a year here, it wa impoible for him to diget all thi information. Therefore, he jut aborbed the baic hitory of the Firt Haven World and the like before looking for treaure regarding heavenly lightning, heavenly flame, death energy, and life energy.

Hi luck wa good. He found a few record containing information related to thee energie. However, looking at the price tag, he imply miled and left the ection. After looking around for half a day and completely pending hi twenty thouand Mid-Level Immortal Crytal reading all the knowledge that he could get hi hand on, he left the iland like a broke cultivator.

He felt like viiting a few other place but intended to head to the miion ditribution iland firt.

Davi flew through the kie with hi death aura reverberating around him.

He landed on the miion ditribution iland, but at thi moment, a white-robed man blocked hi path, hi eye bloodhot and hi epreion raging with hatred. He took out a heavy broadword from hi back and lahed it vertically toward him, hi undulation welling pat hi Level Nine Immortal Stage cultivation bae!

“What the-“

“Davi Altreim, you vile Divergent! Die!”


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