Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2538: Blamed

Chapter 2538: Blamed

Davi’ eye narrowed a he looked at the udden aggreor. He noticed the emblem that diciple wore and intantly recognized that the other party wa only an inner diciple.

With a troke of the heavy broadword, a tremendou preure decended on him, locking him in place. An etraordinary urge of wind energy urged from the harp edge, licing through the land a it crahed toward him.


An angered voice ounded from a ditance, but it wa already too late a the wind blade created by the heavy broadword landed on Davi.


With a loud ound, the wind blade uddenly plit apart into two and crahed into the ground while the other half oared into the air.

The white-robed man who attacked Davi wa hocked.

He aw Davi tand till like a tatue, not even making a move. It wa unknown how hi attack wa blocked.

However, he quickly clenched hi teeth and hot toward him, hi arm pulling back a he clenched the heavy broadword with both hi hand and lahed down on Davi. The edge of the heavy broadword wa about to crack Davi’ kull in two when uddenly, a dark tail emerged from nowhere and truck the broadword.


It wa like metal triking metal, but the reulting impact caued the word to be flung and the white-robed man to be ent flying with blood praying from hi mouth.

Jut a he pulled himelf back and tood in mid-air with balance, a layer of light blinded him a a few word abruptly pointed toward hi neck, cauing him to top in place.

“You attacked a fellow diciple with killing intent.”

“Obediently urrender.”

“You will be punihed according to the rule.”

Blazing undulation revolved around the white-robed man a he looked at three law enforcement diciple having cornered him into a dead end where he had no choice but to top hi action or receive grave injurie, perhap even death.

But depite the conequence, he couldn’t help but glare at Davi with intene hatred before he opened hi mouth.

“What i thi nonene!? How can our ect accept a calamitou and vile Divergent like him!? Becaue of him, my village i dead. Becaue the Aurora Cloud Gate accepted him, one of it region got hit with a pacequake!”

He lahed, pointing at Davi while hi arm and neck were bleeding a they bruhed with the word.

The law enforcement diciple frowned but till didn’t take their word away, holding him down. One of them ued a backhand to the ide of hi neck to ever hi ene and overwhelm hi oul together, cauing hi eye to tremble before he abruptly raied hi head and creamed out loud.

“I want jutice!”


Wind energy eploded from hi body, ending the law enforcement diciple away from him. It wa only a few intant before they recovered from hi udden burt of energy and attacked. They reached out with their word toward him, but he had already lipped through their encirclement, arriving before Davi a he lahed down with hi hand.

A udden gale enveloped Davi, trying to lock him down again while hi aggreor’ hand haped into a word forced down on him.


But jut a before, a dark tail abruptly emerged from nowhere and truck him down, cauing him to be buried inide the ground a he carved a crater.

Thi time, everyone ele wa clearly able to ee a dark tail diappear into thin air a a layer of darkne covered it. The trange thing wa that it wa rather… mall, making them unable to undertand if they had een a tail or a whip made out of that ominou energy that gave them the hiver.

The law enforcement diciple upiciouly looked at Davi, afraid to come near him a they topped at a ditance.

Davi’ cold apphire eye were condecendingly looking down on the white-robed man before him who wa unable to do anything. He took a few tep and arrived before him, quatting down a he reached out hi hand and grabbed the other party’ hair, lifting him up.

“Speak. Who ent you to die?”

Looking at the bruied face of hi aggreor, Davi coldly aked.

Not only wa the aggreor’ face bruied and bleeding, but hi right arm alo eemed to have completely diappeared, blood flowing out from hi evered arm in copiou amount. However, he till raied hi head and looked at Davi with immene hatred gleaming in hi eye.

“Drop dead, you vile being.”

“Vile?” Davi lightly miled, “How o?”

“Don’t play dumb. It’ only becaue of you that a pacequake wallowed my village on the eatern outkirt of the Aurora Cloud Gate Domain. My father… mother… my little iter… everyone whom I ever loved died becaue of you! You calamitou batard!”

Blood churned out from hi mouth a he poke with difficulty. There even were ome piece of organ flowing down hi mouth along with hi blood that it could be een that hi innard were alo mahed by Nadia’ dark tail.


Suddenly, a voice yelled out with a bit of anger a omeone decended beide them.

Davi narrowed hi brow at the newcomer, eeing that it wa an Immortal King. However, he alo bore the law enforcement emblem on hi houlder.

Thi youthful quare-faced man had a heavy frown on hi face a he glanced at him before hi gaze fell on the white-robed aggreor.

“Spacequake, although not entirely rare, are indeed rare to encounter. It i a phenomenon that wallow pace and eject everything in it into the void torm. Although I’m apologetic that you went through uch horror, you can’t blame it on ome peron.”

“It’ not jut ome peron! It’ a Divergent! Wherever they go, they bring calamity along with them, and thi i jut the tart!”

The white-robed youth creamed atop hi lung a he glared at Davi while the law enforcement’ Immortal King appeared tumped, unable to give a uitable repone. He had hi hand tretched out, imply diallowing the aggreor from being able to move even though he wa heavily injured.

Davi watched the white-robed youth’ face churn with hatred before he let go of hi hair. He tood up, glaring at him for a few econd before he walked pat him.

“Wait… don’t go. Either you live, or I die… come back here…!”

The white-robed man turned around a he crawled but wa quickly held down by the law enforcement people.

Davi topped, turning to look back, “I did indeed pa through the eatern ide of the Aurora Cloud Gate, o I can’t ay for ure that I’m entirely innocent, but until you bring proof that I wa the one reponible for your people’ death, don’t bother me. Otherwie, you’ll jut be falely accuing me, which i wore than being a Divergent.”


The white-robed youth’ body trembled, but he till glared at Davi a though he wouldn’t forgive him.

Davi gave him a good look before he turned to look at that Immortal King who came to hi recue.

“Let him go.”

“What? You want to let him go?”

“You can’t?”

That Immortal King appeared flabbergated before he hook hi head, “I mean, a long a the one who wa attacked tate that they didn’t find the aggreive action to be offenive, we are legally bound to releae the aggreor.”

“Then let him go.”

Davi hrugged, cauing both the Immortal King and the white-robed inner diciple to be tunned.

“Wait… look at him.” The Immortal King law enforcement peron waved hi hand, “He’ll jut attack you again. Clearly, he’ not in a good tate of mind.”

“That’ the point. The net time he attack, well… there imply won’t be a net time for him. I’m pretty ure accidentally killing a fellow diciple in the name of elf-defene i allowed, right?”

Davi cat a cold mirk at them before hi epreion turned indifferent. He didn’t wait for an anwer. Turning around, he continued to walk into the core region of the miion ditribution iland.

On the other hand, the people watching him felt their heart turn cold. Hi word told them that he wan’t kidding at all, but that wa not the point, a they felt hi killing intent cover them into a cold bottomle aby. It wa o cold and harp, a though numerou aw were cutting down on them, cauing their intinct to react in a way a though they dreaded him.

The recipient of that killing intent, the white-robed young man, alo hivered, eemingly jut undertanding what he had done for the firt time.

In the airpace above them, a brown-robed peron wa watching the pectacle with curiou eye. But at thi moment, two more figure appeared beide him. They wore a white robe and a blue robe, appearing to poe no undulation.

“Don’t you think you went too far?”

“True. Diguiing yourelf and whipering around that the pacequake might be caued by that Divergent Davi Altreim to that young diciple over there? Jut what are you thinking?”

The two of them turned to look at the brown-robed man, their epreion curiou, jut like him.


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