Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1107 Cooperation

Chapter 1107 Cooperation

The fights with the mythical creature didn't fully break them, but still they needed the extra energy to escape this situation as dozens of legendary creatures chased them after.

Both of them used the orbiter to fly into the sky and scout the place that the grand magus had brought them into.

The more they see, the more they become anxious.

Within just 50 miles of flying, they had spotted two identical mythical creatures and about a hundred of the legendary ones lying beyond the sands. Fortunately, it seemed like these creatures had no flying capabilities. But getting too close to the mythical creatures could be dangerous as it could affect the gravity and pull them down.

One thing for sure, there's an obvious reason why this place was forbidden to be visited by anyone without permission as it was definitely not safe for acolytes, not even for magus.

After an hour of flying, Emery stopped and pointed toward one rocky mountain that looked like multiple humongous rocks placed on top of one another.

"We can stop and rest there," Emery said, Zach who looked tired agreed.

As they sat next to each other on a narrow rock to recover from their wound, Emery remembered something and he could not help but ask.

"Erm.. that's an awesome sword technique you just showed there, what was that?" Emery let out his curiosity.

Zach was silent for a second. Still, with his cold expression and unpredictable demeanor, he then said, "Even if I told you, you won't be able to learn it."

Emery heaved a sigh, if anyone in this world asked what's the hardest thing to do, then the answer is to make Zach open up. Emery didn't stop there as he continued to say,

"Seriously man, I am asking because of the obvious damage it did to your health while on the other hand, it might be the way for us to survive this place."

The dragon protege once again turned silent, took him a few minutes before he finally gave the answer that Emery had been waiting for. He said, "It's part of my bloodline innate skill, it can be used for any weapon, and yes once used it would drain all my spirit energy.. I need more practice to control it"

Emery slightly nodded. "I see... Is there any way to prevent the backlash?" he asked again.

"Nothing you can do."

"Alright then," Emery responded perfunctorily.

The man definitely did not wish to chat, hence Emery decided to leave Zach alone and return to his training.

When Emery used his innate skill with the mythical creature, it gave him the ability to devour a high amount of darkness energy and partial earth, hence he could fully take it all into his spirit core.

Emery was elated to know that with only devouring one mythical creature, he could feel that his spirit core was already almost filled with the mist of energy ready to be absorbed

[Spirit Absrob]

It took Emery 15 minutes to fully absorb it all and when he finished it, once again a notification came into his mind.

[Spirit energy has increased]

Emery inhaled and let out a sigh of relief that he had once again managed to increase his spirit energy. Zach, who had been sitting quietly watching him while also trying to recover from his wound finally stood up and said, "No time to sit around."

However, Emery won't follow the dragon bloodline blindly anymore.

Hanging around Zach did give Emery benefit as he could get more corpses to devour. However, with the way they were doing it, it was only a matter of time before things could get really wrong.

"Wait, Zach if you want me to help you.. I need better coordination.." said Emery but this was not responded to by Zach. However, the dragon protege didn't give a refusal either.

Emery knew Zach was not stupid, and realized the situation they were facing. It's just the protege's arrogance that made their cooperation become much hard.

Knowing it's important to build a cooperative relationship with Zach so that they could survive and get out of this place alive. Emery decide to keep his ego aside and added,

"Just tell me what I should do.. And I will do it."

These words were enough to make Zach hold his step and turn around.


Later that day, the plains were filled with dust of gray sand flying into the air as dozens of legendary scorpion creatures were chasing after a man figure.

That figure ran with all his might from the chase of the wilds. However, when the figure was surrounded by those scorpions and have no way to run, it suddenly dissipated into energy.

The figure was no other than Emery's jade summons.

Multiple similar jade figures, human and wolf running through the plains directing the hordes of scorpion creatures, the Shrike away from a particular spot where the crimson half-blood dragon was fighting fiercely one on one with the mythical creature.

Emery stood in ready behind Zach while directing any incoming Scorpio away not to bother the fights, while attentively watching the dragon bloodline fighting the gigantic creature.

Previously Zach had revealed to him the nature of his skill which required a high amount of charge by doing multiple strikes and when the time came, the dragon gave Emery the signal.

"My turn!" Emery quickly said after getting the cue from that signal.

Emery dashed in with his [Void Mist] to close in safely and then used multiple offensive spells from his [Shadow Edge] and [Seed Bombs] to get the mythical creature's full attention towards him. Once he did, Zach would swoop in and use his special skill right after.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The creatures were bombarded with multiple powerful strikes, limb cut-offs, the body's cracked all over. When the skill started to slow down, Zach abruptly stopped to prevent injury.


Emery swiftly jumped in once again, this time with his blade claw and pierced the heavily injured creature, and took what was left of the creature's life.

[Spirit Devour]

For the first time, the two of them were able to work together to defeat an opponent. It was perfect coordination and the two managed to successfully kill a mythical creature without taking even one scratch.

They were gasping for air after that kill. Both of them now took a few minutes break, for Zach to recover from his skill, while Emery absorbed the spirit energy. After that short break, their spirits were rekindled and ready to hunt more creatures.

"Let's go for the next one!"

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