Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1108 Comprehension

Chapter 1108 Comprehension

Five days had passed since Emery and Zach fought and survived together in the atrocious place that Grand Magus Lilith had left them in.

After hundreds of miles of journey towards one single direction, they had finally reached the end of the seemingly endless expanse of gray, and much to their surprise, that end was a shore that stretched through the distant horizon.

Instead of blue clean water that of an ocean, the shore of this island was filled with gooey black liquids that instinctively made one remain a distance away from it.

Seeing the shore, Emery and Zach tried to roam in search of another piece of land. They went flying for a few hours and when they still couldn't find anything in their endeavor, they decided to turn back towards the gray plain and continued their training in the hellish place.

As for what they had been doing in the past five days, Zach put and focused his entire attention on mastering and perfecting his innate skill – the outburst attack that consumed all of his spirit energy which ended the life of a Mythical creature.

He hoped to get used to the skill so that he wouldn't fall at critical moments like the previous time, and in his quest to achieve that attainment the Dragon protege chose to pursue the path that was most practical in his mind – by constantly engaging in fights and using the skill over and over again.

As for Emery, he had been doing his best and diligently devouring everything out of the gigantic scorpion's corpse.

With the Mythical creature being both darkness and earth element, Emery managed to obtain a tremendous gain of increase in his spirit force. Coupled with the supplement of the Foundation Spirit Pill he still had, he managed to get an average of 4 points every day.

On the sixth day, Emery reached a new height of spirit force.

[Spirit force 1645 (1670)]

With his Devour Pillar finally fixed, his spirit force had also returned to what it used to be. Emery was confident that he would form his 13th pillar when his spirit force reached 1700 points and he couldn't wait until it happened.

However, the rapid increase of his spirit force wasn't the only exciting thing Emery found the last few days.

Due to his 'intimate' interactions with the creatures they had killed, he discovered that both the spider creature and the scorpion apparently had similar comprehension in one of the special derivations of Darkness Element.

The Law of Gravity.

Emery had seen this kind of power when he fought the Maniac Lodos and the Nephilim Hades. He of course wanted to possess such an oppressive ability since he had an affinity with the darkness element, but unfortunately, he never had the talent for it.

The fact was such, that even after devouring dozens of those two creatures Emery was still unable to make an inkling of a breakthrough in the law. However, there was something that he found gradually changing with each creature he successfully absorbed.

His ability to resist the gravity pressure of the planet.

If previously the pressure applied a penalty that reduced forty percent of his strength, it now only reduced thirty percent, causing him to gradually regain some of his mobility, alleviate the restriction imposed on the vicinity space, as well as smoothing his ability to use spatial magic.

This change was also noticed by Zach, as Emery seemed able to perfectly dodge all the legendary and Mythical creature's attacks better each day.

The next day, after Emery finished completely absorbing another round of spirit energy, the taciturn Dragon protege seemed unable to hold on anymore as he finally voiced out his curiosity to the former.

"So.. devour… tell me… how much spirit force you have managed to devour these last two weeks?"

Emery was caught off guard by the sudden interest Zach showed to him. Still, it didn't take him long to respond to the Dragon protege's inquiry. "The last two weeks? Since our training together… It's about fifty points."

Silence fell between the two of them for a few seconds before Zach finally spoke again.

"It's such a fortune isn't it…? Devour... I mean …to be born with such a gift.."

This particular sentence spoken by the Dragon protege fully grasped Emery's attention, but he calmly answered. "Yes, it is... I guess… It's as fortunate as to be born with the Dragon bloodline."

"Fair enough," Zach replied, understanding what Emery was implying.

At this moment, Emery could swear he saw a small smile appear within the man's cold expression before disappearing the next moment. He couldn't help but be stunned as it was something he didn't expect to see from the other party.

After satiating the curiosity of the Dragon protege, Emery saw the latter fight even more fierce than before, making him couldn't help but think that something he had said must have affected the man.

Pumped by his company's passion, Emery joined the fray and the two fought fiercely where they managed to kill dozens more creatures till the end of that day.

All of a sudden, both Emery and Zach turned to each other in unison as they felt something was going to happen. Looking at their eyes, they both knew the two of them felt a certain change occurring in the surrounding air.

"What is going on?" Emery said, voicing what the two of them are currently thinking.

The dozens of legendary creatures that had been chasing after his summons suddenly halted their pursuit altogether, and even the Mythical creature stopped its rampage and submerged back into the ground.

"I don't like this." Emery spoke again, seeing the eerie situation.

As the two of them looked warily around their surroundings for the source of this peculiarity, something finally caught their attention. From the east, Emery could see a huge cloud of black sand rising and covering the vast blue expanse on the horizon. Zach, however, has a different opinion.

"That's not a cloud!"

Hearing such words, Emery took a look at the cloud once more, this time focusing his eyes, and what he saw startled him.

The black cloud was small creatures as big as his finger, flying in millions like a swarm of locusts about to ravage farmlands. But in this case, they were heading rapidly in their direction.

There was no hiding place for them, hence Zach floated into the sky and started preparing his most powerful fire spell. Emery knew it was time to pull their strength together, therefore he also quickly began preparing his own offensive spells.

"It's coming!!"

In an instant, Zach cast both of his [Draconic Flame] and [Mega Flare], unleashing a torrent of fiery flame towards the swarm of creatures. However, the flame only managed to erase a small chunk of the cloud, killing only hundreds when there were still millions.

On the other hand, the [Seed Bomb] Emery also cast was unable to deal much damage to the horde of flying creatures.

The two looked upon each other.


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