Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1412 Pain


Emery felt as if time had slowed down as his eyes caught the stabbed body of the white-haired girl. Something seemed to shatter inside of him as a powerful flood of emotion surged, unleashing his fury upon the outside world.

The outburst of emotion allowed Emery to ignore the invisible restraint that the high elf grand magus exerted. In an instant, his figure disappeared and appeared next to the female dark elf magus. It was so fast that the latter still had the mocking smirk on her face.


Surprised, the female magus instinctively tried to pull the spear out of the girl’s body so she could strike Emery. Unfortunately for her, Emery’s hand was already firmly on the shaft, rendering it unable to move even an inch.

From Emery’s other hand, dark energy materialized and coalesced into a blade without a hilt. Sensing the danger radiating from it, the female magus quickly chose to abandon her spear and jumped backwards to retreat.

Alas, she was in for a great shock when she realized that she had not arrived at the spot she was aiming for. Instead, she appeared right back next to Emery, as if she had never moved in the first place.

“No!!” the female magus screamed hysterically as she realized what was about to befall her.

With a gaze as cold as ice, Emery casually made a sweeping gesture. The hovering jet-black sword swiftly followed his movement, cleaving the female dark elf magus in half at her waist.

Blood splattered into the air, followed by the sight of the magus’ bisected body helplessly falling to the ground, screaming loudly for help.

Two of her comrades who were standing nearby quickly brandished their weapons and shot toward Emery. However, they were swiftly sent a hundred meters away with his spell.

With a casual expression but with a chilling look in his eyes, Emery’s jet-black blade pierced the latter’s chest, crushing both her core and soul.

All this happened in just a few seconds. Needless to say, the death of their comrade angered the other dark elf magus. They were clearly intent on pouncing at Emery, but the high elf grand magus stopped them from doing so.

“Wait… Let me enjoy this sight…”

Emery walked over to Silva’s body which was lying on the ground. He knelt beside her and grabbed her unmoving hand, to find that it had already begun to lose its warmth.

There were no signs of life left on Silva’s body, and with her lack of a magus core, there was no spirit soul for Emery to look for.

Even though there was arguably still something that Emery could do, which was his [Rebirth] spell, it couldn’t be done. Not only because his experience with the spell so far was whimsical in nature, he had used his last Light Artifact for his master’s sake. He had nothing else to be sacrificed for her.

Seeing the blood continuously flowing from the wound on her chest and the pair of lifeless eyes, Emery could feel a deep and sharp pain shot through his chest. Much more painful than being stabbed by a sword.

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He had just seen his master die minutes ago, and now it was her. Someone who was very dear to him.

Once again, Emery was overcome by a wave of memories rushing through his mind, of the time they spent together. The moment he saw her for the first time in the classroom, the forest where they ran and fought together, to the series of goodbyes they said to each other.

Although the reality was right in front of his eyes, Emery still couldn’t accept that this time it would be a permanent one.

His hands shook uncontrollably as Emery reached for the girl’s face. The pain was palpable as he closed her eyes and shouted out loud.

“Please… bring her back… please Rebirth!!”

Even though he knew it would be futile, Emery tried anyway. Maybe, just maybe; that his increased comprehension of the Law of Light would bring about a miracle, or that the supreme magus was still there and came out to help like before.

A bunch of maybes went through his head. But seconds passed, and there was only silence.

He still hadn’t given up yet. However, his sorrow was interrupted by a chuckle.

Turning his head, Emery saw the high elf grand magus with a mocking grin on his face.

“Now.. that is entertaining to watch… Unfortunately, we don’t have all night.”

By this time, most of the dark elf magus that Emery sensed had arrived, meaning he was now surrounded by more than thirty enemies that were on par if not stronger than him.

Eyes flashing with amusement, the great magus said, “I will restrain his space magic. The one who kills him will be greatly rewarded.”

Some dark elves who saw firsthand how Emery killed the female dark elf magus couldn’t help but hesitate. However, to those who had just arrived, the grand magus’ words were basically a giveaway. In their mind, though he was a Half Moon magus, Emery looked too young to be concerned about.

Noticing the other party’s movements, Emery touched the ground and cast a spell. Multiple tiny dark roots emerged from the ground and enveloped Silva’s body thoroughly.

He stood up and shifted his gaze to the group of enemies around him, it was time to unleash all the rage within.

Previously, his newfound magus power had reached a level that rendered his transformation ability obsolete. Now with his space magic restrained by the high elf grand magus, Emery would need all the power he could get. Hence he went ahead and activated his transformation.

[Twilight Transformation]

As dark fur started to appear acrosshis body, Emery felt a wave of pain. It was as if a foreign force was entering the balance between the two cores. And to make matters worse, the lingering power of the supreme magus seemed to almost reach its end as well.

This unexpected complication made him spit out a mouthful of blood. However, Emery once again gritted his teeth. Looking at the dark elves surrounding him, he calmly spoke.

“I may not survive this, but I will definitely take a few of you with me. Who wants to go first!”

Emery raised his now dark furry arms and in the place where his [Blade Claws] used to be emerged six similar sharp blades. However, these were not made of bones; instead, it was the similar [Void blades] created by the power of darkness.

Realizing his new power had managed to gradually channel through his transformation ability, Emery roared loudly.


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