Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1413 Last Stand

At the moment, there were more than thirty dark elf magus surrounding Emery from all directions. Most of them were at the Crescent Moon stage, with just a few who had reached the Half Moon stage.

Even though it was a known fact that elven magus was more powerful compared to their human counterparts, the wolf they were facing right now was far from a normal human magus.

“Kill him!” The grand magus shouted, watching intently as his men rushed toward the single half-blood magus.

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The first dark elf who arrived the fastest, the greediest amongst them, became the perfect example for the others behind him. Instead of gaining the reward he had hoped for, he was shocked to find the surrounded prey moving faster than expected.

He could only watch in shock as his body was torn apart by the dark energy claws from shoulder to hip. Three deep cuts that instantly made him scream from the intense pain.

One was taken care of, two dozens more to follow.

A split second later a second elf attacked. Thrusting the spear in his hand from behind Emery, intent to give him a mortal wound. A smirk appeared on his face, only to freeze when he realized that his attack only hit empty air. The wolf’s body had disappeared, phased out of space. Before he could react to the odd situation, the dark elf magus was violently brought to the ground as the half wolf’s elbow appeared out of nowhere and dealt a heavy blow.

The third dark elf magus managed to find a gap in Emery’s defense, sending out a slash that threatened to cut his body. However, his saber was parried at the last moment. He was then hurtled into the air by the wolf’s overwhelming physical strength.

The fourth and fifth dark elf magus thought they were the lucky ones as their dagger and sword managed to land on the half-blood’s body. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize the pain they had caused was far too trivial in comparison to the anger Emery was currently feeling.

The dagger wielding magus’s face changed when alarms suddenly rang in her head. Believing her gut, she quickly backed away from the unmoving half-blood and retreated into dark smoke. Her partner, the sword-wielding magus, was not as quick on his feet. Without him realizing it, a pair of sharp claws had pierced through his body right at his chest.

A scream was heard before the claws forcefully moved outwards, forcefully tearing through his ribcage with tremendous force.

Crimson blood burst out of the sword-wielding magus like a fountain, causing the several other dark elf magus to unconsciously take a step back.


While Emery’s actions made the other magus tremble, the high elf grand magus, who stood at the back, laughed in amusement.

“Hahaha very good! Very good!”

Although this group of thirty magus would be considered a major force compared to human forces, they were still only considered mere soldiers by the elven empire. One that a grand magus could easily replace.


The next wave of enemies Emery had to face arrived with ranged weapons and spells. Fireballs, metal shards, enchanted arrows, and so on. It seemed they learned from what happened to their comrades. Thus, this time, Emery knelt down and dark roots as thick as an arm quickly covered his body like a shield.

It was only able to withstand the barrage of attacks for a few seconds before it crumbled. However, as some of the dark elf magus charged in, they were surprised to find he had disappeared.

They looked around in confusion before suddenly the frantic screams of their other comrades in the distance echoed through the air.


Appearing behind them from their shadows, Emery’s claws encountered its third victim. The life in the poor magus’ eyes dimmed as the other dark elves shot towards Emery with blazing killing intent.

Emery was certainly on a different level compared to these elven magus, however there were too many of them and, even with his phasing ability, Emery only managed to stop and dodge attacks for so long before he eventually received a blow.  It was a hammer to the back of his head, carrying a powerful force that made his mind blank for a moment.

Of course, the dark elf magus surrounding him didn’t let go of the perfect opportunity. All of them swiftly swooped in, landing an attack of their own to his transformed body, causing blood to splatter everywhere.


The unbridled rage, the agony that ravaged his entire body, coupled with the blow that made his mind blank, gave rise to an urge that made him gradually change. His body began to enlarge as Emery gradually turned into his [Beast Form].

“Now this is more like it!”

The grand magus’ eyes shone when he saw Emery’s transformation. It was because when the beast’s side started to take over, he did not need to continue his spirit attack and could finally join the fight, an ultimate beast hunt.

One more dark elf magus fell victim as he was bitten by the enraged beast. As the others were terrified and hurriedly distanced themselves from the walking menace, their barrage of ranged attacks made its appearance again.


The huge three-meter-tall black wolf was engulfed in various lethal spells, but once again the elves were shocked when they saw that the wolf beast was able to devour their spells, albeit slowly.

“Hahaha! No wonder you are so strong! A devouring beast! Must have a high-rank bloodline, good!”

Finally, the high elf’s grand magus decided to make his move. He raised his hand and ordered his men to retreat, while he casually approached the rampaging wolf beast. Crackles of lightning appeared on his upturned palm – one so powerful that seemed capable of affecting the surrounding space.

Realizing there were no more enemies nearby, with a savage glare, Emery locked onto his final target. His bloodthirsty urge rose like crazy as the thought of killing the grand magus filled his mind. It would definitely be the best reward on his journey to the afterlife.


Despite the lightning that flashed through his flesh and bones, Emery gathered all the strength his body had and mustered it for one ferocious charge. The ground violently shook as he shot towards the high elf grand magus, crashing into several magus in his path as his claws were eager to taste high elf’s blood.

Just a few more steps.

Alas, his hopes were swiftly dashed. One of the Half Moon dark elf magus were already anticipating him, as he threw a metal net artifact that swiftly restrained his body. The other forcibly stopped his momentum with her two meter tall spear piercing his neck.

Blood spilled everywhere, as Emery could only helplessly watch the high elf grand magus smile at him saying, “That was fun, but the game is over.”

His two palms gathered one large bolt of lightning before charging into Emery’s entire body, scorching him from the inside out.


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