Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1634 Divine Technique

[Divine Art Technique - Rank A] 𝙗𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝒐𝙧𝙜

Previously, when Emery came to exchange for this reward, he was asked to wait for a few days. Now, with the caretaker of Hyperion planet, Grand Magus Yvere himself accompanying him, Emery was allowed to enter personally their secret vault.

As Emery entered the room with Grand Magus Yvere, he was surprised to see that the place didn't look like a treasure room at all, but more like a library of scrolls, reminiscent of the Alexandria Library of Egypt. The room was bathed in a soft golden light, giving it an aura of mystique and wisdom. Shelves upon shelves of scrolls stood before him, each emanating faint magical energy.

The caretaker of the Hyperion planet, Grand Magus Yvere, guided Emery through the room, explaining the significance of the scrolls housed within. "Some of the scrolls have been moved already, but there should be some Divine Art techniques available in this room," the Grand Magus said with a gentle smile.

Emery could feel the weight of history in the air, knowing that he was surrounded by knowledge and power accumulated over countless generations.

The scrolls were placed behind special glass, their ancient texts and intricate diagrams carefully preserved. He noticed that only about half of the shelves were filled, but even then, there were still about a hundred scrolls remaining.

Emery approached one of the shelves and observed a small metal plate attached to the glass. As he touched it, information started to flow into his mind, showing a glimpse of the power contained within each scroll.

The names of the scrolls appeared before him, written in elegant calligraphy:

[Phoenix Avatar]

[Fire Domain]

[Creates an extremely powerful fire phoenix, undying until all spirit souls are consumed]

x x x x x

[Annihilating Tempest]

[Lightning Domain]

[A forbidden-level wind-style spell that can fill the entire sky with blade-like gusts of wind]

x x x x x

[World Protector]

[Earth Domain]

[A forbidden high-level spell of the earth element type. The strongest offensive earth element spell]

x x x x x

[Absolute Tsunami]

[Water Domain]

[A forbidden-level water spell that could flatten the Earth with water]

As Emery read the descriptions, his eyes widened in awe. These were world-shattering offensive spells, have the power to reshape or destroyed a civilization.

The power contained within each scroll was immense, but Emery knew that he had limitations. These high-tier spells required the power of a Domain, something mostly attainable by grand magus-level individuals.

Emery continued to stroll through the room, his eyes scanning the shelves for any familiar names or spells that resonated with him. Each scroll held the promise of ancient wisdom and unimaginable power.

Among the scrolls, Emery spotted some spells that he recognized. Two of them were the Divine spells he had found at the Sister of Fate's place during his previous adventure. The memories of his encounters with those spells came flooding back, reminding him of the challenges he had faced and the growth he had experienced.

[Void Dragon]


[Summon a mythical creature to abide by the caster's level, subject to the caster's spell power]

x x x x x

[Circle of Life]

[Nature and Life]

We are b𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎, find us 𝑜n google.

[One life ends, another would be reborn, subject to the strength of the caster and the disease]

Although extremely difficult, Emery knew that these spells could be learned with a minimum understanding of the law. However, their true potential would be limited by the caster's power.

When used by a magus-level individual, the Void Dragon spell would only summon the mythical creature with most of its power restricted. It was a tantalizing prospect, but Emery knew that he needed to consider his current situation and choose wisely.

As Emery delved deeper into the scrolls, he stumbled upon another spell that caught his attention:


[Nature and Light]

[Bringing life back from ashes, subject to the strength of the caster and the time since one's demise]

This was the spell that Grand Magus Yvere himself had used to save his plant creatures four years ago. Emery marveled at the power of such a spell, the ability to defy death itself. However, although it was a much more interesting spell, Emery already have one similar to it. His [Rebith] spell.

Emery's mind swirled with the overwhelming options before him. So many amazing Divine Arts lay within his reach, He started to list the scrolls that he could actually learn based on his affinity and found that there were only about thirty of them left to choose from.

One of the scrolls that caught his attention was:

[Death's Decree]


[The user of the domain can cause the death of any creature they will. Those without divine power will lose their lives immediately, and the effects on divine beings depend on their divine rank]

Emery contemplated the immense power of this spell. The ability to command the very forces of life and death was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. However, he knew that using such a spell would come with great responsibility and consequences.

In a corner of the room, Emery discovered Divine techniques that granted inner battle power, similar to the secret art he had learned from his senior, Izta the Gilgamesh. One technique stood out:

[Dual Cultivation]


[Given strength through the intimate bond of two persons]

Emery couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the description. The concept of dual cultivation intrigued him, but it was not something suitable for him.

Finally, Emery's gaze fell upon a divine sword technique:

[7 Deadly Blades Techniques]

[A series of seven sets of divine sword techniques]

As he once again caught a glimpse of the sword technique, Emery's heart quickened. The thought of mastering such a profound art made his blood surge with anticipation.

He envisioned himself wielding a divine sword, its blade cutting through the air with precision and grace. The power and prestige that came with such a technique were undeniable, and Emery couldn't help but imagine the impact it would have on his future.

Emery heaved a sigh as he considered all of these choices.

The weight of responsibility pressed upon him, knowing that the path he chose would shape his destiny. He decided to seek the opinion of the Grand Magus, seeking guidance from someone with wisdom and experience.

The white-bearded Elder chuckled and said, "With your talent, I believe it will be just a matter of time until you can encounter another divine art. I suggest choosing one that can be useful for you in the short term, one that can help with your recent situation."

Emery nodded, acknowledging the Elder's wisdom. He expressed his gratitude for the input and began to carefully separate the scrolls that seemed good but wouldn't be useful for him in the short term, as well as separating those he had already mastered.

He still has [36 Divine techniques] to relearn, which made [7 Deadly Blades Techniques], deemed unnecessary at this stage.

After careful consideration, Emery chose a unique scroll, one with a seemingly simple name but a powerful description. As he read the words written on the scroll, he knew that this was exactly what he needed:

[8 Elements Transmutation Technique]


[An inner body technique that would open up one's affinity to the eight elements through the power of light]

With this technique, Emery could follow in the footsteps of his Senior Fuxi, granting him the ability to use his current elements to learn all the missing elements—fire, lightning, wind, ice, and metal. The possibilities that this technique held for his growth and recovery from his wounds were immense.

Confident in his decision, Emery informed the Grand Magus of his choice. The white-bearded Elder nodded approvingly, satisfied with Emery's discerning selection.

The exchange was processed swiftly, and as for the remaining contribution points, Emery decided to exchange them all for spirit stones. Given the current situation at Terra and the lack of Magus Academy facilities, he believed that the spirit stones would prove more useful.

[You received 3,147,274 spirit stones]

With a heart full of gratitude, Emery bid farewell to the Grand Magus, his voice filled with sincerity and appreciation for the wisdom and guidance he had received.

As he left the Hyperion planet, a sense of anticipation filled his being. Accompanied by Twik and Morgan, his loyal companions, they embarked on their return journey to Golden City.

Upon their arrival at Golden City, Emery wasted no time in heading straight to the Devildom Auction House to Emery collected his earnings from auctioning off the artifacts with satisfaction.

[You received 4,210,000 spirit stones]

With his pockets now heavier, Emery made his way back to the Terra palace. However, as he passed through the teleportation portal, he was taken aback by the sight that greeted him on the other side.

To his surprise, the city was teeming with life and energy. The once familiar streets were now filled with a vibrant crowd of visitors, their presence adding a new layer of liveliness to the atmosphere.

Confusion clouded Emery's expression as he observed the scene before him.

"What is going on here?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine curiosity and a touch of bewilderment.

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