Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1635 Allies

Hundreds of visitors filled the streets of Terra City, their presence creating a bustling atmosphere that seemed to breathe life into the kingdom.

The vibrant colors of their attire, predominantly earthy tones with accents of vibrant reds and blues, caught Emery's attention, drawing him further into the scene unfolding before him. It was evident that these visitors belonged to a specific faction, as their clothing bore the emblem of an intertwining tree and mountain.

"Who are these people?" Emery wondered aloud, his curiosity piqued by the sight before him. As he observed them closely, he couldn't help but notice the unity among the visitors.

The sheer number of people gathered in Terra City gave Emery pause, momentarily making him question if they were an invading force. However, their peaceful demeanor and the way they interacted with the residents assured him otherwise. Their genuine smiles and friendly gestures indicated a sense of camaraderie rather than hostility.

Eager to understand the situation, Emery quickened his pace, traversing the bustling streets of Terra City with a growing sense of curiosity. The air buzzed with excitement, punctuated by laughter and animated conversations that filled the atmosphere.

Emery noticed that some of the visitors carried large bags, containing provisions or perhaps treasures from their homeland, while others pushed carts filled with goods, showcasing their trade and craftsmanship. It became apparent to him that these people were not mere tourists but workers and artisans who had come to Terra City most likely to work.

As Emery continued his exploration, he found himself drawn toward the Terra Palace, its grandeur and imposing presence beckoning him. The palace's courtyard bustled with activity, knights clad in gleaming armor patrolled the area, their presence a visual reassurance of security and strength.

Seeing a medium-class ship parked at the back of the courtyard, Emery felt a sense of relief. These warriors must have been the Terra knights who had just returned from the war, bringing with them tales of valor and triumph. which could only mean that the Magus sisters have returned.

Stepping inside the grand hall of the Terra Palace, Emery was greeted by the sight of all five of Izta's widows—Rosia, Silica, Camila, Grisa, and Aiko—engaged in a meeting with a group of individuals led by a familiar face: Tessa Karat, the renowned leader of the Karat faction. The room hummed with anticipation as Emery entered, and his arrival elicited smiles and expressions of delight from the magus present.

Magus Silica, unable to contain her excitement, rushed forward, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Here he is, Emery, just in time!"

Emery acknowledged their greetings with a nod, his eyes taking in the scene before him. It was Magus Rosia, the eldest and most respected among them, who stepped forward and began summarizing the outcome of their meeting.

It appeared that following the conviction of the Raven faction for their crimes, Tessa had taken charge of what remained of their kingdom and turned it into one of the Karat sovereign cities. The once-infamous Raven faction had now become a mere memory, their power and influence dismantled.

As a result, the Karat faction had become neighbors with Terra, sharing the same planet. Tessa, driven by a vision of unity and progress, had proposed an agreement that would mutually benefit both factions. The project involved working together to develop the planet, utilizing its abundant resources to enrich the lives of its people.

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Her gaze shifted towards Emery, and with a tone of genuine interest, she said, "While we were pursued by the Raven faction, I couldn't help but notice the presence of valuable materials on this planet. It's something we can certainly explore together." 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒏𝒆𝒕

The Woman offers a partnership in connecting the two kingdoms, increasing trade while working together to retrieve such valuable resources. The possibilities that lay ahead filled Emery's mind, sparking his imagination.

Forming an alliance with the Karat faction would not only strengthen the security of Terra but also open avenues for prosperity and self-sufficiency.

The kingdom had long relied on combat as its primary means of survival, and Emery recognized the need to diversify their sources of sustenance. The proposed partnership presented an opportunity to harness the talents and resources of both factions.

"I believe the Karat faction would be a valuable ally," Emery spoke with conviction, lending his support to the proposed alliance. His words resonated with the magus present, instilling a sense of hope and excitement for the future.

With Emery's blessing, Magus Rosia accepted the offer, and discussions began in earnest, focusing on the details and terms of their collaboration. The grand hall echoed with passionate exchanges as ideas and plans were shared, with each party striving to find common ground and ensure a fruitful partnership.

Meanwhile, Tessa approached Emery, her presence commanding his attention.

"I wish to talk to you first," she said

"Of course"

They walked across the palace courtyard, their steps echoing against the marble floor. Tessa's expression grew serious, signaling that she was about to share something of significance. However, seeing Mogana and Twik following behind she could help to feel anxious

Sensing Emery's apprehension, she reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, they are like family to me."

Sensing the weight of their conversation, he discreetly signaled Mogana and Twik, his loyal companions, to keep their distance, granting them privacy. Tessa took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Emery's with unwavering intensity.

"Before we officially become allies, there's something important I need to share with you," Tessa began, her voice filled with determination.

Intrigued, Emery listened attentively as Tessa unveiled the Karat faction's longstanding relationship with the pirates, particularly King Gaira D Reis. She revealed that Gaira had been a close friend of her great-grandfather, Supreme Magus Rosin Karat, and that the Karat faction had its roots in piracy, with the Supreme Magus earning the infamous nickname "The Old Devil" due to his fearsome reputation.

"Hence our patriarch never wanted to lay a hand on the pirate king, letting us to deals with them on our own"

Tessa explained that as the Magus alliance gradually withdrew from their sector, the pirates grew increasingly aggressive, targeting anyone they perceived as a threat or competitor.

She warned Emery that becoming allies with the Karat faction might not only bring friends but also enemies—the wrath of the pirates.

Emery didn't require much contemplation. Given their recent encounters with the pirate king's plans and the dismantling of the Raven faction, it was evident that their actions had already made them a target.

He looked Tessa squarely in the eyes and replied with unwavering resolve, "Yes, I am willing to take the risk."

"Good then"

A sense of mutual understanding passed between them, solidifying their agreement to face the challenges that lay ahead. Tessa extended her hand, and Emery clasped it firmly, sealing their pact to work together.

As they parted ways, Emery's thoughts turned to the palace's backyard, where the clash of formidable figures caught his attention. Guided by his instincts, he followed the energy of the duel, leading him to a spectacle unfolding before him.

Thrax, a familiar face and a warrior of exceptional skill, engaged in combat with an unexpected opponent—a female magus. This magus possessed two rough horns and scaly skin, bearing the unmistakable traits of a dragon bloodline warrior. Took Emery a while before he finally recognized her as Magus Shena, a formidable force in her own right.

Thrax fought with fervor, his movements swift and calculated, but it became clear that he was outmatched by the full moon magus.

Still being not even a Magus, to be able to even hold on a minute against the female Magus, would already be an achievement, much for such an exciting fight.

As the duel paused, Shena caught sight of Emery and halted her practice, approaching him with a respectful nod.

"Magus Shena, why are you here?" Emery inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Without hesitation, she replied, "My King commands me to renew my service to you."

Emery's eyes widened in surprise. King Alduin, the Dragon King himself, had been in contact with Delbrand, the leader of Terra, and agreed to send Magus Shena to protect him. She was the person Delbrand had mentioned, the one sent to safeguard Terra Palace.

Emery expressed his gratitude to Shena for her unwavering dedication, acknowledging the importance of her presence. Thrax, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath, approached Emery, his voice laced with exhaustion.

"So, are we finally done? Can we go home now?" Thrax asked, hope evident in his weary eyes, yearning for a moment of respite.

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Written and Directed by Avans, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l,

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