Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1755 Truth

Chapter 1755 Truth

The truth was that Emery felt some joy upon seeing Julian after so long and marveling at his growth. Yet, the looming shadow of the Kronoss situation soured what could have been a heartwarming reunion.

Julian's aspirations had always been grand, but Emery detected a shift in his friend's demeanor, an insatiable thirst for more. He could overlook the ambition, but the implications worried him deeply. The haunting vision of a day where he and Julian would stand on opposite ends of a battle line.

After all, Julian had been more than just a friend to Emery. He was a brother-in-arms who had braved countless trials alongside him. In the vastness of the universe, Julian was family.

Yet, with Kronoss stirring the waters, Emery felt a storm brewing. He feared that their influence might become the wedge that drove them apart. Their offer of collaboration only deepened his suspicions. For Emery, trust wasn't given freely, and the shadows of past betrayals lingered. To even entertain the thought of cooperation, he needed more than just words. He demanded accountability, especially when it came to the wrongs committed against his revered Senior Izta.

Thus, instead of diving headfirst into the chaos, Emery decided on a cautious approach. Remaining unseen, he would keep a close watch on Kronoss's moves. Each step, each decision he'd make, would be informed by what he observed from the shadows.


Under the cloak of night, Emery slipped into Rome city, adopting the guise of Abe Fantumar. The ancient city's heartbeat seemed to resonate with tales of glory and ambition. Tonight, he was drawn to an estate – an abode for the Britannia Kings and their knights.

The imposing silhouette of the estate loomed ahead as he approached, its spires piercing the darkened sky. Candlelight flickered from the windows, revealing the shadows of figures inside. At the entrance of the main chamber stood four Britannia strongest knights; Sir Gawain, Sir Galahad, Sir Percival, and Sir Tristan, the knights of the Round Table.

They all has ascended to the Sky realm, achieving the formidable rank 7. The sheer magnitude of their growth was palpable – they radiated strength and power, perhaps three, even five times more than when Emery last crossed paths with them. However their animated discussion centered on the prowess of the astonishing Roman young centurions.

Emery passed them unnoticed, their senses masked from his presence. However, a name floated from their conversation that caused him to pause: "Lanzo!"

One knight added, excitement evident in his voice, "Yes, that's right! If Sir Lanzo is here, the tide of today's matches will certainly shift."

A hint of amusement flickered across Emery's eyes, manifesting as a subtle smile on his lips. He continued his way, his steps silent, but purposeful. The main chamber beckoned, and with it, a new enigma tied to the summit event he was determined to unravel.

Outside the chamber, the muffled voices of two souls in heated debate reached his ears. Arthur's voice, tinged with exasperation and concern, was unmistakable. The king was baffled, unable to fathom why the Queen, Gwen, had ventured into this place against his express wishes. Her retort was passionate, fueled by a belief that the entity within the legendary sword summoned her. She was adamant that Arthur need to wield it in the forthcoming match.

The tension between the pair was palpable, a tempest of emotions threatening to boil over. But as with many storms, it subsided, replaced by a shared understanding and the mutual decision to rest and gather strength for the challenges of the morrow.

The echoing footsteps of Arthur leaving the main chamber reached Emery's ears. The weight of their recent conversation lingered in the air, thick with unresolved tensions. In a curious turn of events, Arthur chose not to spend the night in the main chamber with Gwen but opted instead for the company of his knights.

Before Emery could take another step, an all too familiar voice echoed from within the chamber, arresting his movement. "Abe… is that you? Please, come in." 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙣𝒐𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙤𝙧𝒈

Emery was surprised, although she herself has reached the impressive rank 8 Sky Realm, she's far from being able to detect him. Pushing the door open, he stepped into a room illuminated by soft candlelight. There sat Gwen, stood at the center of the room, her posture that of a queen yet with a vulnerability that belied her status.

"You really are outside…" The corners of her lips curled up in a gentle smile as she saw him, relief evident in her eyes. However, Emery, always perceptive, detected a depth of emotion swirling beneath her serene exterior.

"Did you require my assistance, Your Grace?" Emery inquired politely, his tone respectful yet distant.

She paused, collecting her thoughts before responding. "Abe, I wanted to express my gratitude for your unwavering support. Despite Arthur's reservations, my decision to come here was mine alone. You should not bear the brunt of his displeasure."

She hesitated, choosing her next words carefully. "On the other hand, your presence gave me the strength, and I am really.... grateful for your company …I wouldn't have the courage to go without you"

Emery, ever the stoic guardian, replied, "I am sure you can, My Grace, and accompanying you is both my duty and my honor."

She looked down momentarily, a hint of disappointment clouding her features. Sensing he was preparing to depart, she quickly added,

"You were gone for hours just now" Her voice started to tremble? when she ask "Where were you? …. I was worried"

He turned to face her, their eyes locking in an intense gaze, there was one unspeakable question etched on Emery's face, "Why?" and this made Gwen voice wavered, betraying her unease.? "I thought … I really thought that you might've achieved your objective...? and leave again… without words"

The atmosphere within the chamber was thick with tension. Gwen's eyes, usually so full of regal poise, now shimmered with restrained emotion, threatening to spill over.

As she held his gaze, Emery realized that his identity has been found. Taking in her demeanor, ventured a question devoid his previous politeness.

"Its the sword isn't it? It grants you insight of me?"

Her dam of composure broke at his words, her heart turn teary but a genuine smile came to her face as she said "It really is you…" she whispered, choking on her emotions. "But no, the sword reveals nothing."

Seeing Emery confusion she added "A journey across the Mediterranean Sea in just a single night? do you take me for a fool? Though my feet may not have wandered far, my mind has traveled the world through the books we once read together."

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Gwen moved closer, the distance between them shrinking with every step. "You might have deceived me once, but you cannot do it again," she declared.

Hovering before him, her fingers trembled as they reached for his face. "Allow me to see the man behind the fa?ade, let me see you ...Emery."

Slowly, the illusionary mask faded, revealing Emery's true countenance. Gwen's mixed feelings of joy and sorrow were evident as she saw his familiar face. The sheer weight of the moment rendered her momentarily breathless. Overwhelmed by the sight of him, Gwen found herself propelled into his embrace, her hands resting on the steady beat of his heart. The weight of years without him pressed between them, making the moment both poignant and bittersweet.

After what felt like both an eternity and mere seconds, Gwen stepped back, her posture straightening, the regal aura she wore like a second skin slowly reasserting itself. "I'm sorry, It's unbecoming of me to lose my composure like this." she began, eager to shift the focus away from her emotional outburst.

"So, now that you finally reveal yourself, tell me your story, I want to hear it"

Fortunately their days on the ship had fostered a newfound intimacy, making it easier for them to dive into stories and memories.

Emery narrated his adventures, painting vivid pictures with his words. Gwen listened, rapt, even if some tales were beyond her understanding. She felt comforted just hearing his voice, feeling the rhythm of their shared past. However, when Emery touched upon her own story, Gwen was silent for a second before saying that she could not be any happier with her life.

Though Emery sensed the half-truth, he chose not to delve deeper.

Gwen's gaze became inquisitive. "You're here because of the summit, aren't you? Do you foresee any danger tomorrow?"

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