Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1756 The Summit

Chapter 1756 The Summit

The next morning, a golden haze painted the sky, heralding another day of high anticipation. A richly ornate horn echoed through the surroundings, summoning the guests back to the temple arena. Among the gathering was Emery, who seamlessly slipped into his role: the Britannia knight and noble, Abe Fantumar. With practiced ease, he cast his spell, masking his overwhelming might, leaving behind only the impression of an ordinary Sky Realm power signature.

As the Britannian delegation gracefully entered the arena's arches, a realization struck them. The vast expanse, which yesterday was teeming with 200 attendees, now held significantly fewer guests. Quick calculations estimated the number at around 150. This unforeseen reduction was evident, and soon enough, the air was rife with whispered speculations and furtive glances, as many pondered over the missing 50.

The gentle murmurs were abruptly silenced by the grandeur of the arriving entourage. At its helm was the man who cast an imposing shadow over not just Rome, but perhaps all of Earth — Julian Kaesar, Rome's dictator.

Behind him marched 50 armored centurions, their armor reflecting the sunlight in blinding flashes. But what followed them was even more captivating. The arena resonated with hushed gasps and muffled murmurs as two unique-looking people made their entrance: Athena, with a beauty that hid a fierce strength, and Apollo, whose most notable feature was his dazzling silver irises, reminiscent of the moon's glow.

While the entire arena was understandably distracted by this display, two among them seemed especially vigilant — the magus, Fjolnir, and the Abbot. Both had discernibly stiffened, recognizing the Kronos Magus pair. Yet, the larger assembly, consumed with anticipation, remained largely unaware of these undercurrents, their attention focused on the impending announcements.

Julian, with a regal stride, ascended to the pedestal overlooking the assembly. Taking a moment to let his gaze sweep over the kings, queens, warlords, and various dignitaries, he acknowledged them with a measured nod. Once the formalities were dispensed with, he addressed the noticeable absence of the previous day's attendees.

"Do not be concerned with those that have left this gathering," he began in a voice that resonated authority, "they have deemed themselves unworthy of our time." 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

Julian's statement stirred a hive of reactions among the attendees, and the previously hushed arena was now filled with audible murmurs and discreet conversations.

Emery, couldn't help but overhear some of these whispers that the particular group that had departed overnight. Their leaving apparently attributed to a devastating defeat their warrior had suffered the previous day, an insult they seemingly could not swallow.

Julian seemed unperturbed by the rising volume of conversations. With an air of grace, he rose from his seated position. His eyes, sharp as an eagle's, began a meticulous scan of the assembled crowd. Every face he met was subjected to a few seconds of intense scrutiny. Emery felt an involuntary chill as he wondered if the Roman was specifically seeking him out amongst the throng of faces. Yet, as much as Julian's gaze was piercing, it was also enigmatic, leaving Emery to speculate on its true intent.

With the audience's full attention captured, Julian cleared his throat, an action that silenced the growing cacophony. "I apologize for the ambiguity of this proceedings," he began, his voice resonant, echoing through the vast arena. He had a flair for the dramatic, always knowing when to pause and when to emphasize, weaving his words into a tapestry that held his audience captive. "While some miscommunications may have arisen, today I am here to shed light on the primary objective of this summit."

He paused momentarily, letting his words settle before continuing, "Our world stands at the precipice of an unprecedented threat, one that threatens the very fabric of our existence."

An eastern king, draped in richly adorned robes, let out a derisive snort. Leaning towards his confidant, he whispered, loud enough for many around him to hear, "The only palpable threat to our realms is Rome itself." Murmurs of agreement rippled through certain sections of the audience. It was evident that Rome's ostentatious display the previous day had garnered them as much resentment as awe. Many among the attendees might have harbored such sentiments, but very few had the audacity to voice them.

Despite the murmured concordance to the eastern king's sentiments, Julian's smile remained unfazed radiating confidence and assurance. The surrounding energy seemed to heighten with every heartbeat, and just as the anticipation reached its crescendo, Julian subtly gestured with his hand.

A loud clank echoed through the temple as a phalanx of armored soldiers marched in, their synchronized footsteps echoing ominously. Their armor was distinct, gleaming under the temple's lights - not the typical armor of the Roman centurions but that of the praetorian guards, renowned for their unwavering loyalty to the Kaesar.

Each guard's stern face wore an expression of sheer determination. However, it wasn't the soldiers that seized the invitees' focus. Their gazes were riveted to a large, cloth-covered cart that was being slowly and cautiously pulled into the temple's center.

From within the shrouded cart, an eerie symphony of screeches pierced the air, eliciting visible shudders from many in the room. The silhouette, although distorted, hinted at some monstrous entity incarcerated within.

Murmurs spread like wildfire. "Is that a bear?" one delegate whispered. "No, those shrieks sound avian, maybe a giant bat," another countered. But a third voice, heavy with skepticism, chipped in, "I've never heard of a bat that enormous."

With a sense of ceremonial gravity, the praetorians formed a protective ring around the cart. They poised in battle-ready stances, their shields up and swords pointing outward. Emerging from their ranks, a familiar figure approached the mysterious cart - Mark Anthony, Kaesar's trusted confidant and right-hand man. With a voice that echoed dominance, he declared,

"Behold, the face of our mutual enemy."

On Julian's silent nod, Mark Anthony dramatically whisked the covering off the cage, unveiling a monstrous figure. Its grotesque, stony face twisted in rage, large wings thrashing violently against the metal confines. Its eyes, devoid of any discernible emotion, scanned its surroundings with palpable malevolence.

A collective gasp escaped the crowd. "What monstrosity is this?" someone shouted, their voice echoing the horror felt by many. "By the gods, we're staring at a demon!" another exclaimed.

Emery, though seasoned in facing diverse creatures in his journeys, was taken aback by this entity. The symbol on his palm pulsed lightly, feeding him information:

[Abyss creature - Gargoyles].

Connecting the dots swiftly, Emery surmised that these beings must have emerged from the very abyss Gaia had forewarned about.

The stillness that had settled upon the room was disrupted by Julian's subtle gesture. As if on cue, Mark, with a sense of foreboding gravitas, unlocked the cage. The gargoyle, though bound by heavy chains, lunged towards the crowd with taut energy, its piercing shrieks resonating with raw ferocity.

Without hesitation, two elite praetorian guards stepped forward, their eyes fixed on the monstrous behemoth before them. As they closed in from opposite sides, their swords gleamed menacingly. The sound of steel striking the gargoyle's stony hide rang out, echoing through the temple. But to the audience's shock, the creature remained unharmed. In a swift, retaliatory move, it lashed out with a massive claw, sending one guard flying, his armored form crashing meters away.

The room's atmosphere grew tense as it became abundantly clear that this was no ordinary foe. Its rock-like skin seemed impervious to the renowned Roman steel, a material thought to be peerless in its quality. A coordinated effort by four praetorians, marked by a cacophony of clashing weapons and the creature's guttural roars, finally subdued the beast. It took numerous strikes, each more forceful than the last, before they managed to break through its hardened exterior, vanquishing the creature.

Julian, his poise undeterred, addressed the room. "What you have witnessed is but a single entity from the abyss, unearthed from the depths of our world. We have discovered thousands like it, poised to breach our realm." He paused for effect, letting the weight of his revelation sink in. Just as murmurs began to fill the space, he added, "And to add to our woes, 108 nests have been found scattered across our lands."

Skepticism arose from the crowd. "This is a charade! What game are you Romans playing?" one voice demanded. Another scoffed, "Such tales are the fodder of bard songs!."

Unfazed, Julian raised his voice, its timbre resonating with an authority that seemed almost supernatural. Emery, with his honed senses, felt it as more than mere words – it was akin to a mental enchantment, exuding an air of majesty. "I have said my warning," Julian proclaimed. "Those of you who deem my words true may stay. Those who doubt can depart."

The weight of Julian's proclamation lingered in the air. After a moment that felt like an eternity, about half of the attendees, their expressions a mix of skepticism and fear, began to exit the arena.

As the last doubter left, Julian's gaze swept over those who remained – the believers. With renewed vigor, he declared, "The true Summit begins now."

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