Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1762 Summit 7

Chapter 1762 Summit 7

The arena, which was moments ago echoing with the cries of battle, fell into an almost eerie silence as a new figure stepped forth. The silver armor glinted under the faint sunlight, giving an ethereal glow that was both captivating and confusing.

"Abe!! What are you doing!!"

The roar of surprise reverberated through the arena. Knights from the Britannia faction, shout amongst themselves. Their reactions ranged from shock to disbelief. How could Abe, a silver knight with no outstanding achievements under his belt, dare to step into the spotlight against the titans of another realm? 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎

It wasn't just the Britannia knights or the other attendee who were stunned; the Kronos Magus were also visibly taken aback. A ripple of amusement passed through their ranks. To them, this audacious young knight was nothing more than a mere sky realm human, an infant compared to their eons of existence. They exchanged glances, some scoffing, some laughing, but all curious about what would come next.

Zeus, however, did not share in their mirth. The god of the sky,? narrowed his eyes, sensing something the others couldn't. A disturbance in the very fabric of space, a protective shield that seemed to surround the young man, making the god wary. Could this seemingly insignificant knight be more than he appeared?

"Who are you?" Zeus's voice, usually as loud as thunder, was uncharacteristically calm, almost whisper-like, yet it reached every corner of the arena.

While everyone expected the young knight, Abe, to respond, he in fact ignoring Zeus's intense gaze and addressed the figures around him, Fjolnir and the Abbot "My apologies, Senior. please allow me to address this situation. In the meantime, could you assist in safeguarding the others?"

Fjolnir, the Northern king, exchanged puzzled glances with the Abbot, both were accustomed to the unpredictable nature of battles, yet this scenario was alien even to them. However, Julian seemed to know something they didn't. "Give them hell" he said with a stern face, "but please, show restraint. We don't want unnecessary bloodshed." Without waiting for a response, he signaled for a strategic retreat, prioritizing the safety of their forces.

As the warriors began their withdrawal, the Abbot approached the young knight, his face breaking into a knowing smile. There was a silent exchange, a mutual understanding between the two. The monk took Fjolnir and both leaving the arena.

Zeus's piercing gaze was like a storm on the horizon, uncertain and volatile. The defiance, the confidence with which addressed the mighty gods, put the Zeus on edge. He was ready to give the young man a lesson, but the ambiguity of the situation left him grappling for control.

His voice, usually as formidable as the raging tempests he controlled, echoed with a blend of mockery and genuine curiosity. "So Earth has yet another guardian? A clandestine Magus, no doubt, who dares to trespass into this planet with permits? Know that the price for such insolence is death!"

Emery, unmoved by the threats, let his gaze sweep the vicinity. His sharp eyes caught sight of Arthur, swiftly pulling Gwen to safety. This gave him the assurance he needed. Locking his gaze once more onto Zeus, he replied with an air of casual defiance, "You're mistaken. I am but an Earthlink, bound by duty to protect my world."

These words seemed to strike a raw nerve in Hades. there was a sudden realization as he said? "It's you, isn't it?! How dare you…"

But before Hades could finish his words, a force beyond comprehension drew him irresistibly towards Emery. The god of the Underworld felt an immense pressure, unlike anything he'd ever encountered. He stuttered, trying to comprehend, "...gravity? You... "

Zeus's voice thundered in horror and anger, "Stop this immediately! Release him!"

But the answer he received was a chilling, sickening crunch that echoed through the arena. Hades's neck snapped at an unnatural angle, his eyes still wide in disbelief. The god had met a swift and unexpected demise.

Zeus, his face a mask of shock and rage, shouted, "You bastards! You've just taken the life of a Kronos Magus!"

Emery looked down at Hades's lifeless form and then back at Zeus, an eyebrow raised in feigned confusion. "But didn't you say earlier that he wasn't technically a Magus? I'm genuinely confuse?"

Without another word, Emery reached into Hades's chest. A visible force seemed to be drawn into Emery's hand, shimmering with spectral energy - the Magus soul. He inspected it for a moment and then remarked, almost apologetically, "Ah, I stand corrected. A Magus, indeed."

The atmosphere grew electric with tension as Zeus, his face a thunderstorm of anger and disbelief, commanded an immediate onslaught. His voice held power that resonated through the arena.


Artemis, the Huntress, notched an arrow onto her gleaming golden bow, drawing its string taut. The arrowhead glittered ominously. At the same time, Hermes, his feet a blur, surged forward, his razor-sharp dagger shimmering in anticipation. Just steps behind him was Hephaestus, the master blacksmith, wielding a hammer enveloped in fierce flames, the heat from which could be felt even from a distance.

However, Emery's movements were fluid and effortless. As if entering another plane, he phased, making Artemis's arrow pass harmlessly through him. Seizing the opportune moment, he grasped Hermes's outstretched arm, using his momentum against him. With a deft maneuver, he sent the god of travel crashing into the approaching Hephaestus, causing a collision that reverberated through the area.

Meanwhile, Dionysus, god of the wild, invoked multiple spirits shaped like majestic eagles that dove towards Emery from the skies. Almost simultaneously, Demeter, goddess of the harvest, unleashed tendrils of roots, bursting forth from the ground, seeking to ensnare and bind him.

Yet, even as chaos unfurled, Emery's gaze remained fixated on Zeus. The King of Gods had held back, his strategic mind analyzing, letting his companions gauge the extent of Emery's prowess.

With a smirk, Emery taunted, "Do you wish to witness my true strength?"

As the words left his lips, a dark, nebulous smoke enshrouded him, and from behind, monstrous tentacles, pulsating with raw power, emerged. Accompanying this display was an orb of energy that warped the very fabric of space around it, causing a distortion that extended for miles.

Before anyone could truly process what was unfolding, Dionysus's eagle spirits and Demeter's rooted assault crumbled into mere ash. Then, with a flourish, Emery invoked his spell, [Jade Root]. Combined with [Attraction], the gravity spell pulled all of the attacking gods towards him, the dark tentacles wrapping around them, rendering them immobile.

Zeus, now truly alarmed, gasped, "Who are you?"

From the heart of the shadow emerged a familiar face, yet altered, emanating power and confidence.

"I am Emery Ambrose," he declared with chilling calmness.

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