Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1763 Summit 8

Chapter 1763 Summit 8

Seeing the familiar, defiant features of Emery, a rush of recognition filled Zeus. His eyes widened in a mix of disbelief and anger as he exclaimed, "You!! last I heard, you'd perished in the depths of the elven prison!"

Pausing for a moment, Emery replied with an air of mischief, "Elven prisons, yes" With a sly smirk curving the edge of his lips, he added, "But died? Not quite"

Zeus's gaze shifted from Emery to the five magus ensnared by the potent spell. Their struggles, veiled by dignity, were evident. They were helpless against the strength of this young adversary. An unease settled in Zeus's heart. "Release my men," he said, trying to keep his voice level, yet authoritative. "Do that, and I will consider this entire matter a... misunderstanding." 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝐧𝐞𝘁

Emery let out a soft, amused chuckle, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Settled, you say?" His voice dripped with irony. With a slow, deliberate smile, he replied, "No, no, I believe the fun has just begun."

His intentions were clear, and Emery's fingers twitched subtly, intensifying the grip of the jade root spell. The sudden increase in pressure made all five magus gasp, their faces contorting in pure agony. Their screams echoed, filling the atmosphere with tension.

Zeus's face turned a shade darker, his patience clearly wearing thin. With a swift motion, he drew his uniquely shaped spear – a masterpiece that gleamed with an ethereal light. Without a moment's hesitation, he hurled it with deadly precision towards Emery.

Each of the ensnared magus was of the crescent moon level, formidable in their own right. But Zeus, he was on an entirely different playing field, standing at the zenith of his full moon realm. The sheer power behind that spear was palpable, its aura indicative of a high-tier strength.

As expected, the defensive was shattered by the spear, its force undeterred. Preparing to phase out and dodge, Emery was taken aback as the spear displayed an uncanny ability, changing its trajectory mid-flight to target him from behind.

Utilizing his adept command over spatial magic, Emery invoked [Blink], a spell allowing him to warp a short distance almost instantaneously. However, even with such mastery, he couldn't completely evade the spear's lethal trajectory. Its sharpened edge grazed his upper arm, tearing through the flesh and leaving a gruesome gash in its wake.

Before he could even assess the damage, another threat materialized. A lithe figure, drenched in the golden hue of her armor, swiftly emerged from behind. With a fluid motion, she unleashed a fierce slash with her golden blade. It was Athena.


Though her blade didn't sink deep, the force behind the strike was enough to jolt Emery. The sudden assault disrupted his concentration, causing the jade root spell to dissipate and thereby releasing the ensnared magus.

Zeus, watching this play of events, couldn't help but laugh. His voice, rich with mockery, echoed, "Now, let's see if that cheeky smile still graces your face." As he taunted, the mystical spear, loyal to its master, seamlessly returned to his grasp.

Yet, even amidst the mounting challenges, Emery's demeanor remained unshaken. His innate regenerative abilities kicked into action, stitching the torn muscles and mending the skin of his wounded arm. The rapid healing was a testament to his innate ability and immortal body.

Casting his gaze around, Emery took stock of his adversaries. Eight Kronos Magus stood poised for battle - Zeus, shining with the brilliance of a full moon, flanked by Athena and Apollo, both radiating the intensity of the half-moon phase. The other five, though lesser in comparison, were still forces to be reckoned with, especially when united in purpose.

A smirk tugged at Emery's lips. Despite the evident danger, he couldn't resist quipping, "Isn't it something? The illustrious legends of the Pantheon banded together, all for me."

Emery, feeling the pulse of the impending conflict, instinctively readied himself to summon the ferocious strength of his wolf form. This primal transformation had often been his trump card in dire situations, but a thought halted him mid-intent. There was another, less tested route he wanted to explore. One he believed was worth taking.

Casting his eyes past the looming threats and into the sea of observers, Emery's gaze locked onto a regal figure, seated and recovering from prior exertions - the Queen of Brittania. Their silent exchange was brief but charged with understanding. With a nod from the Queen, she drew forth a sword. It disengaged from her grip, and as though guided by an unseen force, it floated effortlessly towards Emery.

Whispers rippled through the crowd, culminating in a chorus of awe. "Excalibur!"

Yet, the union of Emery and the blade wasn't seamless. The energy of Khaos, the chaotic force coursing through Emery's veins, repelled the intrinsic purity of the sword. It was like merging fire and ice – volatile and potentially destructive. But Emery's determination was unwavering. He invoked [Soul Walk], a technique allowing him to commune directly with sentient energies.

Delving deep into the heart of Excalibur, he addressed the spirit ensconced within. "I'm aware of your hatred of these self-proclaimed deities. Our goals align. Assist me now"

The sword responded, its blade igniting with an ethereal luminescence, signifying acceptance. As it settled into Emery's hand, a surge of power washed over him, amplifying his combat prowess and rejuvenating his spiritual energies.

[Battle power surges exponentially]

[Soul force amplifies exponentially]

With a newfound gleam in his eye, Emery murmured in satisfaction, "Perfect."

Despite the incredible might Excalibur was known for, in conjunction with Emery's already formidable strength, it enhanced him by a mere 15%. Yet, the combination was tantalizing. The union of their powers, albeit still in its nascent stage, was something Emery was eager to explore.

"Time for a true test," he announced, readying himself.

Observing the preparations of his adversaries, Emery noticed they had each activated their innate magus abilities, channeling the law's power in various elemental forms.

Hephaestus donned the [Armor of Fire], radiating an intense heat that distorted the air around him. Artemis shimmered in her [Armor of Water], her form fluid and ever-changing. Hermes was a blur, the [Armor of Wind] making his movements almost invisible. Dionysus embodied the very earth, his [Armor of Earth] making him seem as immovable as a mountain. Demeter, wrapped in her [Armor of Plants], had an aura of life and growth. Athena's [Armor of Metal] gleamed fiercely, reflecting her warrior spirit. Apollo, with his [Armor of Light], And Zeus, in his [Armor of Lightning], crackled with raw electric power.

Emery, seeing the elemental spectrum before him, smirked. "Such a perfect harmony of the eight elements; it's almost a shame to break it apart."

On Zeus's command, all the eight magus converged on Emery in unison.

"Kill him!"

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