Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1764 Summit 9

Chapter 1764 Summit 9

The very foundation of Rome trembled as the powers of ancient deities clashed, the weight of their confrontation threatening to tear the city apart. The once clear skies grew dark, massive thunderclouds swirling ominously overhead. Lightning crackled menacingly, casting an eerie glow over the cobblestone streets. The terrified citizens huddled in their homes, praying to any deity that would listen for protection from the cataclysmic battle raging above.

Eight mighty figures pressed their advantage, trying to overpower Emery. Their combined? diverse range of powers manifesting in an onslaught of projectiles, ethereal entities, and the clashing of divine weaponry. The atmosphere crackled with energy, raw elemental magic weaving around every corner of the battlefield. But Emery, drawing on his newfound connection with Excalibur, met every challenge with an elegant precision. Each thrust was parried, every shot deflected, and the summons found themselves evaded or repelled.

As the battle raged on, Emery's focus sharpened, each swing of Excalibur becoming more fluid and confident. He weaved through sword forms, their choreography mixing seamlessly with his personal style. The blade seemed to sing in his hand, its legendary power growing more and more attuned to its wielder.

Zeus's voice, booming with a mixture of rage and incredulity, cut through the din of battle. "He's only a freaking half moon!! Kill him!!" The King of Gods was unaccustomed to his will being defied, especially by someone whose power should have been dwarfed by his own and his fellow magus.

Then, Apollo stepped forward. His silvery eyes, deep and endless, fixed on Emery. Within them lay the power of eons, of lifetimes spent watching, judging, and deciding the fates of mortals.? They were now fixed intently on Emery, releasing a powerful spiritual assault aimed directly at Emery's psyche.

The silent confrontation was palpable, an ethereal tension that seemed to ripple through the very air around them. To most, Apollo's spiritual strike would be a fatal blow, rendering them defenseless or, worse, snuffing out their very essence. But Emery was not most. His mental fortitude, honed through the elven art of Katra and augmented by the Fey innate ability [Emperor Focus], acted as an impenetrable shield, reflecting Apollo's assault.

And then, Emery did the unexpected. With a smirk, he locked eyes with the Sun God, reversing the spiritual pressure. The conduit Apollo had opened to attack became a two-way street. Emery's retaliation was swift and brutal. The sheer force of it, amplified by Emery's own capabilities, overwhelmed Apollo. A heart-wrenching scream filled the air as blood burst from Apollo's eyes, the god's face a mask of shock and horror. He staggered back, clearly unprepared for such a counterattack, fear evident in his now bloodstained visage.

The battlefield went silent for a heartbeat, the weight of what just transpired sinking in. The young magus had not only deflected a deity's attack but had turned it back upon its sender with devastating consequences.

This display of martial prowess elicited an array of reactions from the onlookers. Among the crowd, Fjolnir and the Abbot exchanged knowing glances, their faces breaking into broad smiles of admiration and pride. Their belief in Emery's potential was being affirmed with every stroke of his sword. Julian, however, stood conflicted. His face was a canvas of emotions: pride in Emery's skills, apprehension for what the outcome might mean, and perhaps a touch of envy at the rapid progress his peers had made. be𝚍nove𝚕.com

Minutes has passed and Emery's bond with Excalibur seemed to reach a pinnacle. The blade glowed with an ethereal light, and Emery, feeling an overwhelming surge of power, decided it was time to go on the offensive.

[Immortal Gate]

[Battle power increased 64]

In an electrifying display, a burst of iridescent energy emanated from Emery, centering on Excalibur. The sword, once a legend whispered in hushed tones, was now a beacon of power that could eclipse even the gods. With the [Immortal Gate] activation, Emery's aura became intimidating, his battle power increasing dramatically, making even the deities look meek in comparison.

From his previous clash, Emery can tell that the five crescent moons Magus only held power ranging from 250 to 350. Athena, revered as a warrior goddess, surpassed them with a battle power slightly over 400, her mastery with the sword and shield became their main defense. Zeus, the head of the pantheon in his full moon realm boasted a power level of 500, making him a significant threat on any battlefield.

Yet,? with the added augmentation from the Khaos energy and the legendary sword, Emery stood with a might nearing 600 battle power. That's without resorting to his wolf transformation.

In essence, Emery could have opted not to boost his battle power further. His existing might was more than enough to deal with the pantheon of gods that stood against him. But by invoking the [Immortal Gate], he wishes to show his dominance.

His battle cry resonated with [Omega Strike]. With a strength that left the onlookers in awe, Emery lunged forward, his blade meeting Athena's shield. The clangor of metal on metal resonated, but the force behind Emery's strike proved too potent for Athena. She staggered back, a wide, bloody wound opening up across her chest. The momentum of Emery's strike sent her airborne, and with a heavy thud, she crashed into the ground, leaving a small crater in her wake.

Yet, Emery's onslaught did not pause. Riding the wave of his initial success, he turned his attention to Hephaestus. The god of the forge barely had a moment to react. Emery's blade danced, and with a precise, swift motion, both of Hephaestus' arms fell, leaving him vulnerable and in disbelief.

Hermes, always swift, attempted to flee the scene. But before Hermes could even lift off, Emery's blade swung low, severing the feet that bore the messenger god's fabled winged shoes. Stripped of his agility and speed, Hermes crumpled, staring in shock at what remained of his once-prized limbs.

As Emery was about to finish what he started with the fallen magus, a spear, crackling with energy and intent, flew towards him. It was Zeus, desperate to halt Emery's rampage. In a fluid motion, Emery turned, using Excalibur to parry the spear. The impact was fierce, but it also gave Emery the perfect opportunity to unleash another of his formidable arts:

[Chain Strike].

Emery turned into a blur. His speed was unparalleled, making him seem almost omnipresent. In rapid succession, Dionysus, Demeter, and Artemis felt the cold steel of Excalibur. Each of them was left with fatal wounds, their life force ebbing away.

The sky became a canvas of crimson as droplets of blood painted a gruesome tableau. They descended, their regal and godly figures hurtling towards the earth with the weight of defeat.

However, their descent was cut short. As they neared the ground, the very shadows around Emery surged to life. Sinister, pitch-black tentacle-like arms erupted from his back, they snaked through the air, wrapping around each of the fallen magus, their grip unyielding. With a force that seemed to defy the very laws of nature, the tentacles dragged the magus into Emery's chest.

The spectacle was beyond comprehension. The once confident and powerful Zeus could only stare, his composure shattered. A quiver in his voice, he managed to utter,

"What did you do!!?"

Emery's voice was cold, almost eerily calm, as he remarked about the defeated magus. "Don't worry, they are alive, for now..."

The stark reality of the situation seemed to finally dawn on Zeus. The god now found himself facing a force that defied his understanding. The weight of it made his voice quiver with anger and frustration. "This cannot be!" he roared.

In a desperate move, Zeus summoned his signature power. Bolts of ethereal blue lightning coiled around him, not directed at Emery, but woven into a shimmering armor. The air around him sizzled as the immense energy granted him a blinding burst of speed. He rocketed upwards, aiming to escape.

Emery, watching the rapid ascent of Zeus, sighed in disappointment. The god's attempt to flee was expected, but still a pitiable sight. Emery's power was vast, and among his myriad abilities was one that defied the very laws of physics. As the fabric of space folded around him, Emery used his spatial spell to warp directly into Zeus's escape route.

"You are not going anywhere!" Emery declared, his voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance.

As they clashed in the sky, the two beings of immense power collided with a force that shook the very pillars of creation. Thunder boomed with unparalleled fury, the soundwaves creating ripples in the fabric of space. Below, onlookers could only stare in awe, the horizon illuminated by the blinding flash of their confrontation, unsure of the fate of the world in the wake of such a titanic clash.


Author Note.

I hope you're enjoying the chapters.

I'd like to take a moment to share my current situation. Unexpected expenses have left me in debt, and my wife's recent surgery has only added to our financial challenges. Unfortunately, after three years, Earth's Greatest Magus has reached a saturated point, so I'm hoping that my new novel, Re: Apocalypse Game, can help address this.

Given my circumstances, I'm challenging myself to write more EGM chapters in exchange for? gifts support.

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One magic castle for 2 extra chapters.

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