Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 526: Terrified

Chapter 526: Terrified

Emery quickly brought Morgana out of the hot spring and covered her half-naked body with her clothes.

He could feel her body burning from her forehead to the neck. Even her fingers felt like they could scorch him. Not only that, but Emery could still feel her temperature rising at a considerable speed.

With his limited medical skills, he checked her pulse. It was extremely chaotic. Even though he knew Morgana needed urgent help, due to his limited medical knowledge, Emery did not know what he had to do in this situation. With his current predicament, he tried calling out to her.

“Morgana! Morgana!”

The response the girl gave were only sluggish movements, attempting to push him away. But there was no way Emery would let go. Not with her like that. He held her tight, embracing her from her back. 

He could tell from how heavily Morgana’s body was trembling that she was in a lot of pain. He was not sure if she was consciously doing it or not, but she was even biting his arm hard.

Emery was momentarily taken aback. He did not expect that she could bite this hard. Her bite was so strong he felt it could probably bite a chunk of his flesh out, but he simply let her and silently endured the pain, hoping it would at least ease her pain.

“Hang on Morgana… you can get through this… you can!”

After a while, Morgana slowly let go of her bite and turned half-unconscious. Because of her movement, Emery turned his gaze toward her mouth, that was no longer biting him, and noticed that her lips were dry. Considering how severe her fever was, she must be very thirsty.

Looking around, he thought of a way. He was not sure if it was appropriate, but he quickly reminded himself the situation was dire. Hesitation would not lead to anything good. He grabbed a piece of ice, crushed it in his mouth and poured it directly into hers.

Emery’s face was so close to her his heart started racing. But it really was no time to hesitate, the girl in his arms was in a lot of pain.

Not long after, her trembling began to lighten and, following it, her fever started to cool down little by little. But just when Emery let out a long sigh of relief, Morgana suddenly screamed and her body began transforming to her wolf form. He was sure it was her second transformation, as he could feel the strength that came with her transformation this time. On her body, black and red fur slowly began to grow until she was all covered in it.

Seeing her sudden transformation, Emery was now sure her previous fever and pain were side effects from her genes being purified. With this in mind, Emery quickly opened up his [Spatial Storage], took out an item and unhesitatingly grabbed the berserk Morgana.

He held her tight and put the [Beast Pendant] over her head before letting her go. At first, it did not seem to have any effects on her, but as if to prove itself effective, the pendant quickly allowed her to calm down. 

He anxiously waited as the transformed Morgana slowly turned back into her human form. When he noticed she was about to fall, he quickly rushed to grab her again.

Emery tried to call her name again and again, hoping she would wake up, but it appeared she was too exhausted to respond.

After he was sure she was completely back to her human form, Emery carried her out of the cave and used his [Spatial Gate], he swiftly moved toward the old lady’s house.

The old lady was initially surprised when she saw the unconscious girl in his arms, but she soon let him use one of the beds for her to rest on and gave Morgana a few clothes she could use.

Seeing her finally able to rest on a warm bed, Emery once again let out a long sigh of relief.

He checked her pulse once again to make sure she was okay. He was glad to find that her pulse had begun to calm down significantly. With this, he was sure she was now just exhausted and fell asleep due to the fatigue.

While she was resting, Emery spent that time creating a potion out of one of the various herbs he had in his spatial storage to make her some stamina potion to restore her health. 

To make sure she would be able to drink the potion right after waking up, he stayed next to her the whole night.

At this moment, seeing the girl silently asleep, Emery was reminded of the time they last spoke. 

The girl went into a rage after knowing about his relationship with Gwen. 

Morgana’s feelings for him could not be more clear, but it was his feelings for her that he did not know. He knew he cared for her deeply, but he was not sure where that care stemmed from. 

What just happened a few hours ago made him realize he really cared for her and was terrified with the thought of losing her. Even so, he still was not sure if those feelings were enough; and it would be wrong to say something he was not really sure of. The girl deserved better. 

He knew perfectly well he disappointed her. He was a fool. When it came to matters of the heart, he had no talent at all. Not to her nor Klea.

While Emery was deep in thought, he suddenly realized Morgana had actually woken up.

Morgana seemed confused at first. She was about to get up, but Emery gently held her and said, 

“You really need to rest.”

It seemed his touch caused her to have flashbacks of what had previously happened, causing her to stay completely silent for a while. She unconsciously touched her lips while glancing at him, a hint of confusion apparent on her face.

She was not sure whether she should be thankful, embarrassed or angry, so she decided to stay quiet.

Emery himself preferred not to discuss it, as he knew what he did was inappropriate. So he quickly took the bowl filled with potion and helped her drink it slowly.

Once again being under Emery’s care, Morgana’s heart was conflicted. But for the time being, she was too tired to resist his care, so she decided to just lay there quietly and receive his kindness. 


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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