Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 527: Two weeks

Chapter 527: Two weeks

The next day, seeing that Morgana was already feeling much better, Emery decided to go back to the cave.

Unlike Morgana, it seemed the wolf beast had not gotten any better. He checked the wound that had been previously covered in [Healing Paste]. It seemed to have healed up quite nicely. And yet, the wolf beast still did not get any better. From this, Emery assumed the beast was most likely hurt internally. The sword stab probably pierced one of his organs.

All that was left was to hope the creature had a high enough regenerative ability to heal herself. Emery could also see the little pups rolling around the mother beast’s body. Seeing such a scene, Emery decided to look for some food for them to eat. In the end, he managed to catch some fish and rabbits to feed the wolf beast and her five little pups.

He suddenly realized Morgana was already standing near him.

“What are you doing…?” she asked while shaking her head. “You’re only wasting your time with them.”

Emery took a deep sigh. He pulled one of the white pups close to her and said, “Seriously, do you really feel no compassion for such a sad pup?”

Not waiting for Morgana to answer, Emery put the little pup into her arms. “Hold that one,” he said, before then showing her the other four pups. He asked with a smile, “One white, four dark, aren’t they similar to your sisters? Surely you won’t be that cruel not to care about them at all, right?”

Unable to retort, she ended up holding the pup, while Emery fed little pieces of meat to it.

For a moment there, Emery could see the girl showing her rare smile, but as soon Emery turned to look at her, she could only be seen with a frown.

Afterward, Emery went to use the hot spring again. He needed to know how much of his genes the hot spring could purify, so he decided to enter the hot spring and cultivate his [Nature Grasp] inside the pond.

Morgana, knowing Emery entered the hot spring, followed Emery once again despite his previous warning.

Fortunately, she no longer had the fever. Emery wasn’t sure as to whether it was actually thanks to the [Beast Pendant] or because her body had begun to build up and immunity.

She wished to return the pendant, but Emery told her to keep it, at least if she wishes to enter the hot spring.

A few days passed, but no notifications aside from notifications of increases in his spirit force came through. However, Morgana could feel she was getting stronger every day. Due to that testimony of hers, Emery did blood tests on her on a daily basis and found her battle power had indeed been increasing at a steady pace, a sign her bloodline genes had improved.

Still feeling curious about the pond, Emery decided to stay for a few more days. But before he could do that, he had to tell Kanut to return to Bergen Town with the other warriors. However, contrary to his expectations, Kanut declined without hesitation. 

“Sir, however long you need to stay here, I will wait,” were his exact words, as he looked at Emery’s eyes with determination. From this, Emery could see Kanut was dedicated to following his jarl’s orders to the letter.

After another week, the notification he had been waiting for finally appeared.

[Your bloodline has just gone through a purifying process.]

[Genes purified.]

[Fey Wolf gene essence percentage has increased to 28%.]

Emery was elated when he saw the notification. Although it took two whole weeks this time, it was still a big leap for him. After all, he would only need another 2% to achieve another breakthrough in his bloodline. 

It had been two weeks since he first arrived on this island. In the time he was on the island, he spent his days with Morgana. They did a lot of things together, from catching fish and regularly feeding the pups to bathing in the hot spring.

In the days they spent together on the island, Emery began to notice Morgana had slowly returned to her old self. 

With him having gotten a bloodline upgrade, Emery decided to celebrate by making a fireplace to grill some fish and rabbits.

To his surprise, the girl was in a good mood as well today. She took a seat next to him and started taking one of the fish he grilled.

“You can’t even grill properly,” the girl said, as she looked at the sides of the half-burnt fish. 

Emery could only smile wryly in response, but he could feel the barrier that had separated them since their last fight was finally opened.

At this time, Emery decided to ask a few things and hoped she would open up to him. “Please, Morgana, tell me the truth. Why are you here? What was that hunt you mentioned?”

Emery could see she wanted to say something, but it felt as if the words were stuck in her throat. She glanced at him one more time and mustered up her courage.

“Emery, actually…”

Before she could explain, a bird suddenly came flying toward Emery, interrupting their conversation.

Emery clearly recognized it. It was a messenger bird belonging to Gaius, the Logress wizard. In its claws, he could see a letter that was not very clean, most likely due to the weather or the environment it had gone through. And as he expected, it was a letter for him.

He carefully opened the letter and looked at the name of the sender.

It was Arthur.

Emery opened the letter and began reading its contents.

“Emery, this is the third bird I sent. I hope that one way or another, this letter will be able to reach you. Things have become direr here in Britannia. All the signs are present and war is imminent.  My father insists on contacting you for help, but for me personally, I have a more important matter to tell you. 

Ever since you left Britannia, Gweneth has been acting differently. I previously did not wish to know about what happened between you two, but now that she has accepted my marriage proposal, I feel I must know. We will be married after the yearly tournament of the Knights of Divine Order. I hope to hear from you, or at least to have your blessing.”

The message unexpectedly bothered him more than he expected it to. The message was clear. Knowing about the yearly tournament, Emery quickly counted the date and realized the tournament would start within a few weeks.

Emery’s sudden change of expression was clearly noticed by the girl next to him.

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