Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 721: Surprise Attack

Chapter 721: Surprise Attack

Thanks to its function of camouflaging its users and placing them under most people's senses, the bracelet Emery wore gave him another overwhelming advantage.

Emery had been following the group of saint bloodline warriors. He had not yet been detected by the other party till now. Even from a dozen meters of distance, of them managed to spot him. 

Seeing Brutus and the others were in a precarious situation, Emery quickly focused his attention on finding the best time to move and help them. After all, the most important factor in a surprise attack was perfect timing and flawless execution.

He continued to watch and observe. As soon as he saw the wolves' circular formation was breached, he knew it was time. 

In the blink of an eye, Emery went ahead and activated his skill that could give him an edge in combat.

[Immortal Gate – stage 5]

[Increased 32 battle power]

[Battle power 180]

The combination of the [Blink] spell, high battle power, as well as an artifact that could cloak and render him completely undetected, made these saint warriors unable to respond to the surprise attack Emery launched.

Emery's figure disappeared from where he was. Utilizing the darkness of the night and its surrounding area, he whisked away the bloodline warrior who was about to hurt the girl without much difficulty and brought him on a trip through the sky.

[Hidden Blade]

A deadly glint shone on the dagger in Emery's hand. He proceeded to send it deep into the lizard warrior. The [Moon Dagger] itself was more than enough to pierce the lizard's thick skin, but coupled with the battle art [Hidden Blade], the tip of the dagger went in and out smoothly like butter.

The lizard warrior didn't even realize he was in Emery's clutch until he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Before he could respond in any way, Emery already cast [Blink] again and brought him higher into the sky, while also attacking another part of his body.

The lizard warrior only saw a bright gleam, before another stinging pain appeared on his body, this time in the stomach.


Two more blinks into the air and two more dagger thrusts, the lizard warrior had already partially lost consciousness. Emery ended his deed by delivering a powerful blow to the lizard warrior, sending him straight down to the ground like a falling meteor.

He also did the same thing with the ape warrior and was about to send the latter on the same trip, when he noticed the winged warrior flying towards them. Knowing he couldn't use this tactic anymore, Emery decisively decided to show himself, while also taking the winged warrior down to the ground.


A loud sonorous sound resounded through the air, as three figures swiftly descended from the sky and smashed into the ground. Two of them lay weakly in the small crater from their impact, while another stood firm on top of them, his black cloak fluttering in the wind.

In a matter of seconds, Emery was able to bring the number of enemies he had to face from nine to six. One could confidently conclude this was an effective surprise attack.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of the remaining bloodline warriors shouted angrily.

Emery ignored the question thrown at him and approached Brutus, who was staring at him. He arrived here and revealed himself, while still in his Lanzo's [Shapeshifting] form, but the Dire Wolf unexpectedly didn't attack him.

It was not because he clearly showed them he came with good intentions, nor because of his earlier deed that helped them take out three of the enemies, but it was because of something else. Even the two Wind Wolf could feel it as well.

The reason the wolves didn't attack Emery right away was because they all could perceive the same mark they also had on Emery, [Mark of the Golden Wolf]. The Mark given by the patriarch, proving he wasn't merely a Wolf Bloodline, but also recognized as a member of their clan the White Fang Clan.

"You… Who are you?" Brutus discovered he could feel something familiar about the person walking towards their direction, as if they had met before. But in the end, couldn't really put his finger on it.

Emery didn't say anything. Arriving at the position where the wounded Wind Wolf filled earlier, he turned around and wordlessly took a fighting stance, ready to fight.

Of course, there was a thought about bringing them away using his [Spatial Gate]. Unfortunately, the six bloodline warriors surrounded them had dispelled their terror and charged at their direction already.

"He's just a rank 8, but he's a space caster! Attack! Don't let him get away!"

"Here they come."

The two immediately turned their attention towards the incoming six bloodline warriors. Emery, on the other hand, didn't follow their actions. Instead, he squatted down and proceeded to put his hand on the ground, concentrating on his nature core as he willed for a spell to take effect.

[Shadow Root]

In an instant, half a dozen roots erupted out of the ground akin to a volcano. However, instead of their usual slender and long form that were ideal for binding, they were twice the size that Emery usually conjured.

The reason for these roots usual form was because the function Emery needed from them was not to ensnare, but to block attacks thrown at them and beat up those bloodline warriors.


A loud dull sound resounded through the air. The roots smacked the three bloodline warriors that were running towards him like flies. As soon as they were thrown into the air and hit the nearest tree, several small roots emerged from the ground around and swiftly restrained them.

Emery cast [Blink] and disappeared from his position. His figure reappeared not near the three who were restrained, but behind the other three, who were fighting Brutus. Immediately after, he stabbed the dagger in his hand into the back of one of them.

Splat! Blood splattered as the bloodline warrior turned his head down and saw the tip of the dagger pierced his heart and through the right side of his chest. A disbelief expression appeared on his face, while his body slowly lost its strength and fell to the ground.

Seeing his comrade being brought down, the other bloodline warrior, who had spikes all over his body, felt a deep sense of terror overtaking him. At that moment, his hunch told him he was going to die if he didn't run away right now. So, he followed his instincts by turning around and dashing away.

Emery saw this, but he didn't panic. He calmly took out his sword from the spatial ring and opened a small gate in front of him before thrusting the sword into it.

Thanks to the overwhelming fear, the bloodline warrior did not notice a swirling portal appearing in his running trajectory. It was only when deed was done did he realize he had actually delivered himself straight into death's embrace.


Brutus did not waste the opportunity Emery gave him as he immediately went all-out and took down the lone bloodline warrior with his ferocious set of claw attacks. He also didn't forget to approach the bloodline warriors Emery took down and make sure they died.

This left the bloodline warriors to three, who were restrained by Emery's [Shadow Root]. They already broke free from the restraints imposed on them, but only glared daggers at Emery and the others.

Now they basically had similar numbers, but the bloodline warriors did not seem to dare to attack for fear of death. They just kept moving around in a circle, seeming to just want to make sure Emery didn't leave.

Emery realized this was their chance to run away and quickly told the other three about this plan of his. His resolve was doubled when his spirit reading sensed four strong magus aura already making their way to this location.

"Let's go!"

As he said that, Emery disappeared and reappeared near the unconscious girl lying on the ground. He quickly picked her up and put her on his shoulder before rotating his palm. Space in front of Emery distorted as the spell slowly took effect.

[Spatial Gate]

"Hang on, Silva. I will definitely take you to a safe place," Emery whispered, looking at his pale face and realized the girl was slowly coming to her senses.

However, before the gate was actually formed, Emery saw one of the bloodline warriors throw a barrage of black orbs. Brutus and the others were caught off guard by this and it was too late to prevent it.

Those orbs quickly hit the distorted space and a powerful explosion occurred as a result.


The explosion caused the half-formed gate to fall apart. Emery and the girl who was on his shoulder, were thrown and separated from each other.

When he tried to stand up and approach, a grim expression appeared on his face as Emery could sense the four magus were very close.

"They are coming!"

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