Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 722: Run!

Chapter 722: Run!

The four powerful magus-level auras that Emery had detected moved at high speed, crossing the complex terrain of the dense forest as if it were a prairie. At the speed of which they were going, Emery estimated that the group could cover the entire 50 mile distance in just under a minute or two.

By the time Emery recovered from the dizziness from the explosion and was about to get on his feet again, the group of magus was already around the corner and could arrive at any moment.

Knowing entirely well that the situation was about to go from dangerous to disastrous, Emery instantly shouted with all the air in his lungs.

"I take the girl! Let's go!"

He extended his hand over to the still unconscious girl and quickly brought her into his embrace before facing in the opposite direction the group of magus was coming from. The spirit energy within his body churned vigorously as his figure disappeared and reappeared continuously, moving past the encirclement that the bloodline warriors had set up.

"Don't worry, Silva. I will not let them take you!" muttered Emery under his breath while continuing to cast [Blink].

Even though he could no longer see the bloodline warriors in his line of sight, Emery with the girl in his arms continued to run as if his life depended on it. 

He wanted to gain as much distance as possible before casting the more time-consuming [Spatial Gate] because he knew he couldn't afford to fail the second time. Not only would Silva's life be in danger, his life would also be in danger.

Emery didn't even have the capacity to worry about Brutus or the other two Wind Wolf warriors. In his eyes, his act of saving the girl was already considered a high enough contribution. 

If he could, Emery would naturally and gladly help the three of them escape. But alas, the current him simply did not have enough strength to help everyone.

As his figure dashed through the dark forest, Emery with his spirit reading could tell that everyone was making their way towards him. The bloodline warriors were hot on his tail, while Brutus and the Wind Wolf warriors were just right behind them.

However, Emery knew that the real problem was the group of magus at the far back. It would only be a matter of time before he met them, and if it happened, Emery really had no idea what his fate would be.

"Urgh!! I just need a few seconds! Only a few seconds so I can cast my spell safely," cursed Emery.

Knowing the magus' group would only continue to shorten the distance between them, Emery decided to use another trick he had in his mind.

A hint of determination flashed in his eyes. "It's now or never!"

Emery concentrated his focus on his nature core, channeling and molding the spirit energy that flowed in his body to his whims as he cast two spells simultaneously. Sweat appeared on his forehead while his veins bulged and could be seen, showing how difficult the feat he was about to do.

[Shadow Root]

[Granite Wall]

The earth shook as the ground split apart. From within, the widest and thickest granite wall Emery ever created rapidly rose to the air. Dozens of roots followed its entrance as they began to creep and establish their dominance on this newly-risen wall, enveloping it with their existence.

Emery timed the spells' completion in such a way so that he could pass through right before it closed up, blocking all the people at the back. The feat took a great toll on him that he nearly stumbled on his way inside.

Even though he was feeling very tired, Emery knew he the wall wont hold. Not going to let this chance go, he proceeded to cast spatial gate.

The gate had finally succeeded in forming, located 50 miles away in the opposite direction of those pursuing him. 

However, just as Emery was about to step into it, he noticed that another energy signature came rushing from the other side just near the portal he had just created. It was another powerful magus.

"What?! Another one??!"

Not knowing whether the new arrival was an ally or foe, Emery immediately closed the portal on the other hand and quickly tried to form another one in another direction, any direction will do!.

Alas, reality wasn't kind enough to give him a second chance.

Before the second gate could fully take shape, Emery watched the wall of plants and granite he had created fall apart like a sandcastle.

It was cut and sliced ​​into several pieces by a slender magus, and when he went inside, Emery saw a splatter of blood and chunks of flesh entering along with the other party. After taking a closer look, he realized that it was the body part of one of the bloodline warriors who was clearly dismembered without mercy.

It was Magus Leon, carrying the heavily wounded Beatrice on his back.

As soon as he saw Emery, he raised the menacing sword in his hand and said, "Give that girl to me now!"

However, before Emery could respond, the next group had arrived and they came in with a strong display.

Emery watched speechlessly as Brutus' body flew past the broken wall and him at great speed, traveling hundreds of feet through the air before crashing into a tree.

What happened next was the sight of the wall turning into a block of ice and shattering into numerous pieces. 

Two figure appear from the ice shards; Magus Nimeria who was currently looking extremely sinister and Magus Jigow who was carrying the two Wind Wolf warriors in each of his arms.


Terrifiying crisp sound of bones breaking quickly shocked him, as he saw the two struggling Wind Wolf warriors limply fall to the side. Magus Jigow just killed those two people, and he did it as easily as killing a chicken.

"No more running," said Magus Nimeria coldly, her gaze focused on Magus Leon.

She noticed that Magus Leon's attention was not on her, and so she turned her gaze to see what he was staring at. Emery had a wry smile in his heart when he saw the surprise on her face as she looked at him.

"You!! You are that boy at the tavern!! Who are you?!"

Magus Nimeria, a Tiger Bloodline possessor and peak magus; at her current strongest state, her sharp gaze coupled with her booming voice were enough to shake Emery's mind.

After calming his disorganized heart, Emery quickly assessed the situation and couldn't help but panic. Right now, both him and Magus Leon had someone they couldn't let go on their hand. 

He tried to think of a way they could escape from this predicament, but he simply couldn't find one no matter how hard he thought.

Meanwhile, Magus Nimeria was furious when she saw Emery not answering her question. But before she could do anything, Emery could sense that magus he had sensed earlier was about to arrive.

Seeing that the two bloodline magus were distracted by the oncoming figure, Emery inwardly and sincerely hoped that this time it would be a friendly one. Otherwise, his fate would only be sealed here.


In the distance, the group saw that a grove of trees had fallen to the ground and was still continuing. From this scene, it could be clearly seen that this oncoming magus was bulldozing through everything in their path on their way to their location.

As this magus drew near, Emery could feel that the other party had the White Fang's aura in him. A sense of relief silently rose in his heart as he felt the other party emit an aura as strong as a peak Full Moon magus.

The figure finally arrived and every pair of eyes were on them.

It was a short hair man with dark glossy hair. His bare chest which was covered with tattoos and furry dark fur all around his body. 

Emery recognized the other party.

He was Heorgar, the wolf pack leader who challenged Chief Beowulf 's leadership on the Rave.

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